Wow! What an exhibition. I loved it.
Since last writing I have been to see Degas ad Grayson Perry. Both wonderful experiences and very very different. But today I absolutely felt energised. Looing at the Degas I was bemused y the delicacy of his pastels but mainly felt a glow within from the later works. Although I loved the little ballerina sculpture. And I laughed out loud at the Grayson perry's - so entertaining and light yet precise and thoughtful. The Tomb of the Unamed Artist. He developed his ideas from artefacts he chose from around the British Musuem - artefacts of course with no known creators.
I laughed at his lightness and sense of fun. I adored his pots. A usual these days I wanted to take one.
I so wanted to take several of Richter's paintings. I would so love to own peoples art work. The brush strokes just thrill me, or the trials and experiments. The live energy that has gone into them. I get so energised. And I did today. I felt the excitement enter me. I become all inspired myself. I want to do and try and play. Then I remind myself that I'm not good enough to.
I am ever so grateful that I can visit the galleries from time to time and learn and experience. I know little but nonetheless I am enthusiastic. I would so love to be able to get to see the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition - no tickets. Poop.

It's been an odd few months since I last poured my heart into writing. So much has happened I won't get it all written today. Perhaps I will write some of my experiences as I can recall them over the next couple of days. There has been death, passion, disappointment, changes, fear, interest and growth.
If only I could express that visually.
Oh heard a song this evening I liked.
I heard it on Black Mirror 2 15 million credits. The screenplay reminded me of SL - bu this was a living entrapment of it. Plauible future! Terrifying.
Well I'm off to beddie byes.
Since last writing I have been to see Degas ad Grayson Perry. Both wonderful experiences and very very different. But today I absolutely felt energised. Looing at the Degas I was bemused y the delicacy of his pastels but mainly felt a glow within from the later works. Although I loved the little ballerina sculpture. And I laughed out loud at the Grayson perry's - so entertaining and light yet precise and thoughtful. The Tomb of the Unamed Artist. He developed his ideas from artefacts he chose from around the British Musuem - artefacts of course with no known creators.
I laughed at his lightness and sense of fun. I adored his pots. A usual these days I wanted to take one.
I so wanted to take several of Richter's paintings. I would so love to own peoples art work. The brush strokes just thrill me, or the trials and experiments. The live energy that has gone into them. I get so energised. And I did today. I felt the excitement enter me. I become all inspired myself. I want to do and try and play. Then I remind myself that I'm not good enough to.
I am ever so grateful that I can visit the galleries from time to time and learn and experience. I know little but nonetheless I am enthusiastic. I would so love to be able to get to see the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition - no tickets. Poop.
It's been an odd few months since I last poured my heart into writing. So much has happened I won't get it all written today. Perhaps I will write some of my experiences as I can recall them over the next couple of days. There has been death, passion, disappointment, changes, fear, interest and growth.
If only I could express that visually.
Oh heard a song this evening I liked.
I heard it on Black Mirror 2 15 million credits. The screenplay reminded me of SL - bu this was a living entrapment of it. Plauible future! Terrifying.
Well I'm off to beddie byes.