The Awakening
Not seeing them is not the same as forgetting.
All memories are hoaxes.
A very good film

This will be a spoiler but I did recognise part the way through a sense of The Others. Mind you having realised this it made it easier for me to watch the scary bits. The anticipation created certainly got me to feel tense and full of angst. I had to keep stopping it. From the beginning though I was looking for the twist. I oscillated between Maud being involved in "real life" to it being a sense of The Others or of course The Sixth Sense. Anyhow, there were resemblances in it for me even though it was different.
I really thought Rebecca Hall was very good. I like her in Parade's End as well. She strikes me as rather beautiful and a good actress to boot. She is great as a period actress. I haven't seen her in anything other than period though. She carried the intellectual role well. Dominic West was also convincing. Rather dashing too in period drama. Nick Murphy looks as if he's one of the masters at period representation having had a look at his long list of historically based documentaries. The titles of some of Stephen Volk's screenplays look a little dubious to me. However I will not write him off. Excuse the pun.
So well worth a watch.
In terms of a story, I found it interesting the implication that memories had been created to eradicate the real memories. Having had a conversation just last evening about my belief that ghosts are really a humans recreation of the past and less about ghost actually existing. However in this the ghosts did actually exist. But no one could see them so perhaps they were repressed memories coming through. Even the poisoning part - there was no vomit visible and she did live.
Interesting ideas to never really confirm that the ghost existed in anything other than her mind. Except for the other little boy who had seen him. Although we never got to see him, he was simply dead from the beginning.
I have seen the arm of a girl. When at Epsom Wednesday NA. I was standing talking at the bar to the teas/coffees person and saw an arm beside me. Very petite and light skinned. When I whizzed around to look there was no one there. And I have also sensed in that room a real darkness emanating from one particular man. It was if the darkness was consuming everyone into it.
So who knows?
My memories and thoughts can create a stir in any place. I can become scared like a little child. Noises and darkness. I am a scaredy-cat really.
Sometimes I just want to be cuddled and protected.
Not seeing them is not the same as forgetting.
All memories are hoaxes.
A very good film
This will be a spoiler but I did recognise part the way through a sense of The Others. Mind you having realised this it made it easier for me to watch the scary bits. The anticipation created certainly got me to feel tense and full of angst. I had to keep stopping it. From the beginning though I was looking for the twist. I oscillated between Maud being involved in "real life" to it being a sense of The Others or of course The Sixth Sense. Anyhow, there were resemblances in it for me even though it was different.
I really thought Rebecca Hall was very good. I like her in Parade's End as well. She strikes me as rather beautiful and a good actress to boot. She is great as a period actress. I haven't seen her in anything other than period though. She carried the intellectual role well. Dominic West was also convincing. Rather dashing too in period drama. Nick Murphy looks as if he's one of the masters at period representation having had a look at his long list of historically based documentaries. The titles of some of Stephen Volk's screenplays look a little dubious to me. However I will not write him off. Excuse the pun.
So well worth a watch.
In terms of a story, I found it interesting the implication that memories had been created to eradicate the real memories. Having had a conversation just last evening about my belief that ghosts are really a humans recreation of the past and less about ghost actually existing. However in this the ghosts did actually exist. But no one could see them so perhaps they were repressed memories coming through. Even the poisoning part - there was no vomit visible and she did live.
Interesting ideas to never really confirm that the ghost existed in anything other than her mind. Except for the other little boy who had seen him. Although we never got to see him, he was simply dead from the beginning.
I have seen the arm of a girl. When at Epsom Wednesday NA. I was standing talking at the bar to the teas/coffees person and saw an arm beside me. Very petite and light skinned. When I whizzed around to look there was no one there. And I have also sensed in that room a real darkness emanating from one particular man. It was if the darkness was consuming everyone into it.
So who knows?
My memories and thoughts can create a stir in any place. I can become scared like a little child. Noises and darkness. I am a scaredy-cat really.
Sometimes I just want to be cuddled and protected.