Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Put the meaning into the experience of life you have

I was given this gift this morning, that I can put the meaning into the experiences I have in life. Wow! It blew me away.
It's in relation to having met a man on a flipping online dating site. I am ashamed to admit this. Funnily enough I had met him online once before. He happens to be in AA and so he turned up at a meeting. I was with RB, I was not in FA at the time so feeling awful about myself and assumed that the twinkle he showed was for her. She is a stunner so why not. I was fat and dowdy in my eyes.
Well today I am attractive. I am comfortable being me.
And so with L sending me texts saying that he'd have me for breakfast and saying he bets I'm looking stunning when I am talking about the stunning last slither of the old moon, with Venus shining brightly at the back, I am now chuckling as D from FA said this is what men do. It's natural they test the water, immediately wanting sex. And all I have to do is be me anyway. I was thinking oh noooo. I was feeling disappointed. I was confused as to whether to join in, ignore his comments and then feel disgusted with him. I just didn't know what to do. D from FA has made it all clear. It's just what he does and all I have to do is be me. So I have sent a text acknowledging what he's said and thanking him even though he doesn't even know me. He's not met the real me of today. So how can he know I look stunning from a photo online? Ha ha ha. I said it's utterly delightful that here I am awwwwing about the moon and he wants to eat me for breakfast. How incredibly funny. I ended the text with a kiss. I hope he gets it.
How free I feel. How unshackled. I do not need to be either ashamed or afraid of liking contact with a man and finding out about him. Be me and see if he is special enough for an us. I do not have to think he's special nor him me. Just if the liaison between us is. And if not. No hard feelings. it's all a bit of fun. It doesn't need to be intense.
So thank you God.
