Sunday, 10 July 2011

What to call it?

what does it mean?

Responsible in the media

"We envision the time when the Media has become fully aware of its power and the part it plays in the collective consciousness; a time when all those who carry the enormous responsibility of projecting words and pictures into the homes and minds of millions of souls do so with integrity and respect for this great duty of care which they carry;..."

I suspect that there are some within the world of the media that are very responsible and consider the points they are making. There are occasions when watching a documentary, I am concerned at the one-sidedness. I am left with questions, especially wondering what the full picture is and points of view from other angles.
Same with the papers. I am so skeptical, I just don't know what to believe. A little bit of truth in everything. There are times when something seems to come from some deeper place. A sense of genuine belief. I think it is possible to tell - but then it is still a particular perspective even if it comes from a passionate view.

I pray for growing integrity for myself and for others


I love Pooh philosophy

"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." -Winnie the Pooh :)

Posted by my friend L who just has always loved Pooh.
I really enjoyed reading the Tao of Pooh. I want to read the Te of Piglet.
Very very clever.

Here's some things I already collected

The Tao of Pooh
Winnie the Pooh has a certain way about him, a way of doing things which has made him the world's most beloved bear. And Pooh's Way, as Benjamin Hoff brilliantly demonstrates, seems strangely close to the ancient Chinese principles of Taoism. The 'Tao of Pooh' explains Taoism by Winnie the Pooh and explains Winnie the Pooh by Taoism. It makes you understand what A.A. Milne probably meant when he said he didn't write the Pooh-books for children in the first place.

Over the centuries Taoism classic teachings were developed and divided into philosophical, monastic, and folk religious forms. All of these could be included under the general heading of Taoism. But the basic Taoism is simply a particular way of appreciating, learning from, and working with whatever happens in everyday life. From the Taoist point of view, the natural result of this harmonious way of living is happiness.

One of the basic principles of Taoism is P'U, the Uncarved Block. The essence of the Uncarved Block is that things in their original simplicity contain their own natural power, power that is easily spoiled and lost when that simplicity is changed. This principle applies not only to things, but to people as well. Or Bears. Which brings us to Pooh, the very Epitome of the Uncarved Block. When you discard arrogance, complexity, and a few, other things that get in the way, sooner or later you will discover that simple, childlike, and mysterious secret known to those of the Uncarved Block: Life is Fun. Along with that comes the ability to do things spontaneously and have them work, odd as that may appear to others at times. As Piglet put it in 'Winnie-the-Pooh', "Pooh hasn't much Brain, but he never comes to any harm. He does silly things and they turn out right."

Owl instead, is the opposite of Pooh, the Knowledge for the sake of Appearing Wise, the one who studies Knowledge for the sake of Knowledge, and who keeps what he learns to himself or to his own small group, rather than working for the enlightenment of others. That way, the scholars can appear Superior, and will not likely be suspected of Not Knowing Something. After all, from the scholarly point of view, it's practically a crime not to know everything. But sometimes the knowledge of the scholar is a bit hard to understand because it doesn't seem to match up with our own experience of things. Isn't the knowledge that comes from experience more valuable than the knowledge that doesn't?

While Owl's little routine is that of Knowledge for the sake of Appearing Wise, Eeyore's is that of Knowledge for the sake of Complaining About Something and Rabbit's is that of Knowledge of Being Clever. As anyone who doesn't have it can see, the Eeyore Attitude gets in the way of things like wisdom and happiness, and pretty much prevents any sort of real Accomplishment in life. Cleverness, after all, has its limitations. Its mechanical judgements and clever remarks tend to prove inaccurate with passing time, because it doesn't look very deeply into things to begin with. The thing that makes someone truly different -unique, in fact- is something that Cleverness cannot really understand.

"A fish can't whistle and neither can I." There's nothing wrong with not being able to whistle, especially if you're a fish. But there can be lots of things wrong with blindly trying to do what you aren't designed for. Unfortunately, some people aren't so wise, and end up causing big trouble for themselves and others. The wise know their limitations; the foolish do not. To demonstrate what we mean, we can think of no one better than Tigger, who doesn't know his limitations ('Tiggers' can do everything'), which brings him in lots of trouble. Piglet instead knows his limitations and that's what makes him sometimes more brave than you would expect from such a small animal. So, the first thing we need to do is recognize and trust our own Inner Nature, and not lose sight of it. Inside the Bouncy Tigger is the Rescuer who knows the Way, and in each of us is something Special, and that we need to keep:

"Tigger is all right really," said Piglet lazily.
"Of course he is," said Christopher Robin.
"Everybody is really," said Pooh. "That's what I think," said Pooh.
"But I don't suppose I'm right," he said.
"Of course you are," said Christopher Robin.

Isn't this just something special?? I love. I would like to get hold of the books again at some point. And eve a copy of the original Pooh and read it as a child reads it.


HIghly creative

“The definition of good and evil in an evolutionary context is very simple: that which is good is what encourages and inspires the creative impulse and enables it to grow and to move forward; that which is evil is that which actually inhibits it....” - Andrew Cohen

Sometimes it's difficult to know I think. I have to listen very carefully. But when I do my instinct tells me. Perhaps it's that I don't want to listen. Ego and self-centredness can be a force to be reckoned with and the quieter voice waits patiently to be heard.

The essay is done - juts some tweeking perhaps this afternoon. I wan t to get the experiment application completed before I go to speak about the play. Yep! I am meeting within someone this morning to talk about writing and creating a play. I am not sure that she will be patient enough with my commitments outside of her and the play. Work, long days, studying and tiredness. Not to men tion the recent bouts of depression. If I can get on a high then there will be boundless energy but I am not sure how usefully it can be directed. Mind you lots of creatives have been bi-polar. Doesn't mean to say theya re any good I suppose tee hee.

I was up early after a very strange dream. It always fascinates me how people are one persona dn then they metamorphise into someone else. I actually noted the moment Peter became my dad.
It was scary to begin with. I was in our (not sure who the others were but I think my mum was one of them) house. It was built on a rock out to sea. I could see the coast and my mum had gone to the mainland. LouLou and I were in the house. A storm was forecast which at first wasn't at all worrying but as the sea was swelling it was becoming apparent that I was at risk. Even so I didn't feel panic initially. I was in my bedroom. The window was huge - floor to ceiling. The sea was definitely getting higher and splashes spraying onto the window. Gradually thogh the waves were crashing into the window and eventually some of the window was permanently under water. I knew I was in a dream and scared but couldn't wake myself out of it. I was being rescued by a big oil tanker sailing by - well they sent a little boat out.
Next I was in "our" flat /house not sure which. I have no idea who our was this time.  There were cars parked along a road in front of the house. It was a long road with nothing oppiste that I can recall. P was coming to pick me up because we were going to a wedding. I realised he had a card and present in his hands. The house was sort of his too, something to do with work. I mentioned I but I am not sure with connection to what. He said it was time to go and walked out saying to me to lock up. I started to put my key in the very intricate and unusual looking lock. Very secure. The key was quite bendy suddenly. I straightened it and used it to turn the big lock but the key bent too much to I had to clunk over the lever thingy myself. It was locked. I noticed P was in my car rather than his. I had this sense that he was letting go of being in charge all the time (which is a reflection of him at work - but with a mind to leaving which I am hating the thought of). I was worried about his thoughts of my messy car. And also concerned about where I would sit in the back. I would have to clear a space. We drove to the wedding venue, driving up the HIgh Street in Guildfor, the top part. I didn't know where the Church was as I hadn't read the invite and was relying on P to tell me. We parked up and as we started to walk in I realised P become my dad. He and i were getting on really well. I even held his hand. I felt like his little girl but I didn't want people to think that there was an old man with his younger girlfriend. I felt sick at the thought. (I always hated that when I was out with him when I was younger - people might get it confused). Oh I have just remembered that on the way to the Church I asked P whose wedding it was - it was my cousin N. But as I knew it was a dream I knew he is already married and too old so I rationalised it must be his daughter. When it was my dad I was talking to I was very excited to be seeing my cousin N again after all this time. And L etc etc. As we walked in I noticed my dads bum was larger that it is in real life and that he was wearing trouseers he wouldn't wwear in real life. So I was definitely aware I was dreaming. When we got in the church everyone turned around. My auntie rolled her eyes at us and we realised we were late. The bride and bridegroom were at the front. I was stretching to see who they were. Cousins' children whom I had never met. The girl was actually ML's daughter but in the dream she was the daughter of N. And the boy was the son of L (cousin from my mums side) but looked like N. They had all been waiting for us. I fetl embarrassed and intimated as we sat down that I had been relying on dad.
As the priest started his loud sermon, I saw the girl trying to talk to the boy. Whispering and shaking her head and then realised that he was trying to get up. I was chuckling and sort of amazed. I was impressed to at his courage. I wasn't sure what the problem was. And the feelign was almost a sort of embarrassment at the whole interruption. He stood up and the priest stopped. Everyone was quiet. And then I woke up.....
Really early but feeling refreshed thank goodness. Despite going to bed later I think I slept all the way through. A first in a while. Phew
