They are raging but don't know what it's all about!!!
It's not OK to destroy they way they have destroyed.
What boils down deep within though is greater
Oh my gosh! I am learning about the neuro biology and emotions.
It's not OK to destroy they way they have destroyed.
What boils down deep within though is greater
"Beauty will save the world. Beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. The battlefield is the heart of man." - Fyodor Dostoevski
I believe that society keeps the society from learning how to be conscious. We put people in power who maintain absolute control by not enhancing awareness and knwoledge. It's a vicious cycle downwards. The people don't know how to be responsible so put people in power to get more. The people in power criminalise behaviours more na dmore and even scaremonger in my opinion. Mainly though there is no education for creating self awareness, in fact the opposite. Centuries ago belief system were the educators but became all too powerful for the Kings and states so were denounced of power - probably through scandals and disparging rumours. And although I do not believe in an almighty God in the sense of religious God I realise the value of the teachings. These are stories, parables to make it as easy as possible to unerstand what is very complex about being human.
Today though this is of no interest to the masses. IN turn the powers retain their power by feeding this lack of interest. Therefore the unknown, the unconscious emotions that are there regardless are uneducated emotions. And worse still not knowing they are even there, even discourgaed through society and history, the emotions bubble away anyway driving behaviour and attitude silently, squashed. And then the behaviour bursts out. If it's too bad it's criminalised under the name of law.
Noone is truly listening not even the owners of their emotions.
I liked what I read yesterday how Darwin publicly denounced the value of emotions. So in the 1800's there was a move to disregard and overcome emotions with logic - the mind though isn;t even as clever as the stomach. It takes everything in and spurts nothing out when it is poisonous. The stomach however cleverly protects us and rids itself of harmful content.
People still believe that emotions are to be overcome or squashed.
When will man realise that the war is in his own heart?
So much is happeneing at an unconscious level. Everything I have thought makes sense according to the biology. Stopping and thinking is crucial to making the next choice. Anger and fear operate at a less than concious level. Mainly because these emotonal responses to external situations probably required immediate action in days of old - i.e. cavemen. However, with socializing etc these are misused and the behaviour is inappropriate. Pent up and misdirected. So now it is impotant to train ourselves to be conscious of these emotions - all of them. So that we can be more constructive rather than destructive in our choices.
We have also to be aware of states of feelings such as greed etc. Learning about basic motivation and the neuronal connections makes sense why we get bored and wanting. We are re-wiring our brains to be greedier and greedier but as a result destroying our world. Simplicity is a contribution to change but not the entire answer.
Wow - it's so interesting. i would love the time to pursue the research and find a way of imparting the changes we can make. Well it's being done already by Buddhism etc. but without the complexity of what is going on biologically. Fundamentlist determinism have their place in the greater social and environmental influences.
I welcome input and feedback and opinions agreements or disagreements
Imagine walking in the woods. A crackling sound occurs.
The neural signal
generated by the sound goes straight to the amygdala through the thalamic
The signal also goes from the thalamus to the cortex. Cortical
processing results in recognition
of the sound as corresponding to either that of
a dry twig that snapped under the weight of your boot, or that of a rattlesnake
shaking its tail. But by the time the cortex
has registered this (and any
additional) ambiguity,
the amygdala is already starting to defend against the
snake. The information received
directly from the thalamus is unfiltered and
biased towards evoking responses. The cortex’s job is to prevent
the inappropriate response rather than produce the appropriate one.
Alternatively, suppose there is a slender curved shape in the path.
regarding the relatively crude features of
curvature and slenderness reach the
amygdala from the thalamus, whereas only the cortex distinguishes a coiled up
snake from a curved stick. If it is a snake, the amygdala is ahead of the game.
From the point of view of survival, it is better to respond to potentially
dangerous events as if they were in fact
a threat than to fail to respond. The
cost of treating a stick as a snake is less, in the long run, than the cost of
treating a snake as a stick.
(LeDoux, 1998)