Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Worry avoidance tactics

Make a decisions to turn our wil and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

Step Three

Surrendering to a Power Greater than ourselves is how we become empowered .
We become empowered in a new, better, more effective way than we believed possible.
Doors open. Windows open. Possibilities occur. Our energy becomes channeled, at last, in areas and ways that work for us. We become in tune with the Plan for our life and our place in the Universe.
And there is a Plan and a Place for us. We shall see that. We shall know that. The Universe will open up  and make a special place for us, with all that we need provided.
It will be good. Undersdtand thast it is good now.
Learning to own our power will come, if we are open to it. We do not need to stop at powerlessness and helplessness. That is a temporary place where we re-evaluate where we have been trying to have power when we have none.
Once we surrender, it is time to become emppowered. Let the powere come, naturally. It is there. It is ours.
Today, I will be open to understanding what it means to own my power. I will acccept powerlessness where I have no power; I will also accept the power that is mine to receive.

I read this and some of it I don't agree with. The major points of yielding to the power outside of me I really do agree with. I remember feeling that in a physical sense when learning some Tai Chi. I was asked to yield to a person pushing me. At first they pushed gently, getting more forceful. With every push I took a step backwards until there was a point when they pushed their hardest they could not budge me. It was a moment of real enlightenment in a very tangible way to comprehend powerlessness creating empowerment. Surrendering takes practice though. Whether it is human nature, the culture I am within or the parental guidance I received, it is more natural to me to want to have the power. To tell the Universe what it is I want and this is how we are going to get - she said with a knowing smile. I know, I know. Having trust is difficult though when from a very young age it's been troublesome an traumatic. The very people as a baby I was able to trust abused that trust. It is not a good start.
I have gradually developed a sense of the loving Universe but when things happen that hurt in my heart again that faith is once again dented. I am a very fragile being. People don't realise that. Why should they? It's not their issue.
I do believe though and I know that surrendering is the way forward. Acceptance of the Universe how it presents itself is OK and I will be OK whatever happens if that results in death. That's just the way it is. Ageing actually is harder to deal with than death. I feel very sad about. More of me trying to take control and not accept the way of things. I pray daily to the loving Universe to show me It's way and to relieve me from the bondage of self.
Currently I have trouble with their idea of a Plan. The way I interpret this is that everything is all mapped out and that means there is little room for choices and freewill. I really feel that God/Universe created us with freewill and spontaneity is a part of that. We seem to be explorers and adventurers, each individual or as a collective race on a journey of learning and growth. I of course am falling into the same trap of sounding as if I know. It is just how it appears to me but there does not seem to be any laid down Plan to me. I am not heading towards any end destiny, other than Nirvana, death. Whether anything lies beyond that or not is not for me to know it seems and neither does it matter if I am living for today. The present is a gift. I would like to learn to treasure it.
I can apply this to my hurt. I do hurt and it has rocked my faith in humanity and even my purpose. I can hold onto the faith I have in people though. I do not believe the majority of people intend to harm. I certainly don't. I know I do things that disappoint or hurt at times. I make mistakes and the great thing is that these days I attempt to truly learn from them so that I do not repeat the harm or damage. It may not be repairable but I hope that a genuine feeling of remorse goes someway to helping anyone I have harmed to start to heal.
I need that myself. Some people cannot take ownership and I can forgive that too. I know myself how difficult and humbling that experience is. I can say sorry without needing others to take ownership of any part. That is not the purpose of my amends. It is truly for me to be sorry to them.
The past is an opportunity to learn. I know that my childhood has skewed my self esteem. There is a lot to learn from it though.
I have seen that I want to be able to forgive fully. And I want to be able to say this is what I know to be true. Whether I tell the people concerned or not is still out for debate within me. These though are steps to release.
This links with Step Three and the decision to let go. Oddly though I have this chemical in my brain that is removing hope. I feel very low and am seeming to fight with the way the Universe is and feel at times completely hopeless.
I have owned this too. Accepting it helps. I feel overwhelmed at times by even the very simplest thing. I have truly had my Universe rocked. I hadn't realised I was in so deep. It scares me because I only know how to completely close down and I don't want to do that. I want to remain open and loving and retain faith.
I am hoping that by writing, at some point the lessons will be clearer. I learn a little every day and with every experience. And for that I feel blessed for the conscious awareness. I am also glad not to have to be a guru because they are supposed to know and yet I have seen how the all knowing fall hard.
This does create a little problem for me in my job right now. I wish I could have some real time away. I am so looking forward to the end of the month and glad to be getting right away - a different location, peace and quiet with different people. How fortunate I am. Retreat and recuperate.

All this is truly mind meanderings. But also keeps me from worrying about LouLou. I want to get my head into my studies now and hope that I have the concentration to absorb the material. It is fascinating but my mind wanders so easily.



 Tone Holmen