They bring me to tears every single day, Bliss.
They're almost too much to bear.
Sometimes, I even wonder how it's possible...
Of course, I'm talking about your supernatural resilience, your steely courage, and your gritty determination.
Thy kingdom come,
The Universe
God essence of woman and sensuality in this photo.........

Master arrived last Friday. I was surprised that instantly the slave in me was so much quieter and the lover the main voice. Master also was less Master it seemed and more lover. I don't remember speaking very much about this.
We made love ..... often, lovingly, gently, beautifully.
Master displayed his power, reminding me that I am his slave. I submitted willingly and excitedly. For some time Master had spoken about the need to restrain me. He had asked me how I would feel about this. I remember feeling the thrill rise from my clit, through my pussy and tingle throughout my body.
Master wrapped my collar around my neck, tightening it so that I could feel it firmly. He took hold of it and pulled me towards him, then kissing me firmly and taking my mouth for his own. His tongue darting in and out of my mouth forcefully. Then he took the D-clip and attached it to my collar. I did not know what to expect. Master took his cuffs and tauntingly played with them. I felt a fear as well as the excitement. He let me touch them and feel the coldness of the metal. Master clicked them showing me how they work. Telling me that it is not advisable to cuff people with their hands in front of them, and as he tightened them on my wrists, Master took my hands over my head and clipped the cuffs to the D-clip. I was totally exposed. He coolly asked if the cuffs were tight on my wrists. I said that the right hand felt very tight. Master didn't seem to pay attention to my words as he started to use my body.
I felt excitement once again at my vulnerability and also a degree of fear at my complete helplessness. Master took every bit of me. My nipples, my breasts, my tummy, my neck, moving around my body - his mouth, his fingers. Sitting in nadu, I could feel the tension in the muscles of my arms and the cuffs pushing hard into my wrists. Master layed me down relieving the mild aching. He continued to utilise my clit and my pussy. He brought me to the point of climax, touching and looking at every part. I was helpless to hide or move subtly the parts of me I am usually shy to let him see. I could not this time.
Master, wise to the woman's body, stopped stimulating me and after a few moments my clit started to relax, the tightening in my pussy muscles loosening. Master started touching me again, fast, slow, his fingers exploring me bringing me close to climax once again. Once again, Master stopped, my moans ignored completely. The next occasion Master chose to touch me, just when I expected him to stop, he continued, pushing me over the edge into orgasm. I shook, I sighed, my muscles contracting with such strength. I could not stop. Master watched and smiled and watched. He pressed on my clit
He left me lying there, cuffed and helpless, naked and exposed. We spoke with me still restrained this way, helpless. Master asked me to get up. He moved my position to hold me close to him. I was so thankful for his loving of me as I felt so exposed and somehow bad.
When Master eventually unclasped the cuffs from the D-clip, he brought my hands still cuffed in front of me. He did not immediately release me but instead talked about the bruises on my wrists and how that might b e difficult for me to explain..........
I was very aware for the rest of his stay that Master's cuffs stayed by our bed until he packed them as he was leaving. I was excited and wary of when he might want to restrain me again. He talked of cuffing me to the bed - wrists and ankles and might even leave me there.
He left when we were more lovers than Master/slave.
The slave in me, at the moment, is very very quiet. The lover was the prominent one over the weekend with my love, Master. The Master seemed not to be so prominent in him. I wonder if we reflect each other, or if actually the slave in me brings out my Master. Does Master insist on me being a good slave? He is such a loving Master and thoughtful of my situation - very respectful. My situation is hormonal - I truly believe that hormones are very powerful indeed - over my mood, my energy, my desire, my appetite, my shape, my whole being, I know that with the little biology I have studied in understanding psychology, hormones are incredibly important and influential in our very existence. Master does not seem to try to override these and told me that he also is feeling very unsexy at this time. Maybe Master's other responsibilities are playing a bigger role right now, maybe he is unsexy because I am. I wonder how I would manage if he were to exercise his rights as Master.
I miss Master since he returned home. I loved Master being with me and me being able to do things for him. I felt very special.
Master is away this weekend. This is the first evening in 7 months he has not summoned me to speak with him. It feels odd. I have him on my mind.
I will speak with my friend E, and there is endless tim e to speak with her, Normally I am eager to end conversations so that I can be available for Master. He wondered if I felt pressured. Oh no - I long to be summoned by him. I rush around to make sure I am available for him. Howver, I do of course recognise that my friends get little of my attention these days. So Master being away this weekend leaves me feeling like there is a lot of emptiness to fill.
I also have a guilt free weekend. I have no studying to do. Not that I was actually studying all through this year. But whilst I wasn't I was always feeling the guilt. Oh thank goodness the exam is over. I oscillate between thinking I have done enough for a Pass 4 to suddenly thinking what I didn't write and how awful it was.
Please Universe allow me the Pass 4. Ashamed as I am not to have put all y effort to attain the grades I now know I am capable of, I would be grateful to pass and not have to re-visit this grinding course. Elements have been fascinating but it's also very repetitive. Grrrrrrr.
My friend S is on SL. It's odd but it's created a desire for me to return and introduce her to PR - and to enjoy her newness - see it all again through her eyes. Wow reading about her first experiences how it reminded me of the childlike wonder of my arrival into SL. The magic, the splendour, the flying, the colours, the people, the incredible numbers of people, the funniest of new experiences, nudeness by accident, vampires, costumes, beauty, well I can go on and on recalling the scenes.
I told her to look after her heart and already I read that she has met a less than reliable person. I look forward to her meeting some of the lovely people. She has been to Chakryn Forest and oh my met someone who has started introducing her to Gorean slavery.
Wow when I think of all the things that she has yet to encounter. I have had such an adventure. I wish I had written my experiences as they happened. I get too impatient to write events after they have happened - after all too much is happening int he hear and now to go back. Yet I had so many wild and colourful experiences. Fun, sadness, shock, eye-opening shock, comfort, friendship, sharing, annoyance - well you name it I had it and a heap more too.