Darling Flo, I love you so
Especially in your nightie
When the moonlight flits
Across tits
Jesus Christ almighty
he he he he he he.

I read on another blog these very thoght provoking sentiments ...
"I want to be not only accepted but needed. Not only needed but cherished. Not only cherished but respected. All of me … not just my body … not just for what I represent or provide or satisfy but because someone wants to see who I am … really, really see … See all the parts of me and still wants me as a whole - wants me “as is”. http://www.ladycheeky.com/post/1250918151/like-me-and-guerre-sigh
A part of my gorwth over these last 9 years has involved me gradually liking me and finding ways to love me. Indeed an element of this in recent months, nearly a year has been to alow myself to enjoy my sexuality. I am learning and discovering my pleasure and have nothing to be ashamed of. I still feel embarrassed to ask Master to touch myself and to request an orgasm. I think he will think I am dirty.
Learning to accept Master and all his personal time is more and more a priority. Second of course to bodily pleasures he requires. As his slave I have no rights amyway. As lovers, I have wanted certainty. Assurances that he will not be dishonest or secretive with me. That I will know everything. But this is not respecting him as he is. Master may wish to have privacy and not tell me all. And here I am asking him to be open and honest with me. This is controlling perhaps. I am not sure. What I am realising is that I can learn to respect him being and doing exactly the person he is. I think this is being a better slave - no? And a better lover too perhaps. And I keep remnding myself if ever something arises that I really cannot tolerate then I have choices. I can ask him to sell me or give me away to another Master. I will never run away. And as lovers, I can choose to stop even if he refuses to pass me on as his slave.
It is not acceptable anyway for this slave to ask Master to make changes. I have expressed my feelings when finding some behaviour surprising. I know I am not entitled to this as his slave. I am not entitled to demand as his lover but I do have thoughts and feelings to express that all help communicating and to me that is intimacy. And also learning.
I love Master and my lover for the man he is and to do that entirely I need to embrace the way he is.
This means that when pondering about what he might be doing, I need to find some way to get the questioing out of my mind. And for today it is possible for me to accept that all is well. Whatever he is doing he has been in contact, very loving towards me and has said he will summon me later. Tomorrow can bring anything and is another days adventure and growth opportunity.
And after all I had a degree of certainty with SH and look what happened it all went horribly wrong . I ddn't want to be with him anymore and he didn't want to be with me anymore. He didn;t want me to have a life of my own and I didn;t even volunteer to be a slave. I was enslaved without the benefits.
I plan to be with Master for a long time. Just for today as they say.
I have asked Master if he can help my growth through the days when I flip out and act insanely through my insecurity and paranoia. It turns into suspicion and disbelief. I don't know how he can help me with that but he says he will support me. I am so very grateful to Master. He is a wonderful masterly Master.
I do keep getting to this point and then lose it again. Fear creeps up and paranoia sets in and the insecurity just runs away with my calm and serenity.
So thw painting I have attached above by Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema to me represents me living with and amongst Master and his desires. However that might be. Accepting of all. I love Master. I adore him. I love my lover. I love him. And because of this I wish to learn how to honour him just the way he is.
Universe I need help and strength because these fears in me can be overpowering at times and then the controller in me takes over. Universe please teach me to be acceptant and submit entirely.
LR has sent me and email. She says she would like to train me as her slave and present me to Master at some tme in the future. Within the imagination, this conjures up a very exciting and creative fantasy. In reality - well ................ Master and I spoke about the differences between creative ideas being so very sexually stimulating but never to be in reality. Being a slave arouses me and being totally without choice arouses me. Master is my love. Being a slave to a Mistress is pure fantastical excitement.
Isn;t that the point of erotica, stimulating the imagination in turn exciting the sexiness. I have even felt jealous when Master has been turned on through fantasy or the way a woman holds a cup or touches her hair. I can also find such simple things absolutely compelling. This feeds my insecurity too that he might abandon me for that womans style. See how insecure I am. Universe please take it away!!
I recall Masters excitement when I explained how LR planned on tieing me and gagging mem Then she will place me under her bed. She would leave me there as she and Master would fuck on the bed and he wouldn;t know I was there. I felt my heart breaking thinking of this in realilty. Master was excited at this scene. Yet the idea also excites me - my utter helplessness and position when Master and a Mistress are powerful together. The complete control of them versus me in my utter slavery. The pain of betrayal and reality of my status. Master may not even make me feel better afterwards, Oh more pain!
Can I really leanr to accept and tolerate anything to be able to love my love fully. When as Master he can do anything. Certainly there is a lot to overcome for me within such matter that hold such conflict for me. I need some teaching I think.

This photo is full of emotion. Something is about to happen and all my senses are being excited. He will take her as Master expects me to be available to him at all times. Vulnerable, The softness of the voile, nowehere really to hide.
This photo is sensual to me. I am attracted to the shades and steaminess I sense. Master can see her whenever he wants - her room merely opaque, flimsy voile.
I feel vulnerable, nowhere is my own.
A letter I sent to a power supplier EON, It made me smile at myself and released my fury at the same time. Not written in the best grammar and certainly you can detect my dyslexia I believe. But who cares. I felt like I had had my say. They say .... they will get back to me within 5 days (on an automatic response email - pah!). I think if I had spoken to them I would have been holpping ad shouting and demanding but getting nowhere. In turn my fury who have been increasing ....
it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Macbeth Quote (Act V, Scene V).
I wish to express how infuriated I get just receiving a standardised letter from EON. It will pass but always quicker by venting my frustration.
OK - I ahve one issue and as a result a request that I was just going to leave.
My issue is that today I have received a letter saying that you need to increase my Direct Debit to you. Well This is unsastisfactory as you currently OWE ME MONEY! Please return the money you owe me immediately and then I will consider the increase in Direct Debit. You have had my money now for several months so assume that you will also return it with interest???? That would be damned well pleasing!
Please do something reasonable that leaves me feeling less angry at your selfishness and what looks like pure greed for more more more.
I have appreciated over the last couple of years a service. No hassle but I had to fight for that the last tme you tried getting greedy and unreasonable with me. Now I have to do it again. This is not what I call service but sadly everyone does it so it seems everyone will. You know what I received amazing service levels from Apple recently - I think there are models occasionally of what is good service and perhaps there would be less hassle. or maybe we have to have bad service to be able to appreciate good - damn!
The next part of my email to you is a request from you to take a look at my charges. I recently received from you, details of my change of account. Or rather a reduction in the discounts you are now giving.
Well based on my actual useage and not your guestimates would you have one of your experts take a look and see if there is a plan that would reduce my costs please? Now I feel like begging when really as a customer I am perfectly entitled to ask you to assess the best deal for me and what I hope for is fairness.
My experience of services in the UK is not fairness and I guess that means I have to read every bit of small print to make sure you dont rip me off.
What a society of take, take, take we live in. Pity as I meet some wonderful, wonderful situations of sharing too. Must hold onto that.
Well I have had my say. Its a mix of venting but also request of action from you people.
Please can someone respond and I live in hope of it being a provision of service and fairness. Not all in your favour for a change?
I look forward to someone calling me. I promise to work on remaining calm and very aware its not the individuals fault. Whoever calls you work in a very difficult job. Hope you get paid fairly for the task you take on.
I am a nice person and a lot less hot tempered now.
Thanks for at least having this means of me venting before having to try and sort out the issue at hand.
Especially in your nightie
When the moonlight flits
Across tits
Jesus Christ almighty
he he he he he he.
I read on another blog these very thoght provoking sentiments ...
"I want to be not only accepted but needed. Not only needed but cherished. Not only cherished but respected. All of me … not just my body … not just for what I represent or provide or satisfy but because someone wants to see who I am … really, really see … See all the parts of me and still wants me as a whole - wants me “as is”. http://www.ladycheeky.com/post/1250918151/like-me-and-guerre-sigh
A part of my gorwth over these last 9 years has involved me gradually liking me and finding ways to love me. Indeed an element of this in recent months, nearly a year has been to alow myself to enjoy my sexuality. I am learning and discovering my pleasure and have nothing to be ashamed of. I still feel embarrassed to ask Master to touch myself and to request an orgasm. I think he will think I am dirty.
Learning to accept Master and all his personal time is more and more a priority. Second of course to bodily pleasures he requires. As his slave I have no rights amyway. As lovers, I have wanted certainty. Assurances that he will not be dishonest or secretive with me. That I will know everything. But this is not respecting him as he is. Master may wish to have privacy and not tell me all. And here I am asking him to be open and honest with me. This is controlling perhaps. I am not sure. What I am realising is that I can learn to respect him being and doing exactly the person he is. I think this is being a better slave - no? And a better lover too perhaps. And I keep remnding myself if ever something arises that I really cannot tolerate then I have choices. I can ask him to sell me or give me away to another Master. I will never run away. And as lovers, I can choose to stop even if he refuses to pass me on as his slave.
It is not acceptable anyway for this slave to ask Master to make changes. I have expressed my feelings when finding some behaviour surprising. I know I am not entitled to this as his slave. I am not entitled to demand as his lover but I do have thoughts and feelings to express that all help communicating and to me that is intimacy. And also learning.
I love Master and my lover for the man he is and to do that entirely I need to embrace the way he is.
This means that when pondering about what he might be doing, I need to find some way to get the questioing out of my mind. And for today it is possible for me to accept that all is well. Whatever he is doing he has been in contact, very loving towards me and has said he will summon me later. Tomorrow can bring anything and is another days adventure and growth opportunity.
And after all I had a degree of certainty with SH and look what happened it all went horribly wrong . I ddn't want to be with him anymore and he didn't want to be with me anymore. He didn;t want me to have a life of my own and I didn;t even volunteer to be a slave. I was enslaved without the benefits.
I plan to be with Master for a long time. Just for today as they say.
I have asked Master if he can help my growth through the days when I flip out and act insanely through my insecurity and paranoia. It turns into suspicion and disbelief. I don't know how he can help me with that but he says he will support me. I am so very grateful to Master. He is a wonderful masterly Master.
I do keep getting to this point and then lose it again. Fear creeps up and paranoia sets in and the insecurity just runs away with my calm and serenity.
So thw painting I have attached above by Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema to me represents me living with and amongst Master and his desires. However that might be. Accepting of all. I love Master. I adore him. I love my lover. I love him. And because of this I wish to learn how to honour him just the way he is.
Universe I need help and strength because these fears in me can be overpowering at times and then the controller in me takes over. Universe please teach me to be acceptant and submit entirely.
LR has sent me and email. She says she would like to train me as her slave and present me to Master at some tme in the future. Within the imagination, this conjures up a very exciting and creative fantasy. In reality - well ................ Master and I spoke about the differences between creative ideas being so very sexually stimulating but never to be in reality. Being a slave arouses me and being totally without choice arouses me. Master is my love. Being a slave to a Mistress is pure fantastical excitement.
Isn;t that the point of erotica, stimulating the imagination in turn exciting the sexiness. I have even felt jealous when Master has been turned on through fantasy or the way a woman holds a cup or touches her hair. I can also find such simple things absolutely compelling. This feeds my insecurity too that he might abandon me for that womans style. See how insecure I am. Universe please take it away!!
I recall Masters excitement when I explained how LR planned on tieing me and gagging mem Then she will place me under her bed. She would leave me there as she and Master would fuck on the bed and he wouldn;t know I was there. I felt my heart breaking thinking of this in realilty. Master was excited at this scene. Yet the idea also excites me - my utter helplessness and position when Master and a Mistress are powerful together. The complete control of them versus me in my utter slavery. The pain of betrayal and reality of my status. Master may not even make me feel better afterwards, Oh more pain!
Can I really leanr to accept and tolerate anything to be able to love my love fully. When as Master he can do anything. Certainly there is a lot to overcome for me within such matter that hold such conflict for me. I need some teaching I think.
This photo is full of emotion. Something is about to happen and all my senses are being excited. He will take her as Master expects me to be available to him at all times. Vulnerable, The softness of the voile, nowehere really to hide.
This photo is sensual to me. I am attracted to the shades and steaminess I sense. Master can see her whenever he wants - her room merely opaque, flimsy voile.
I feel vulnerable, nowhere is my own.
A letter I sent to a power supplier EON, It made me smile at myself and released my fury at the same time. Not written in the best grammar and certainly you can detect my dyslexia I believe. But who cares. I felt like I had had my say. They say .... they will get back to me within 5 days (on an automatic response email - pah!). I think if I had spoken to them I would have been holpping ad shouting and demanding but getting nowhere. In turn my fury who have been increasing ....
it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Macbeth Quote (Act V, Scene V).
I wish to express how infuriated I get just receiving a standardised letter from EON. It will pass but always quicker by venting my frustration.
OK - I ahve one issue and as a result a request that I was just going to leave.
My issue is that today I have received a letter saying that you need to increase my Direct Debit to you. Well This is unsastisfactory as you currently OWE ME MONEY! Please return the money you owe me immediately and then I will consider the increase in Direct Debit. You have had my money now for several months so assume that you will also return it with interest???? That would be damned well pleasing!
Please do something reasonable that leaves me feeling less angry at your selfishness and what looks like pure greed for more more more.
I have appreciated over the last couple of years a service. No hassle but I had to fight for that the last tme you tried getting greedy and unreasonable with me. Now I have to do it again. This is not what I call service but sadly everyone does it so it seems everyone will. You know what I received amazing service levels from Apple recently - I think there are models occasionally of what is good service and perhaps there would be less hassle. or maybe we have to have bad service to be able to appreciate good - damn!
The next part of my email to you is a request from you to take a look at my charges. I recently received from you, details of my change of account. Or rather a reduction in the discounts you are now giving.
Well based on my actual useage and not your guestimates would you have one of your experts take a look and see if there is a plan that would reduce my costs please? Now I feel like begging when really as a customer I am perfectly entitled to ask you to assess the best deal for me and what I hope for is fairness.
My experience of services in the UK is not fairness and I guess that means I have to read every bit of small print to make sure you dont rip me off.
What a society of take, take, take we live in. Pity as I meet some wonderful, wonderful situations of sharing too. Must hold onto that.
Well I have had my say. Its a mix of venting but also request of action from you people.
Please can someone respond and I live in hope of it being a provision of service and fairness. Not all in your favour for a change?
I look forward to someone calling me. I promise to work on remaining calm and very aware its not the individuals fault. Whoever calls you work in a very difficult job. Hope you get paid fairly for the task you take on.
I am a nice person and a lot less hot tempered now.
Thanks for at least having this means of me venting before having to try and sort out the issue at hand.