Monday, 22 June 2009

First 7 days


I have completed the 7 questions today so setting my bottom and top lines. Wow. Finding it funny right now as if being told how to be yet at the same time understand that these are boundaries that will assist me.
I am sure I will find it difficult at some point very soon. Man!
If you can understand, dear Bliss, that the 3 greatest obstacles between you and the life of your wildest dreams are actually imaginary, a product of your mind alone, I do believe we'll blow the wheels clear off this popsicle stand."
Push-Ups" for everyone,
The Universe

Saturday, 20 June 2009


An unmistakable trait of every true genius, Bliss, is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to know. And an unmistakable trait of every true sage is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to love.
Loving you more today than yesterday,
The Universe

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Capability Time

You only ever have to do what you're capable of doing, Bliss, because by design, no matter how things appear, you'll always have enough time to do it, you'll do even better than you would have thought, and life will get even richer than you could have imagined.
The Universe

Monday, 15 June 2009

worth a billion

If you had been born knowing how beautiful, deserving, and important you truly are, Bliss, by this time in your life you'd probably be worth billions of dollars, have thousands of friends, and own businesses around the world, but then... you wouldn't be anything like the Bliss we know and love today.
And believe me, when I say "we," there are a lot of us.
All in favor...
The Universe

Right Questions

Can't believe I am writing this rather than doing last minute practices. This will be brief
I am so certain I am not going to be able to dot this. I had a dream about writing one essay that was OK but of course not enough to pass.
Right I will be done for by this evening - it will be finished by 615pm
Until then au revoir

ps please pray for the questions to be right for the revision I have done - which is limited

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Like being at a bad wedding ...

I have a cold. It's horrid. I have a sore nose, headache, no energy and hot sweats on and off. Just perfect for revision (albeit at the last minute I know).

The EM Beer and Music Fextival was a load of old rubbish. £8. I feel we have been ripped off. That included absolutely nothing. The music was less than average. The Usual Suspects - good looking saxophonist but rubbish music and not even great musicians. I couldn't do beeter but I am not putting myself out there as entertainment.

So it's not my style of music, but as S said "it's like being at a bad wedding". Know exactly what he meant.

So I am angry about having paid £8 and not got any money's worth. It could have been a good event. But really it was very unprofessionally organised. The food was expensive and nothing for vegetarians. I will make a complaint to the organisers if I can find a correspondance address. I could have gone over this morning whilst I was walking LouLou to ask who I shoudl speak with but was too scared. That's it you see I am too scared to be known as a complainer etc so I don't do it.

My dad always used to get embarrassed if my mum complained. People do seem to think it's wrong to complain. Where does all that come from. Lack of self-worth.

Right I will oook on the EM website now - and I have sent off a request for a refund for all 3 tickets. I will look forward to seeing what happens.

I will be hated amongst the villagers I am sure but I will not be supporting other events under the current circumstances

Well revision with Kerry was worrying. She has a lot more useful information embedded in her brain.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Responsibility and Rescue

Very simply, Pamela, the more that you accept responsibility for, the more power you have.
Doesn't that rock?
The Universe

As you can see I have not even started revising and it's already 10:14 am.
Wondering if C will be at the school reunion thingy on 27th The reality is I might have to choose not to go - just in case. The woman in the red dress - the killer part of this love addiction thinks this is great - more mean drama - create more intrigue and power. Oh no this is the avoidant isn't it?
Avoidant - woman in red dress, mysterious, doesn't talk about herself, hooks them in, has sex and then dumps them. She is the sexualised fury too - how does that compute avoidant and sexualised anger but it's the power I like. Yuch. Then there is the addict who appears as a rag doll tossed aside in the corner, crying, no life, no energy to even lift her head - abandoned, sad. She is considered pathetic by the lady in red.
I will write more - today has been another difficult day! Surprise surprise

Many things to write no time to tell it

Bliss, it's supposed to be easy. Everything is supposed to be easy. Everything is easy. You live in a dream world. You're surrounded by illusions. And the illusions change when you change your thinking!
Tell yourself it's easy. Tell yourself often. Make it a mantra. Eat, sleep, and breathe it. And your life shall be transformed.

It's supposed to be easy,
The Universe

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Happiness first

Happiness comes first, Bliss. Partners, abundance, and cool shoes come later.
Or at least this is how I'd line up my duckies.
Ungawa -
The Universe

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Holding me back

There will always be people in your life, Bliss, who hold you back, who cost you too much, and who fail to see all you've done for them. But, of course, they're just there to teach you that you do have time, that you'll always be rich, and that your own high standards are all that matter.
You knew that,
The Universe

The Shitty Committee

I was just given that little saying "the shitty committee" made me laugh. My shitty committee, tells me I am not good, I will never meet anyone nice so accept whatever is available to you, just the fact that someone pays attention to em is all I am worth.
I was all told that we addicts keep drinking salt water when what we need is nice fresh water. We keep drinking it, it makes us thirstier and eventually sends us mad. To begin with we don;t know this, then after the denial of what's going on has broken down we can't stop not even knowing where to get the fresh water from. Hopefully we find it before it's too late and we go mad and die.

What a good analogy. I made up the bit after the initial drinking salt water when what we need is fresh water. I probably don;t need to spell that out for most people bu t for me I need to have the entire story with examples otherwise I just don;t get it - all too subtle for me.

I amf eeling ashamed today.

What if though the sexual/aggression was not triggered by being abused? What if I have made that all up? What if the wound is not made but I was born with it? Then it is all me. You see I thnk I am tryiung to balme still. But I am uncomfortable with blame as it's useless. I know intellectually it is noone's fault really. My dad has been an ill man for many years. And then the men that I have engaged with apparently are liekly to have been ill too, all the time widening this wound into my sexual/aggression part of the soul. The soul surely though is made of more than sexual need for survival and procreation and aggression to aid the survival?????
I said that to S and he said yes but those are the prominent parts of the soul. Really?
I get it on an evolutionary psychology basis. But surely there is more to us humans than that. Maybe not - maybe that's the stuff we are supposed to learn.
Mmmmm interesting.

Now I need some evidence to support these theories - back to the revision.

Too embarrassed

Clever L, she suggested that I text her - that's how it works she responded. Of course. If it was decent friendly things then I could send it to anyone.
Hopefully that will subside too.
I can realy see how I have been sexualising the anger. How many times have I said it's OK to be angry it's the behaviour. Grrrrr at me.
And yet also I feel gentler with me too. I really have understood at a feeling level the power of the powerlessness. Want to put in the little sketch diagram S drew last night to explain the ID. He says that the ID is Sexual/Aggression raw and then the idea is that our care givers provide us with the EGO, the teraching and loving that we receive creates a sort of membrane protection and interfacs with the world outside, or preparing us all the time to interrelate. The problem is that if the child is abused a wound is created straight into the ID - the fuck versus kill message create fury. Children are immensely clever and develop a cap to keep the explosive fury in - addiction, defence mechanisms such as angst (anxiety about everything), repression (disturbed feelings are just shut out or forgotten), displacement (feelings are placed upon someone, something else), sublimation (sexualising other things such as being creative or caring, libido or energy put into other things - sexual anorexia?), projection (project anger and sxualisation onto other people - blame), reaction information (exaggerating the opposite to the repressed impulse).
There a bit of revision at the same time.

Must go - phongin a S L A new contact. Restrict to 20 mins max as then need to get on with revision. Need to leave at 1130 to collect parcel from post office and get to work by 1pm. No dropping off LouLou coz I left her at A's since Sunday so could be with C uninterrupted. So selfish I am.

More aware than ever I have been. Scared of these withdrawls. It's all such bullshit fantasy talk. It is my addiction
The reality is I have an exam to focus on - get on with it.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Lady in the red dress

A really helpful session with S.
I have to learn to look after myself but I just don;t feel capable or even want the responsibility. As I am, I am crazed and a bloody liability. The little girl within me just wants to be saved from all the bad things and people.
My safe place is a little room, I mean a tiny room where I can curl up - it's dark in my room but safe. It's at the end of a long long corridor and none knows the room is there. Noone bothers to even look down the corridor.
I have seen eyes in the corner of the room.
I have had a violent relapse as S puts it. I have cut . I deserve better you see. I was manipulative. There is another part of me - there is the lady in the red dress. She sort of arrives, is very attractive, sees a guy who has spotted her, has a torrid affair fr a couple fo days and then she disappears without saying very much at all. She is all powerful and I think she represents the rage that I am feeling. well detaching from and S says that's probabkly saved me to this point in my life. There will be a time I suppose when I will need to face it full on.
Well now I m tired and even though my bed and bedroom feel sordid and violated I will sleep in here.
Night - .
Really night now

Thursday, 4 June 2009

See you in the VIP

The Universe wrote to me today and said that for every time I have been duped in some way, for instance overcharged, I will be repaid.
I will live like a rockstar.
I don't understand this ..... Unvierse can you explain please?

Richer beyond my wildest dreams

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Me according to Facebook

Raoul Duke
From "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." You're a writer in the loosest sense of the term. You're an adventurer, as long as an adventure entails getting lost in the city of lights by use of any (and every) drug on hand, but you're never too sure if you're actually having fun.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Little girl tugging at my sleeve

This is what my friend said about the inner child.
When I want to use it is because mylittle girl is tugging at my sleeve to get my attention and When I focus that attention on a man, a fantasy or another addiction I am abandoning her as my parents did. Would I do that to my own daughter or nephew? Yes, if Iwas still in the addiction.
this friend also said, 'ignore your inner child at your own peril.'
I love that.