Master looked so tired and weighted with the world on his shoulders. He sank back onto his bed, shutting his eyes and sighing with relief.
I said softly that I should like to massage him. Master smiled and, without moving, encouraged me to proceed. Sitting at his feet, I used silk powder to massage each toe, slowly and firmly, beginning to take him away from his stresses. Masters body and face showed the first signs of letting go.
Resting each leg in turn, I gently manoeuvered the muscles in his calves. Oiling my hands, my fingers manipulated the muscles in his legs. Tickling Masters inner thighs, moving my fingers oh so close to his balls and his cock. Passing over his pelvis, purposely avoiding his cock, I gently stroked his tummy. Then randomly moving my finger tips over his nipples, his sides. I giggled at his goose bumps before they faded again. Stretching the muscles of his chest, pushing his shoulders back into the bed. Massaging his arms. tickling his arms, stretching his fingers. Then the pressure points on his face - his brow bone, his laughter lines around his mouth, his forehead, his temples.
I softly asked him if he wanted to turn over. He rolled over without a word. Inhaling steaming eucalyptus, I heard his deep intake of breath, clearing. I continued massaging. Masters head, his neck, his shoulders, under his shoulder blades, his back. his buttocks, slipping my fingers over and around his arsehole and then between his thighs, reaching the shaft of his cock just briefly. Down the backs of his legs, finishing at his ankles. I sat in nadu, eyes down, hoping Master had been pleased with me.
When Master at last uttered his approval I visualised with him to let the weights he was carrying on his shoulders to roll down his back, onto his legs then his feet, then he could flick them away.
Drowsily he said mmmmm?.
The dream at night is just like the dream of here and now, Bliss. You hide from yourself that you create it so that it can seem real, while you pretend not to be who you already are, so that you can finally get what you already have, for fun.
I say think of this often.
Unicorns and dolphins,
The Universe

Master spoke about Monet's journey that was infact finding everything in his own garden.
The alchemist's journey home.
We talked about the need to go on the quest before having the clarity and wisdom to realise that everything is here all along. Sometimes the soul can only open after experiencing adversity.
In my back garden is an OK me. I can believe in and celebrate all that I am,. Everything I need is within my touch. I have good purpose though my work my friends. And I turn around and there is Master too. x
I wonder what's in Masters garden?
".....of toys and wax and ice and voyeurs", Master steadily recited. His voice is low and evenly toned when he is especially Masterly.
Master asked me what I thought of these matters.
I felt embarrassed that I have toys, especially as they were purchased at the requirement of Senor D. Master invited me to describe them. A large vibrator with a clitoris stimulator, an ice vibrator, nipple clamps. Sexually stirred despite my embarrasment, and Master commented on how he thinks embarrassment and arousal are closely linked. Master encourgaed e to share my thoughts ..... I listened to his breathng as I commented.
I wonder at the hot wax and the ice together. Master inviting voyeurs is so very exciting, his confidence of his total ownership of me. The power of faceless people in the shadows, occasional whispers. And me, exposed for entertainment, shaming and exciting. I wondered if Master invite them closer? I didn't ask.
Master remarked on his interest with ice. Specifically Master commented on the importance of timing, balancing pleasure and pain. Once again, Masters apparent expertise and awareness both surprised me and held me in awe of him. Master knows my body so well. He knows women. Every move calculated, with purpose.
"I wish to see your toys tomorrow".
Master asked me how Senor D used the toys. Oh my gosh! I feel so disloyal to Master answering this question but proceed to explain that Senor D would have me seated in nadu in front of him. He would have me place the vibrator on a chair beside me so tat I could see it clearly. We would be talking and Senor D would ask me to check my wet status by putting one finger in my pussy and tell him if I was very wet or a little wet. He insisted I checked my status after every 10th sentence, sometimes 3 sentences. And at times he would tell me to put the vibrator in my pussy. Sometimes I would be told to turn it on. Other times not. just leave it there or move it in and out of me slowly. Sometimes I was to put it in the opening of my arsehole. He would sometimes time ow long it was to be turned off. Always I had to replace it so that I could see it.
There were times when Senor D would tell me I had a minute to reach orgasm. Of course after a session of checking wet status and consistent use of the vibrator, I could quite easily cum. If I didn't I wasn't allowed t cum for the rest of the day or evening.
Senor D would sometimes tell me to suck his cock if I was talking too much. Or he would tell me to suck his cock if he wished to direct another slave. Senor D had no affection really for anyone of his slaves. I was often if not usually with him though.
Senor D only used the nipple clamps once when I first acquired them for him.
Master enquired whether I was touching myself. I hesitated as I had not asked permission and already I was so, so wet. I had already noticed Master was touching himself whilst listening to me respond to his desire to know more.
Then, Master enquired whether Mistress LR had ever taken me ... Gosh! Master asks such questions of me. Yes of course. I explained how she had instructed me to gloss every day on the hour for 5 minutes but not allow myself to climax. I did climax of course. Sometimes it was just too glorious a sensation not to. Then one day she summoned me to her. She instructed me to strip naked whilst watching her also strip. She then sat down on the sofa and invited me to lie down and she took my body in her arms. She held me, cuddling me affectionately and then told me to masturbate until I came. She just held me close and tight the whole time, rocking me slightly. I felt very little in her arms. And very much in her power at that very moment.
At this, Master took over asking me to describe what I was doing to myself. I had two fingers in my pussy and playing in different ways with my clit. He started instructing me how to play with my clit and got me so very close to orgasm. I asked him if I could cum? "No! Keep playing". I whined slightly but Master ignored my feeble protest. He asked me more questions maybe, I can;t remember. I got closer again to orgasm. I asked Master again if I could cum. "No! Stop touching yourself" I tried to curb my whine. Rocking on the bed, clenching my thighs, pushing on my clit, feeling the sensation rippling through me, wanting more!
Master told me that when out in public, he will whisper his instruction . I am to walk so that I can feel my clit rubbing in my knickers. He said that he knew I would be instantly aroused and would feel my clit rubbing.
Master will sit and watch me pee and supervise the way I stroke my slit afterwards. Someday Master said he might decide to stroke my slit for me. And all the while I was getting wilder and wetter, being at his whim.
My sexuality he told me is his.
Master very generously gives me my orgasms.
I was told to start playing with myself again and to get myself close to orgasm but keep playing. Master told me to press harder on my clit and my g-spot. I moaned. It is so difficult to stay on that edger. "Keep playing. This is what you have to learn", ignoring my increasingly urgent pleas to be released. I was desperate not to displease Master with my begging. To not sound demanding, I kept my voice low and hoped not to displease Master. I whined again. I couldn't help it. "Keep playing". I thought if I could keep my mouth quiet he might let me go over the edge sooner.
My fingers were dripping with my juices. "I can hear" Master softly revealed. I was both embarrassed and delighted.
Master suddenly said "cum now! Now. Now". I pushed harder and faster for just a moment. "Cum" My orgasm rose what seemed oh sooooo slowly and then suddenly "Cum" ..... the explosion was incredible. My back arched! My clit, rock solid. My pussy in spasms like I have never before experienced. Clamping on my fingers. I couldn't stop the wave after wave after wave. I tried keeping my eyes open looking at Master, knowing he would want to see my orgasm in my eyes, my face. And I saw him playing with himself, harder and faster. His breathing turning to gasps. He came too. I was still jerking with my own spasms. We gradually quietened together.
Master called me into his arms. Mmmmm, the calm.
This morning, I woke long before Master. When he finally stirred we talked in bed allowing him to drowsily come too. We planned the day ahead.
I have been studying, studying, studying ever since. Some information I think has been absorbed. I think I could make sense of the application of developmental psychological ideas in early life. I have been trying to make a start on the next stage - personal and social development and/or educational development and how this supports ... I am at standstill. It's getting late. Only a few hours remain.
Master has said that I shall continue studying seated beside him this evening whilst he also works. I feel so happy that he will permit this. I thought Master was not going to allow me to see him this evening so that I would study. I am happy I can sit alongside him, feel Master close. Both quiet, letting him get on with his work.
Tomorrow - the exam!
I will be glad when it's over. I am not at all ready and pretty annoyed with myself still for not having the energy to invest int he studying this year.
Please Universe can I at least get a pass. I would of course not be happy knowing that I am capable of more. But this year I would be absolutely delighted to get a Pass 4. Please Universe. I don't want this year to have gone by and be a wasted study year. Even though I haven't put the work in.
I refuse still to beat myself up. Master keeps reminding me that this is my situation and to make the most of it. And I remind myself how busy my job is and the journey to and from work is draining. I have little time to study and the time I have is recovering and relaxation time. Phew. What will I do next year.
OK I will start reading again whilst I await Master to arrive and hopefully summon me soon.
I love Master so deeply.
I said softly that I should like to massage him. Master smiled and, without moving, encouraged me to proceed. Sitting at his feet, I used silk powder to massage each toe, slowly and firmly, beginning to take him away from his stresses. Masters body and face showed the first signs of letting go.
Resting each leg in turn, I gently manoeuvered the muscles in his calves. Oiling my hands, my fingers manipulated the muscles in his legs. Tickling Masters inner thighs, moving my fingers oh so close to his balls and his cock. Passing over his pelvis, purposely avoiding his cock, I gently stroked his tummy. Then randomly moving my finger tips over his nipples, his sides. I giggled at his goose bumps before they faded again. Stretching the muscles of his chest, pushing his shoulders back into the bed. Massaging his arms. tickling his arms, stretching his fingers. Then the pressure points on his face - his brow bone, his laughter lines around his mouth, his forehead, his temples.
I softly asked him if he wanted to turn over. He rolled over without a word. Inhaling steaming eucalyptus, I heard his deep intake of breath, clearing. I continued massaging. Masters head, his neck, his shoulders, under his shoulder blades, his back. his buttocks, slipping my fingers over and around his arsehole and then between his thighs, reaching the shaft of his cock just briefly. Down the backs of his legs, finishing at his ankles. I sat in nadu, eyes down, hoping Master had been pleased with me.
When Master at last uttered his approval I visualised with him to let the weights he was carrying on his shoulders to roll down his back, onto his legs then his feet, then he could flick them away.
Drowsily he said mmmmm?.
The dream at night is just like the dream of here and now, Bliss. You hide from yourself that you create it so that it can seem real, while you pretend not to be who you already are, so that you can finally get what you already have, for fun.
I say think of this often.
Unicorns and dolphins,
The Universe

Master spoke about Monet's journey that was infact finding everything in his own garden.
The alchemist's journey home.
We talked about the need to go on the quest before having the clarity and wisdom to realise that everything is here all along. Sometimes the soul can only open after experiencing adversity.
In my back garden is an OK me. I can believe in and celebrate all that I am,. Everything I need is within my touch. I have good purpose though my work my friends. And I turn around and there is Master too. x
I wonder what's in Masters garden?
".....of toys and wax and ice and voyeurs", Master steadily recited. His voice is low and evenly toned when he is especially Masterly.
Master asked me what I thought of these matters.
I felt embarrassed that I have toys, especially as they were purchased at the requirement of Senor D. Master invited me to describe them. A large vibrator with a clitoris stimulator, an ice vibrator, nipple clamps. Sexually stirred despite my embarrasment, and Master commented on how he thinks embarrassment and arousal are closely linked. Master encourgaed e to share my thoughts ..... I listened to his breathng as I commented.
I wonder at the hot wax and the ice together. Master inviting voyeurs is so very exciting, his confidence of his total ownership of me. The power of faceless people in the shadows, occasional whispers. And me, exposed for entertainment, shaming and exciting. I wondered if Master invite them closer? I didn't ask.
Master remarked on his interest with ice. Specifically Master commented on the importance of timing, balancing pleasure and pain. Once again, Masters apparent expertise and awareness both surprised me and held me in awe of him. Master knows my body so well. He knows women. Every move calculated, with purpose.
"I wish to see your toys tomorrow".
Master asked me how Senor D used the toys. Oh my gosh! I feel so disloyal to Master answering this question but proceed to explain that Senor D would have me seated in nadu in front of him. He would have me place the vibrator on a chair beside me so tat I could see it clearly. We would be talking and Senor D would ask me to check my wet status by putting one finger in my pussy and tell him if I was very wet or a little wet. He insisted I checked my status after every 10th sentence, sometimes 3 sentences. And at times he would tell me to put the vibrator in my pussy. Sometimes I would be told to turn it on. Other times not. just leave it there or move it in and out of me slowly. Sometimes I was to put it in the opening of my arsehole. He would sometimes time ow long it was to be turned off. Always I had to replace it so that I could see it.
There were times when Senor D would tell me I had a minute to reach orgasm. Of course after a session of checking wet status and consistent use of the vibrator, I could quite easily cum. If I didn't I wasn't allowed t cum for the rest of the day or evening.
Senor D would sometimes tell me to suck his cock if I was talking too much. Or he would tell me to suck his cock if he wished to direct another slave. Senor D had no affection really for anyone of his slaves. I was often if not usually with him though.
Senor D only used the nipple clamps once when I first acquired them for him.
Master enquired whether I was touching myself. I hesitated as I had not asked permission and already I was so, so wet. I had already noticed Master was touching himself whilst listening to me respond to his desire to know more.
Then, Master enquired whether Mistress LR had ever taken me ... Gosh! Master asks such questions of me. Yes of course. I explained how she had instructed me to gloss every day on the hour for 5 minutes but not allow myself to climax. I did climax of course. Sometimes it was just too glorious a sensation not to. Then one day she summoned me to her. She instructed me to strip naked whilst watching her also strip. She then sat down on the sofa and invited me to lie down and she took my body in her arms. She held me, cuddling me affectionately and then told me to masturbate until I came. She just held me close and tight the whole time, rocking me slightly. I felt very little in her arms. And very much in her power at that very moment.
At this, Master took over asking me to describe what I was doing to myself. I had two fingers in my pussy and playing in different ways with my clit. He started instructing me how to play with my clit and got me so very close to orgasm. I asked him if I could cum? "No! Keep playing". I whined slightly but Master ignored my feeble protest. He asked me more questions maybe, I can;t remember. I got closer again to orgasm. I asked Master again if I could cum. "No! Stop touching yourself" I tried to curb my whine. Rocking on the bed, clenching my thighs, pushing on my clit, feeling the sensation rippling through me, wanting more!
Master told me that when out in public, he will whisper his instruction . I am to walk so that I can feel my clit rubbing in my knickers. He said that he knew I would be instantly aroused and would feel my clit rubbing.
Master will sit and watch me pee and supervise the way I stroke my slit afterwards. Someday Master said he might decide to stroke my slit for me. And all the while I was getting wilder and wetter, being at his whim.
My sexuality he told me is his.
Master very generously gives me my orgasms.
I was told to start playing with myself again and to get myself close to orgasm but keep playing. Master told me to press harder on my clit and my g-spot. I moaned. It is so difficult to stay on that edger. "Keep playing. This is what you have to learn", ignoring my increasingly urgent pleas to be released. I was desperate not to displease Master with my begging. To not sound demanding, I kept my voice low and hoped not to displease Master. I whined again. I couldn't help it. "Keep playing". I thought if I could keep my mouth quiet he might let me go over the edge sooner.
My fingers were dripping with my juices. "I can hear" Master softly revealed. I was both embarrassed and delighted.
Master suddenly said "cum now! Now. Now". I pushed harder and faster for just a moment. "Cum" My orgasm rose what seemed oh sooooo slowly and then suddenly "Cum" ..... the explosion was incredible. My back arched! My clit, rock solid. My pussy in spasms like I have never before experienced. Clamping on my fingers. I couldn't stop the wave after wave after wave. I tried keeping my eyes open looking at Master, knowing he would want to see my orgasm in my eyes, my face. And I saw him playing with himself, harder and faster. His breathing turning to gasps. He came too. I was still jerking with my own spasms. We gradually quietened together.
Master called me into his arms. Mmmmm, the calm.
This morning, I woke long before Master. When he finally stirred we talked in bed allowing him to drowsily come too. We planned the day ahead.
I have been studying, studying, studying ever since. Some information I think has been absorbed. I think I could make sense of the application of developmental psychological ideas in early life. I have been trying to make a start on the next stage - personal and social development and/or educational development and how this supports ... I am at standstill. It's getting late. Only a few hours remain.
Master has said that I shall continue studying seated beside him this evening whilst he also works. I feel so happy that he will permit this. I thought Master was not going to allow me to see him this evening so that I would study. I am happy I can sit alongside him, feel Master close. Both quiet, letting him get on with his work.
Tomorrow - the exam!
I will be glad when it's over. I am not at all ready and pretty annoyed with myself still for not having the energy to invest int he studying this year.
Please Universe can I at least get a pass. I would of course not be happy knowing that I am capable of more. But this year I would be absolutely delighted to get a Pass 4. Please Universe. I don't want this year to have gone by and be a wasted study year. Even though I haven't put the work in.
I refuse still to beat myself up. Master keeps reminding me that this is my situation and to make the most of it. And I remind myself how busy my job is and the journey to and from work is draining. I have little time to study and the time I have is recovering and relaxation time. Phew. What will I do next year.
OK I will start reading again whilst I await Master to arrive and hopefully summon me soon.
I love Master so deeply.