Sunday, 22 August 2010

Freedom through ownership

Life is where one goes, Bliss, to temporarily believe in death, fleetingly forget their power, and briefly have the Dickens scared out of them, voluntarily.

All in the name of adventure.

You're bad,

The Universe
What do you think this means?  Mmmm I understand that life is a big adventure. But what is meant by the rest of this message from the Universe?
temporarily believe in death - why termporarily? I believe in death - it happens but what happens after that I really don;t know. I have all sorts of theories and even some extraordinary experiences that mights suggest that death is not the end. Even though the word we use for the end of life here suggests the end.
The funny thin is the person may be dead but the spirit lives on so noone is ever truly dead. For example my mum lives on through me. Her memory and little funny ideals that I share or pass on and then hear others repeating them. For how long she lives on is indeterminable.l Hence I suppose people might like to make a mark bing enough to resonate for eternity. I think Henry VIII will resonate for eternity.
fleetingly forget their power - whose power? Them? The others? Who? everyone who has ever attemtpted to exert power in it's various shapes and forms. My dad, bullying men I have known, frigtening women, instituions, Governments, religious organisations. Living the adventure it is possible to feel free. perhaps this is what is meant.
briefly have the Dickens scare out of them, voluntarily - mmmmm well out of whom? Is this the adventureres. Explorers face the unknown and at times ths can be alarming and frightening. Huge risks without calculating the risk. This is true adventure. Trusting. And then if the person were to die - well their adventuring story lives on. Whoever they/I are/am. I am an adventurer even though in the past I considered myself boring. I take risks and without calculating the consequences sometimes, not that that is clever or something to be proud of. But I do go through the fear at times even if the fear is self inflicted, for example lack of self confidence or belief. And yes I choose or volunteer. Even a simple but lovely experience such as facing my fear of my own pride and insecurity by jumping on the front of JH's bike and him cycling me around his city. Wow what an adventure. What an experience. I feel even deeper in love with him.
Well I am not sure what the Universe was telling me today but that's my initial thoughts on the matter. Would like to hear anyone else's ideas on this.
My Master is escalating the adoration I feel. I am conditioned already.
I had a requirement to fulfill for my Master which was dropping off gradually. But he has latered the requirement slightly and as a result ignited the sexual arousal. He require that I text him when carrying out a particular function. And the moment I start writing the text  I am aroused. But not only that it is like an electric shock that starts from a very physical level but internalises. I feel his ownership of me and I adore him. I feel free through being owned because I am secure in this position (unless he gives me away but even then I am secure - just have to deal with a new Master - but of course would not be in love with him as I am in love with JH) Also though I am finding freedom with my sexuality.
I feel too private to freely express the detail of my Masters requirement - just in case someon is reading this.