Sunday, 28 November 2010


Ego is basically a belief system about yourself that is a total lie!! It’s basic message is “I’m not enough”. Take all your problems to this.

So nothing or no one is ever enough. It’s biggest weapon is guilt and shame. That demands attack & punishment to you & others.

All it has is the past to call on. There is no hope of today, NOW when ego is in operation. It recalls every hurt, slight & pin prick. It keeps us in negativity & sickness. Past, past & more past!!!!

The ego is I, Me, Mine, My etc. Self.

Written by my friend P in Spain. I wille xpand upon this I think.

metaphor versus allegory

metaphor -
met·a·phor   /ˈmɛtəˌfɔr, -fər/
[met-uh-fawr, -fer]
1. a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “A mighty fortress is our god.” Compare mixed metaphor, simile
2. something used, or regarded as being used, to represent something else; emblem; symbol.
al·le·go·ry   /ˈæləˌgɔri, -ˌgoʊri/
[al-uh-gawr-ee, -gohr-ee]
–noun, plural -ries.
1. a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.
2. a symbolical narrative: the allegory of Piers Plowman.
3. emblem.


Eva detail, houten beeld

If JH and I are no longer in contact I would feel a deep sense of loss. Not just him the person but all the things that we share in conversation. His ideas and thoughts about ideas and thoughts I have. I would miss him introducing me to photographers and sculptors (as above). I would like more time to discus with him what he particularly likes about particular photographs or paintings or sculptures. Or indeed films and so on.
I would miss being along for his discovery of all things life-like. I would miss the exxcitement of self discovery.
I wonder but knowing he will read this don't cast this in stone, I wonder if we are friends if he no longer sees me as his lover. This is just positing ideas.

This sculpture above is absolutely relevant to me. Although the name of the piece evokes some distaste so I will rename it for my own benefit. But it evokes in me a feeling that I have felt with JH. Sensuality. This I would lose too. I wonder if this is already lost?
Lying in my bed all alone, I have felt his arms around me, his warmth permeating into me. I would lose this ever happening again.

SONNET 130 - Shakespeare
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.

What next? Memento. Emotions.

Well I finally saw the whole film last night. A very good film until the end. I wasn't actually sure if the ending was good or not. Was it? It seemed to me to start throwing in a new complication just to be able to evoke the feeling of anger yet there was enough already without the copper needing to goad him further to be angry and write the note on the photo" not to believe his lies". What do you think? I wish I was brave enough to open up my Blog to the general public and see if anyone ever comments on these questions I have.
I thought Guy Pearce was excellent. He really did seem to have a look of no memory in his eyes. I wonder how he grasped this look or am I just being led along by wanting to have believed him. I did find it totally believable especially after watching the documentary Unknown White Male. And the doubts too - people were doubtful in the documentary too. Just doesn't seem possible to lose memory like that.
And another thing I didn't seem to grasp. When Natalie knew that Leonard had arrived in her boyfriends car and suit, why didn't she react? If I remember correctly she had already met and established that Leonard really did have this condition where he did not have any short-term memory. But what did she want to use him for exactly. Was she aware as my friend AB suggested that her boyfriend was implicated in the murder of Leonard's wife but wanted her revenge on Teddy and Dodd?
Well I really find it clever how the tale was twisted and the fear of Teddy as the baddy and Natalie being the one to trust - I was really struck by Leonard's comment about emotions. How he knew he had an emotion but did not have the memory as to why he felt like he did. So when Teddy had evoked anger in him, his fatal comment on his memory tricks was triggered by an emotion but no clear memory of why and from there on Leonard fell into a trap of lies.

To belatedly make 11th November.

So to emotions versus behaviour particularly anger. It was something it took me a while to grasp so I am never surprised that people seem to also find it difficult to differentiate emotions (feelings is another word) and behaviours.
I think when I was little my behaviour when angry was a reason to be told off for. But no one clarified that my anger was justified because no one sat down to ask what was going on for me. I simply got told off for the behaviour. How on earth can a child have the words to say what is going on. Everything is acting out. And if adults aren't emotionally intelligent they will of course react to behaviour they don;t like. And most people just want everything to be OK - after all a child's anger if acknowledged might mean having to do something - take responsibility, even be in the wrong!! Gosh how many people struggle with being in the wrong, making a mistake. And when someone is angry then this exposure of not getting it perfectly right.#
So we are not taught how to understand emotions for what they really are. And so when JH was affected by me being angry, he wants me it seems to not be angry. Which is even more frustrating as I have felt angry and I am justified to be angry. This does not mean that I don;t or can;t love him or dislike him. It just means I am angry. Now the behaviour if I don't acknowledge my anger can then come out as a reaction and a behaviour that actually is not acceptable
So it's very very important to separate the emotion from the behaviour. The behaviour could well be inappropriate but to stop and then be able to try and find out what emotion is behind the behaviour and whatever it is then try and find out what is the reason for the emotion - this is allowing people to be who and ow they are. This is intimacy. This is humanness - and so many people just want to keep the status quo. Not take on responsibility for their part in any interaction which will arouse emotions. Gosh! We humans have so unlearnt how to be human. Way back in cave-man time there is evidence to support that emotions were the instinct. This is the universe's way of communicating.
We humans simply complicate it with complicated thinking and complex behavioural reactions
Learning to acknowledge the emotions means that I can learn how to respond so that I am dignified, gracious and maintain other peoples choice for dignity and respect.
Emotion - e=energy - energy in motion =s emotion+behaviour.

Get it? Have I put it in good simple words - I think not because I am complicated!! :)


Metaphors. My brown eyes

Shakespeare immortalised metaphors ........
Life's but a walking shadow
A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more.
It is a tale told by an idiot,
Full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing

This was inspired on my way home and is the beginnings of another poem never to be finished

This is a poem about fuss-pottery
The sister of my mother, means my auntie.
With the death of my mum
Left space for her to come,
Fussing and brushing me,
Rushing and fussing me.
To shower me with increasing anxiety.

She really is the best of fuss-potterer
Just when I thought I had got the lot of her
She was in stereo
Auntie two came in tow
Fussy and fussier
Loving and lovelier
To remind me that calls would not bother her!

See I give up! Can't be bothered to keep going. Never think it's of any worth anyway yet I enjoy it when I start off.
I will post it on FB and hope that my cousin and aunt are not offended but can see the funny side. Actually perhaps I won't post it anywhere but here in the safety of my secure Blog.

Things I would like to write about - anger the emotion versus angry behaviour and attitude and tones.
A lovely walk. Friendship. Losing access to the things I like and enjoy. Not in love with me. Easy peasy lemon squeezy friendships. Memento (the film and a question about a bit I don't really get and a moan about the ending - that always flattens the score I end up giving the film despite the main content being good). My packing up and going to Spain - my brown eyes.
Probably other things too but these things come to mind and I jot them down here in case I forget them then they could always be revisited or questioned.

I read JH's writings. He said he is sad about not travelling with me. Does this mean he is coming to the end of the path with me? Are we coming to a crossroads and have to go different ways? Is he talking about the trip to the USA? I get a sense he sees me less and less with love as us together. But I also think this is difficult for him to say. I am not certain and all the time I am not certain I think it is important to keep walking through. I would not want to walk away from something that is not clear cut. I have such strong feelings about not being with him, this tells me something. I know it is not fear of being alone or something like this. I am very certain it is only connected with JH himself. I am not sure if this is the case for JH. He is opening Pandora's Box and maybe he is so excited about what he sees that he feels the need to go and explore this on his own. After all he has not been single at all for years and years. Perhaps there is no room to have a me along too, hence the constant moving on. This is all open questions, no answers.

Universe, please show me what it is I am uncertain of and cannot see.
I have this overwhelming sadness - as if there is loss already. And yet we have been talking about continuing as a couple. Has too much happened? Have we lost the magic and it is irretrievable? Perhaps it was all a fantasy. JH fantasises and I can fantasise. He says he thought I put him on a pedestal he seems not to believe he was worthy of. Was I creating a person he wasn't really? Was he doing the same? He had an ideal and really I am not fitting it. Is this the grief of realising?
I don't know if I believe what I have just written. But I do keep feeling this incredibly sadness. Maybe we have lost something and there is now the opportunity to re-meet each other. Grieving the loss of something and now the real JH and Bliss can step forward. I was always the real me.
The things I like about JH I would sorely miss if I could never have access to again - his groundedness, his practicality, his friendliness, his knowledge, his sense of adventure, his desire for simplicity, his love of the planet, his desire for self discovery and self improvement, his courage, his love, his creative desires, his design scope, his company, the way he gives me the freedom to be creative, his desire for things different, he is interesting. Well here are a few in this very moment. They shift and change shape depending on what's going on.
I am very very grateful to have been allowed to explore my sexuality. Something I have never permitted before ever with anyone else. There was something in JH that I saw as a possibility to help me OK with sex. He wrote about not being selfish - I think this was in direct relation to me mentioning selfishness. Interesting that he has related this to sex. I wonder if he has in the past been accused of being selfish sexually. JH has been far from selfish.
I think the Universe knew that a lesson for me was to discover that sex is not disgusting. SC (therapist) was not understanding this about me. I think SC  has many, many valid points. He has said on many occasion that relationships will kill me. They have come close. When I re-traumatise I certainly want to cut. But what he didn't seem to comprehend was that sex and I were poles apart. Sex for me was all bells and whistles so long as I didn't have to be intimate with a person. And by intimacy I mean the fullest meaning of the word as in closeness emotionally and mentally and then the sexual and physical intimacy had become relaxed. JH enabled me to see that I could very much enjoy sex.
Of course with the situation as it has become clear has shown me that there was a veil between us. I know JH says he didn't ever take away from his love for me but he wasn't actually fully available to love me and cherish me. And intimacy to me means complete openness and honesty and willingness to work through anything until through to the other side or discovering that one or the other cannot go any further. Hopefully if that is the case then there is the possibility for friendship in the truest meaning of that word.'
I am writing this in the hope that JH does read this and can fully understand what I am writing about. We sort of have this weird communication now of writing out Blogs and reading each others and becoming informed by it.
Of course my writings are in this moment and there is an element of trying to get some sense of everything so ideas and understanding is still shifting at this time.
HOW - honesty openness and willingness.
I have a strong feeling that JH is realising he doesn't actually love me as a lover. Similarly as he has done with ES and others before me.
And I am certainly uncertain at this time. I am scared to commit fully in case I am going to get hurt. So to try and work through this needs a firm commitment from JH. If he is in any doubt then I would really rather not.
And commitment means ..... ? I wonder what commitment would mean to JH. I wonder if he really wants to do that?

Well unanswered questions..... I laughed at myself last evening. I think it was last evening. How bloody prideful I am. How irritated I was with myself that JH was the first to say well shall we get on with our things? I chuckled to myself and shared it actually with JH but I don;t think he understood the humour in it. I think some of the humour in things is being lost with all the upset and fragility. There are many funny things.

Spain. JH has commented a few times about the picture of me in Spain and the emotion he sees in my eyes that appear to be brown. He thinks he sees JB in this picture. Gosh he is so wrong.  I don;t know why my eyes appear brown. My spirit was dead, my soul felt lost. Nothing at all to do with JB, far from it. I went to Spain to get away. From everything, from nothing.
JB happened to be there and I had the awareness to make distance from him.
Yes we nearly died together but it wasn't a togetherness. I was very much alone in Spain for 3 1/2 months I wasn't even with me. Despite all the people and places I was just with me and I felt despair. I kept myself alive somehow.
I saw an opportunity to go somewhere else. I value being able to move easily and for some time before that time I had been pinned down - SH had caged my soul. I had let him of course, so I don't blame him, it is what he wants. Never before had I been so clutter-trapped. Selling my possessions was the start of being me again. Maya Angelou knows why the caged bird sings. I had not thought about that poem until last evening. And it came up whilst talking with JHsessions. I knew why the caged bird was singing. I saw a way to flap my wings, try them out ...... JB simply presented the possibility to me.
When that picture was taken it was strange. The place was a very deserted bar and beach area, where one would expect crowds of people. It reflected how I felt inside. I went back there one early evening and was lying alone on the sunbeds, a little chilly watching the sun go down. Once again sensing a place that was meant to be buzzing, feeling as empty as me. It was a peculiar evening. The sun disappeared leaving a thick black line of an horizon on the sea. Lying there in the dark, these guys silently turned up on the beach beneath me. All black wetsuits they quietly and in organised stealth started out to sea in rubber dinghy's. I slowed and quietened my breathing, watching their manoeuvres. I mentioned it to no one until this moment.
They didn't know I was there. No one knew I was there. No one knew where I was that evening. Nothing mattered, nothing at all.
I wonder about that evening. I breathed in the black horizon and carried on singing in my cage. But in Spain I started to know what freedom might look like.
What JH sees is a person dead inside. Lost. Lonely. An empty soul.

Uhm - next topic - another Blog so this one is posted


I have a headache :)

Well, what do I say? Where do I begin?
My mind is whizzing with thoughts and ideas and questions and realisations, which are then later challenged again. Nothing is certain, all seems confusing.

Last night I felt post trauma return to me. I haven't had that for a little while and certainly not as virulently.
I had been speaking with JH and all sorts of feelings were arising. I felt hope for honesty and owning that if I am deciding to enter into this relationship again I must put trust in him.

Oh just realised  my headache could be contribute to by a lack of any caffeine this morning. I am so frigging dependent on it again. 3 years without! I really did it. I longed for it a lot of that time so it wasn't a real recovery from caffeine and destined for relapse. I did not find any spirituality around this flipping chemical. HA! More less than perfection. So I am going to make a coffee. I am waiting for AB to call. She is later than we had planned so I think we will walk the Devils' Punchbowl this afternoon now. It gets dark so much earlier so hopefully we can go soon. It's so flipping cold here! I hope it doesn't snow. I think it's too cold to snow. I hope it's too cold to snow. To be honest I don't really know what is too cold or not to snow. I simply want to be snowed into my home rather than snowed out. Last year was so touch and go.
And the P take my leave from me if I can't get in. Actually they are not incredibly good employers at all. They would probably crucify me for making that public. But considering they are healthcare they do not care for their staff at all well.
I really do think it's diabolical that they do not pay for sickness. At first I was beginning to get drawn into their way of thinking. I do not tolerate people that take the piss out of a system. By that I mean people who skive off because they can. But there will always be people who take advantage of any system. However, to deprive people of the right to be sick by n ot paying them. I see people drag themselves in and it's unhealthy. It breeds a culture of distrust and resentment.
Quoted from Wikipedia - The National Insurance Act (Part I) passed in 1911 gave workers the right to sick pay of 10s a week and free medical treatment in return for a payment for 4d (the payments would last for 26 weeks of sickness). The medical treatment was provided by doctors who belonged to a "panel" in each district. Doctors received a fee from the insurance fund for each "panel" patient they treated. The National Insurance Act (Part II) gave workers the right to unemployment pay of 7s 6d a week for 15 weeks in return for a payment of 2½d a week.
It took someone else to point out to me that people really fought way bakc in the 1900's and indeed earlier for such rights. But me being me thinks I have no rights. When it comes to the perceived authority and to superiority I have this sense of being shit on their shoe and they know best.
But actually internally I feel truly aggrieved at the P for adopting sucha  policy. They also don't invest in individual development yet expect employees to be current and accredited and amongst the best in the business. I see them recruit cheaply and good people becom e quickly disappointed. They recruit too people who care about the less fortunate patients and staff who give their all for the good of others. But people do become quickly disillusioned and their commitement wanes.
I stayed committed to PD. He fights for us as best he can and not only that he