Friday, 30 September 2011

Powering up from creativity

We are at the dawning of the Age of Imagination!

Michel Foucault stated that knowledge is power. In the 21st century,
imagination is power!

The power to bring beauty into being!
The power to catalyze curiosity!
The power to connect complexities!
The power to enact the equitable distribution of power itself!
The power to fracture fear!
The power to harness history!
The power to heal!
The power to leverage learning!
The power to play!
The power to rationalize the risk we must take!

Imagination is the synapse that fires between curiosity, creativity,
possibility and need. "

by Sara Diamond, President, Ontario College of Art & Design

Curator success


I am so proud of my friend. Her opening as curator with the artist Pushwagner.


Food for thought I suppose ....

"Two monks were watching a flag flapping in the wind. One said to the other, “The flag is moving.”
The other replied, “The wind is moving.”
Huineng overheard this. He said, “Not the flag, not the wind; mind is moving.”
When you understand this, you are original and creative. Everything is in our mind.   

Any thoughts to add to this?


Monday, 26 September 2011

Death Death Death Death

What is this that there is death all around right now. T just called me to tell me that Sunny died on 18th August 2011. This is the soonest she has been able to call. And there I was thinking just the other day that I must call her. All these people to keep in contact with and enjoy whilst they are alive. I feel so sad. Sunny was such a lovely man, such a lovely funny fuddy-duddy. Somehow I knew you know. I know that sounds ripe after the news has been told but I just did. I knew I should have called and I didn't because I knew.
I wish I trust my instincts more. I tell myself it's such rubbish. The contact with ML, there is some sort of awareness about with that too, although thankfully her daughter is making such a wonderful recovery. I knew L was dying. E's friend is dying.

It feels almost too much to comprehend. All this death. All this loss. All this sadness amongst people that survive. My auntie, T, my uncle, the 3 little girls, M and everyone.... it suddenly feels so overwhelming. I am not sure I can cope with so much death. But of course I can. Nothing I cannot cope with is sent to me.
I was imagining taking my last breath. It leaves me with a little panic. Wondering if that last breath feels like suffocation. I am claustrophobic I have realised and suffocating fills me with terror. And I imagine that gasping for my last breath. The gone bit is OK. I wonder if it's so horrible taking that last breath or if there is some peace and shut down within the brain. Who knows? No one knows.
I think if people were to know I think like this they would think I was macabre and strange. Is it so strange. I wonder what it must be like knowing and saying goodbye must be so sad. I hope, I truly hope that I will have learnt to be gracious and calm. That I will be able to comfort if anyone is sad around me. I would like to be able to be dignified and wise and support anyone close to me in their dignity.

It's just so sad that those lovely people are no longer here. They are in my heart - how weird that I was sort of expecting that call and knew instantly I saw T's name on my phone. Do I remove Sunny's name alongside hers?

There is a certain knowing and acceptance I feel. I understand. I know that life as I know it comes to an end. I think I am scared of losing LouLou. As I watch her getting older and little things are taking their toll on her. She is my companion and with me for so long. She represents so much of my recent life. And it breaks my heart to imagine life without her. Yet I also understand. Life comes to a close.
I wonder what mark I leave if any on this planet of lives that will go on without me?


10 Years!

Yesterday I achieved 10 years without a drink of alcohol or use of any narcotics or addictive mind altering meds.
When I started going along to AA and NA and attending treatment, I didn't sign up for 10 years abstinence. But it's been an incredible journey thus far and I have absolutely no regrets! Nope none at all.
It hasn't been easy but when I pick up the simplicity suddenly it is very serene. And in recent moths I have discovered something even higher. It is wonderful. There are no words just as I sit and write this that fully describe what "it" is that I feel I have right now. Like everything, it can pass.
No I have no regrets. But I am a mere baby at recovery, especially looking at the full extent of escape routes from reality. So I continue to take it one day at a time and find gratitude in every little thing. There is a part of me too that would love to be a social user, with no consequences. if that were guaranteed well maybe I would but if it meant losing what I have today I would not wish to take that risk.

Yesterday was actually a selected date as I cannot recall exactly when I had my last drink and drug. However I know for sure that on the 25 Sep 2001, I had not had a single drop of either pass my lips.
Sadly this anniversary also reminds me that in November of the same year my mum died. I was not sober of mind enough to have been fully present in the period leading up to her death. other addictive behaviours were at play without me even realising it. I was I think manic too, now that I am reflecting on this with new information.
I do regret that. I was there but not fully. There was her birthday in which I skedaddled before the actual event. I am so very very remorseful. I understand more now but that does not change what happened. I feel so sad and grieve the loss of my lovely mum. And now 10 years later little Lisa is dead too.
If the soul lives on somewhere beyond life as I know it, then I hope my mum will show Lisa the way and that they can rejoice in that place called Heaven wherever that may be. Maybe Heaven is simply in my heart. And there they reside together with all the other loved ones that have died and I miss immensely. I carry them with me and all I have to do is think of them.

Well done me for the great path I chose to follow that day in 2001. It was a long time choosing with a few meanderings on the moors and through the trees. And it's been uphill and  down dale, winding and circling and always, always interesting. Along the path I have met and travelled further with some people who are still walking along with me. There are those that have joined the path and then moved off in a different direction. Others turned back from whence I came. I am curious about what happens next. I do know though that so long as I keep stepping life will happen and I don't need anything to act as an escape. It's an ongoing adventure full of joy.
Trudging the path to happy destiny


Sunday, 25 September 2011

Sociological movie making - Crash!

Sandra Bullock
Don Cheadle
Matt Dillon
Thandie Newton
Brendan Fraser
William Fichtner
Jennifer Esposito
Ryan Phillippe
Tony Danza
Keith David
Paul Haggis
Paul Haggis
Bobby Moresco

I hadn't realised that the cop was Ryan Phillippe.  Paul Haggis also wrote and directed In the valley of Elah. I gave them both a 3.75/5. Hmmm not a great film either of them but though provoking and difficult subject matter to tackle without being too sacremental
It makes it's strong points about racism and prejudices and fear and hatred. Ingroups and outgroups - (Tajfel). And anger and blame. How people take out their issues on others. Lack of self awareness and all about self gain. This all ends happily except for the one happy-go-lucky criminal and the suffering father. It's a creul world according to this film. There was no goodness overall. The odd deed of true humanity but a rarity. And the criminal who has certain morals right at the end. And the righteous black woman who is suddenly racist against chinese - and so on and so on.
Yup it mades it's point alright. It saddened me to have it all highlighted like that.

I remembered how threatened I suddenly felt when in Johannesburg. I was too flipping arrognat prior to that to realise I could be a minority. I was suddenly very aware that I was an unwelcome white. And then the risk we took without even realising it when we decided to drive from Pretoria, beautiful Pretoria to Sun City - 3 hours of driving without another car or town. It was all so spontaneou but now I would really be overly cautious and not do it without better preparation. At the time I just didn;t even consider the dangers. And after all we made it OK. That was always how my life was .... when did it change. When did I start becoming cautious to the point of withdrawal and anxiety. And after reading today how the brain cells are actually different in those people who have depression .... interesting.
In Niger there just wasn't the same hostilility. The very opposite. Not subservient but definitely interested in us whitey's. L.A. Well that was a culture shock. I didn't believe anyone when they said no one walks anywhere because it's too dangerous. Not even across the street. So off I went to the off licence over the road. Very quickly I realised this was trouble. I ran back to the hotel room. That was the last time and I had to buy into the fear and do what everyone did - for my own safety.
Having been to New York from 1978 until 1998 I truly saw some changes in the fears and attitudes. The zero tolerance did alter things - in downtown Manhattan - but not out of the centre. Bronx and Queens were still troubled areas. And then even in the rich suburbs like Garden City, well I saw the wealthy whites and the poor blacks.
As I was writing to my friend, I feel sad about the way folk focus on the differences. Sure there are differences, we are each and every one of us individual. But we are all humans and there are more similarities if we could only all find love. I say that to someone like my dad and he immediately picks up on "their" attitude towards "us". Ugh! Putting me in his us is so uncomfortable. Anyway, it's everyone, every race, culture, religion, community, person. If everyone could put away the differences and enmbrace the similarities - there is a lot of repairing to do. I think there are increasing numbers of people working in that direction. Not enough. I have my prejudices - I realise that I have been anti fat people and older people at differnt times. Not rude or mean. But I would probably choose to talk to someone else. I am not like this I hope now. I try to embrace everyone. I realise I can't like everyone as their are differences that cannot be overcome but I do not hate and want to destroy because of the differences. I can agree to disagree and use that as a way to explore my differences. No blame or shaming.
I pray for more people to be more tolerant and patient. I pray for that for myself.
But this has been going on since the day Adam bit into the apple and Cain and Abel were born. We have a long way to go before there is ever an Eden again.

So anyway this film is critiqued as a socialogical presentation and that it was. It certainly evoked feelings in me. I get very stressed in films anticipating the killing or the trouble or similar. I realied I ate 2 apples on the stress of anticipation. Not good.


Therapeutic trust

I think I hear in M her desire to have a degree of control but there is a real validity in knowing her therapists background.
I wrote this to her but decided against sending it ....
As I am studying about affective disorders and the value of psychotherapy either instead of or as well as chemical treatment I wondered if you had managed to acquire more inforamtion of the therpaists training and experiences and which perspective she specialises in or is she integrative. We practice integrative psychotherapy but Aleans more strongly towards psycho analysis. My slant is from a humanistic direction but of course involves behavioural as well as psycho analytic/dynamic. I also adopt NLP and REBT alongside CBT - etc. Actualy the 12 Steps is all of them.I am learning and growing with every year. Experience in my opinion as well as personal aptitude counts highly - both in observation of colleagues and personal experience as a client. But everyone has their own preferences as I see daily with clients. There is no rule.

Stoical versus outwardly passionate

An interesting dichotomy. As are many others. Compartmentalised versus whole, active versus accepting ...... there are more that raise curiosity in me. Oh commitment versus variety yes that's another as I read with amusement about the Coolidge effect.

I would love to have these debates with a diverse group of people and try to be open to the ideas of people from different backgrounds and experiences. I hear mainly about being in control of oneself . A was talking ahout being stoical as if this is a great quality. I like calm when it truly is an inner calm but a forced outwardly only stoic to me is actually a lie. It actually is quite annoying how there is a judgement that goes with that too. Or rather I feel angry I am just realisng. There is a criticism of me I think built into that by A, R and G. I have talked openly about physical changes as I have been going through menopause. Gosh as I write that I think flip! How have I become to this time in my life when mainly I feel so much younger. It seems impossible that the years have passed so damned quickly. And I laugh as I write this as when I was yonger I used to tut and mock the so-called elders as they said those very words. Ha! And those words are truly coming from me and not a replica. How very funny.
Anyway back to my irritation moving towards anger at believing I am being criticised for my way of managing my menopausal symptoms. And I guess that's where I can see that for A is is far more valuable to be stoic even if inside she is not feeling that way. I wonder where that comes from. Her sister C is very supposedly stoical (again I think that's an attempt at appearance because actually I experience her as nervy and uncertain and seeking back-up approval). G even acts as if she is serene and yet all those years she has been hiding her deepest darkest secrets. That only comes from shame surely. So, I notice that I feel like  need to air or exorcise all their faults to get the shaming I feel by them. I don't need to do it directly with them as it's actually nothing at all to do with them. I know that. But this is a part of my process. I say that as a way of excusing this meed in case anyone I know ever reads it. I really do know it's not about anyone else. It is about my reactions and thoughts about things that evokes the feelings within me. And that is when it helps me to write, write, write before I open my mouth. Then I can see whether I need to say anything or whether I can just let it go. And let it go without enabling too. That's another dichotomy. If I let go and have no emotional reaction anymore do I still say something??
I could ask if they have found it difficult hearing all my moans and groans. Hmmm that's not really going to work as they will be all code about that and say no no no then come up with some sort of justified explanation that still tells me they would prefer not to hear it all but never being direct. So they were pretty obvious yesterday. No moaning basically.
It's not permitted to be anaything but OK. I feel angry about that as it's just another group of people that won't allo others to simply be and therefore don't allow each other to simply be and it's all fucked up despite appearances.
Ha! How flipping judgemental of me. There's another dichotomy - have judgements but not working towards loving all and moving away from judgement. I guess so long as it's working but the sad thing is it's not. It's full of flaws.

Well as I am studying about emotions, it all fits in well. The ways in which different cultures promote or discourage the display of emotions. I wonder where the culture of stoicism falls within A's family. I can see how the Victorians would have developed Darwins statement that emotion is an unnecessary fallout from our animal roots. He said that emotions had outlived their usefulness. Thus I can see how to be emotional would have been considered to be quite animal-like. And then special forces in the army are prided on their lack of emotion, purely rational decision-making, regardless of death and killing. It is all revered as heroic and special". I lean more to the way of the Dalai Llama who is aware of anger and sadness for example and of happiness and disgust or fear and surprise. Accoring to Paul Ekman as a result of his tudies, the 6 basic emotions he considered are universal and therefore inherited. To me it's our emotions that are a part of our instinct and the reading or telepathy between humans. Theory of mind - gosh I remember more that I realise I even know.
So I buy more into the stoicism through emotional awareness developing emotinal intelligence. Not to push feelings down to appear stoic but to go through them working towards stoicism, i.e. wholesome calm. The more I practice the sooner I get to the stoicism these days. And I feel fulfilled, not stunted or weighted with the past. I feel light and in the present. Well more and more I am experiencing this difference and cherish it.
But if others find a different way to manage this all but weird and brief time on this planet who am I to say there is a better way. There are simply ways. The other way wasn't serving me too well and this way is serving me better the more I grow. Long live peace and serenity but even in that I am calmer as I know that everything changes and there is an AFGO with every turn.

Lots to write but studying to get on with - I will add more as I go along ......
Ah ha - "Social control of expressions results in their rapid inhibition, not the elimination, of their display" (MacKintosh, B, 2007, pg.44). Absolutely and the experiement this is referring to involves some Japanese and American people watching video clips. When on their own the Japanese show their emotional experssions. But when with other people they start to show the expression then correct themselves and smile instead!!! And people do truly value the ability to be "emotionless". For me I spent my life trying to be because it was my fathers value and in fact he condemned emotionally expressive people including my mum and eevn baby me. I was criticised for crying as a little girl.
It's infuriating but I cannot try to tell others how to be otherwise I am being the same as him. Unless of course people are coming for professional support.
Hmm - maybe the Japanese people in the experiment had been westernised? There's a confounding variable to consider.


Saturday, 24 September 2011

A blind spot

When I first starting watching this film I thought it was going to be an awful thriller of one man taking advantage of a man who had just gone blind and terrorising him and his family. I turned it off. I am such scaredy cat these days. So then I read the synopsis of the film. And decided I could watch it. The difference? Well I learnt it was about a city of people who become blind because of a virus. It's pretty gruesome and there are times when it's scary. Interestingly the dogs don't go blind?????
And why just one person not falling foul to the virus. Or if others didn't as well where are they when eventually they escape from the hospital?
I am becoming so cynical of films or maybe I have just watched crap recently.

Empire Review ...
The first victims of an epidemic of blindness are penned up in a ramshackle facility. As a cynic (Bernal) with a gun takes control of the food supply, outside the facility society breaks down completely.
With Blindness, Brazilian director Fernando Meirelles follows up awards-laden work on City Of God and The Constant Gardener, while Canadian screenwriter-actor Don McKellar adapts a serious novel by the Portuguese Nobel Laureate José Saramago. As film apocalypses go, this is clearly in line with Children Of Men rather than I Am Legend (though it casts the leading ladies of both those films, Julianne Moore and Alice Braga), and hopes to rank beside The Road, the forthcoming heavyweight of the no-fun-end-of-the-world epic, rather than, say, The Day After Tomorrow or Mad Max 2.

Just as we assume P. D. James was unaware that Brian Aldiss’ Greybeard had exactly the same premise as her Children Of Men, we don’t believe that a reputed literary titan like Saramago would simply lift the plot of The Day Of The Triffids and drop the killer plants. From the outset, with its nameless city setting (locations in , and ) and equally unnamed characters, this is clearly supposed to be an allegory rather than pure sci-fi. Not only is the film not interested in how and why people suddenly go blind, but neither is one main character (Mark Ruffalo) who’s supposed to be an eye specialist. Similarly, the film tells purported truths about human behaviour in a crisis — a useful message of many fall-of-civilisation films is that if the apocalypse happens, you should stick with nice middle-class people rather than nasty working-class brutes who will become cavemen within minutes — even as characters act in contrived, unbelievable manners. Having everyone avoid calling each other by name, especially in a world where verbal communication is all they can rely on, makes for convoluted, hollow dialogue, and unwise patches of dithery narration from Danny Glover don’t help.

Nevertheless, long stretches of Blindness work. Like City Of God and McKellar’s previous end-of-the-world film (Last Night), it brings on a range of vividly sketched characters in its opening scenes, and deftly establishes their connections — in this case, as disease vectors who pass on (and in one case, crucially, don’t) the blindness.

The descent of the concentration-camp-like internment centre into a foul hellhole is queasily convincing, and most performances are strong. Moore makes a compelling moral centre, Ruffalo equivocates as her woolly husband, and Gael García Bernal has most fun as the opportunist bastard who reacts to the doctor’s talk of committees and consensus by declaring himself “King Of Ward Three”, backed up by a blind-from-birth flunky (Maury Chaykin) who is “some kind of superhero” in this world.

In the third act, the film gets out of prison and ventures through a 28 Days Later-look stalled city of groping scavengers, but it has already run out of story. The last twist is guessable, and wouldn’t have got through if Robert McKee gave seminars to Nobel Laureates. Ironically, what works best is the material that also works in the most generic doomed-world movies or TV shows: the vision of the ruins of our present-day civilisation; the paranoid depiction of a panic-stricken government turning on civilian populations; the battles over meagre resources.

Handicapped by pretensions to making big statements, Blindness is still gripping, disturbing and intermittently powerful.

So what would I (me bliss) give it out of 5? I think max around 3.5 mmm. Yes Maybe a 3.5. A  mix of thoughts that make it an interesting watch but it has been done so many times with so many different incidents. The race relations, the chais, the gangsters, the strong pulling through, the happy ending!! Grr to there always having to be a closure. Sometimes thats life but often it's not and can take years to work towards

Mark Ruffalo
Julianne Moore
Gael Garcia Bernal
Danny Glover
Alice Braga.
Fernando Meirelles.
Don McKellar.


Selkies say the truth is not what you know, it's what you believe

A fisherman (Colin Farrell) finds a semi-naked stranger (Alicja Bachleda) in his net. Is she an immigrant, or is she something more magical?
Neil Jordan spins a magical yarn for grown-ups, as trawlerman Syraceuse (Colin Farrell) fishes a semi-naked stranger (Alicja Bachleda) out of his net. Has he rescued a drowning immigrant? Or is she, as his daughter suspects, a selkie — a mythical sea creature able to assume human form?

Leagues away from the Hollywood gloss of Splash, Ondine is funny, whimsical and as warming as a big bowl of Irish stew. Farrell’s natural accent and roguish charm make for a winning performance, while Polish actress Bachleda is the most beautiful, beguiling newcomer since Nastassja Kinski — and a much better actress. She’s Farrell’s real-life squeeze, but even he couldn’t love her as much as Jordan’s camera.
Funny, whimsical and as warming as a big bowl of Irish stew
Colin Farrell
Alicja Bachleda
Stephen Rea
Tony Curran
Tom Archdeacon.
Neil Jordan.

On the coast of Cork, Syracuse is a fisherman, on the wagon, living alone. His precocious daughter, Annie, about 10, has failing kidneys. One day, a nearly-drowned young woman comes up in his net; she speaks oddly, calls herself Ondine, and wants no one to see her. He puts her up in an isolated cottage that was his mother's. Annie discovers Ondine's presence and believes she's a selkie, a mythical seal turned human while on land. If this is a fairy tale, is there a happily ever after, or do the realities of alcohol, illness, and worse intrude, including Syracuse's inveterate bad luck? As his priest tell him, misery's easy, it's happiness you have to work at.

Actually it was a little too twee. I wathced it all the way through. There were odd moments that I thought were interesting. The relationship of Syracuse with his Priest and his effort to stay off the booze. I think the relationship between those two was actually the best - quietly happening. The way the myth was intertwined with reality was cute. And of course all ends happily ever after.
I liked the music of Lisa Hannigan. Irish folk voice. And the minimalist music of Icelander Sigur Ros.

Overall I give it about a 3/5 absolute max. Howecver for a little while the little girl in me was swept along on the mythical world of selkies


Alcohol Units

Despite my line of work I have never really taken time to know what the units are and the recommended amounts for people who are not addicts!!

Unit of alcohol

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A large glass of red wine has about three units of alcohol. A regular glass, such as the one shown, has about two units.
Units of alcohol are a measure of the volume of pure alcohol in alcoholic beverages, used as a guideline in some countries.
One unit of alcohol is defined as 10 millilitres in the United Kingdom, and as 10 grams (12.7 ml) in Australia. In both countries a so-called standard drink contains one unit of alcohol (according to that country's own definitions of them), though the standard drink definition varies significantly in other countries. In the United Kingdom, the number of units contained in a typical serving of an alcoholic beverage is publicised and printed on bottles.
An average healthy adult can metabolize three quarters of an Australian unit of alcohol, or about 95% of a UK unit of alcohol, in about one hour.



The number of units of alcohol in a drink can be determined by multiplying the volume of the drink (in millilitres) by its percentage ABV, and dividing by 1000. Thus, one pint (568 ml) of beer at 4% ABV contains:
\frac{568 \times 4}{1000} = 2.3\mbox{ units}
The formula uses the quantity in millilitres divided by 1000; this has the result of there being exactly one unit per percentage point per litre of any alcoholic beverage.
When the volume of an alcoholic drinks is shown in centilitres, determining the number of units in a drink is as simple as multiplying volume by percentage (converted into a fraction of 1). Thus 75 centilitres of wine (the contents of a standard wine bottle) at 13 % ABV contain:
75 \times 0.13 = 9.75\mbox{ units}


It is often stated that a unit of alcohol is supplied by a small glass of wine, half a pint of beer, or a single measure of spirits. Such statements may be misleading because they do not reflect differences in strength of the various kinds of wines, beers, and spirits.


  • A half pint (284 ml) of beer that has a strength of 3.5% abv contains almost exactly one unit. However, most beers are stronger. In pubs, beers generally range from 3.5% to 5.5% abv with continental lagers starting at around 5% abv. A pint of such lager (568 ml at 5.2% for example) is almost 3 units of alcohol, rather than the often-quoted value of 2 units per pint.
  • A 500 ml can/bottle of standard lager (5%) contains 2.5 units.
  • 'Super-strength' or strong pale lager may contain as much as two units per half pint.
  • One litre of typical Oktoberfest beer (5.5% to 6%) contains 5.5 to 6 units of alcohol.


  • A medium glass (175 ml) of 12% abv wine contains around two units of alcohol. However, British pubs and restaurants often supply larger quantities (large glass: 250 ml) which contain 3 units. Red wine might have a higher alcohol content (on average 12.5%, sometimes up to 16%).
  • A 750 ml bottle of 12% abv wine contains 9 units. Some port wines may contain 20% abv or more, which is 15 units of alcohol per bottle.
  • A 750 ml bottle of 14.5% abv wine contains 10.88 units.

Fortified wines

  • A small glass (50 ml) of sherry, fortified wine, or cream liqueur (approx. 20% abv) contains about one unit.


  • Most spirits sold in the United Kingdom have 40% ABV or slightly less. In Great Britain, a single pub measure (25 ml) of a spirit contains one unit.
  • However, a larger 35ml measure is increasingly used (and in particular is standard in Northern Ireland), which contains 1.4 units of alcohol.


  • Most alcopops contain 1.4 to 1.5 units per bottle. For example, a regular 275ml bottle of WKD contains 1.4 units, whereas Bacardi Breezer and Smirnoff Ice both contain 1.5 units of alcohol.


Since 1995 the UK government has advised that regular consumption of 3–4 units a day for men, or 2–3 units a day for women, would not pose significant health risks, but that consistently drinking four or more units a day (men), or three or more units a day (women), is not advisable.
Previously (from 1992 until 1995), the advice was that men should drink no more than 21 units per week, and women no more than 14. (The difference between the sexes was due to the typically lower weight and water-to-body-mass ratio of women.) This was changed because a government study showed that many people were in effect "saving up" their units and using them at the end of the week, a phenomenon referred to as binge drinking.The Times reported in October 2007 that these limits had been "plucked out of the air" and had no scientific basis.
An international study of almost 6,000 men and 11,000 women found that persons who reported that they drank more than 2 units of alcohol a day had an increased risk of fractures compared to non-drinkers. For example, those who drank over 3 units a day had nearly twice the risk of a hip fracture.

Is this love Eric?

If I could reach the stars I'd pull one down for you
Shine it on my heart so you could see the truth
That this love I have inside is everything it seems
But for now I find it's only in my dreams

That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You will think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world

If I could be king even for a day
I'd take you as my queen I'd have it no other way
And our love will rule in this kingdom we have made
Till then I'd be a fool wishin' for the day

That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You will think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world
Baby if I could change the world


That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You will think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world
Baby if I could change the world
Baby if I could change the world

The first time I heard this was when I was in Dubai - see the previous post to realise the relevance of this



My dad just called. I told him about Lisa's death on Monday at 1pm. He asked me to send his condolences. Should I send a card on "our" behalf? I'm not sure. Perhaps I will make one? Would they find that odd. It would be me being me.
I have the flower I have created. It would seem quite appropriate linked with death actually.

His wife is due out of hospital today. He said he thought he had lost her at one point. His voice sounded as if he cared and I hate that. He has moved on from my mum and I want him to only care about her not his new wife. Yuch. It's painful and yet it's so selfish. What an odd mix of feelings this is. I cannot make sense of it yet am very aware. I probably need to talk about this. Who with. I will speak with E and A and M about it. M may relate.

I spoke with him about things at work and then the NHS. I told him about Sophie and her Blog -
I also spoke about my thoughts on the current feelings and fears I have about the NHS. Of course he has lots of experience of the system. We are lucky supposedly to have this but how this Government is ruing it. And we spoke about the corruption of political philosophies when individuals get ensconced within the party views, losing principles of their own. I am aware how I am becoming a little more certain of my views. I might not have solutions hence I become a silent protester and moan to anyone who will listen but without any other action.
I have withdrawn my payment to a charity today. Instead I have added the regular payment into y savings account. I think I will try to put an amount into something else once I have decided what.

So anyway I was me with my dad. I have been this before and been slighted by him. I can today hear him through me and my lucidity that is surely connected with the high I have. I can tell as I am flitting from one subject to another. What t do with the flipping energy and distracted interest in many many things

Such as the curse of the crying boy. A painting that seems to have been in the household of various homes that have burnt down. The Sun reported on this after a fire in 1985, where the only possession left unscathed was the painting. And one of the firemen involved in the disaster remarked on having seen the painting unscathed after several devastating fires. More recently a mobile telephone number has been withdrawn as everyone who was issued with the number died - Cancer and two shootings. Each of them was Russian. I was very nearly judgemental then. I have the impression that the wealthy Russians around the world are involved with deviancy and underworld dealings. This is what gets reported of course and just goes to show how the media influence opinion. I am glad I stop to question more and more. I used to take things at face value. I encountered a group of wealthy Russian men one time I was in Dubai. My friend S was so taken with them for some reason and I was very wary of them. Dripping in gold, bullet wounds across the stomach on one of them, girl prostitutes all day and night - it looked unsavoury to me. And I have always been one to take risks. We first met this Lebanese man who explained that he had been employed by them to make arrangements for them. I'm not sure what those arrangements were, I didn't ask. I wish I had. But I think he seemed to disappear. perhaps he talked to much??????? And was fed to the crabs he he he. I can make a STORY out of anything. Very paranoid.
Oh latest paranoia. I noticed some hairs in the bathroom this morning. Shorter than my own and dark, also thinner. I have had a feeling for the last few days that someone has been in my flat. I try to tell myself that I am being silly. Similarly at work I think that people coming for assessments are actually employed by the P to see if I am doing a good job. I feel watched by them. This one on Friday, I felt very nervous about. He was a nice looking man and stared strangely at me all the way through. I would say that there was a certain relationship addiction or issue in his behaviours and attitude. He would certainly find that difficult. I suspect a lot of avoidance within his home life. Similarly the assessment I carried out at the end of last week. A definite love addict but people don't want to hear these things. Usually!

Whelan I didn't run and didn't even think it was truly bad. But I was also suicidal at the time. I was at the end of my tether I thought. In Dubai? Well I didn't get involved again. S and I sometimes did our own things. I was off with J. Bloody hell that was a weird episode. He was the DJ of the hotel. A complete alcoholic now I look back on it. His tab had even been stopped at the bar. Yep! I ended up at a party with the MD of Deutche Bank. He was another big big drinker and was a frequent party man at the Chicago Hotel bar. He would get there about 4 every afternoon. He invited me along with J to his house. Beautiful. We partied in his pool - alcohol and cocaine until the early hours. As a result I missed a tour S and I had booked. She was angry and went on her own. Yes she was really angry with me. I am not sure that she had wanted to come along to the party at the bank mans house. I wasn't very available to her during that week in Dubai.
A few weeks later I went back on my own. Yuch! I stayed with J. He was incredibly creative but another person who I realised was very far from my own ways in life. Only now do I realise he was ravaged by drink. Through him I went to a recording studio and watched him doing voice overs for adverts. I met the recording crew and they all came to the bar that evening. J was DJing and I was dancing etc with the guys. I was very very anorexic and using alcohol and cocaine but I didn't think I had a problem at all. One of the guys was in hot pursuit. J was aware. This guy tried to find me - very very good looking. He became aware I was with J but tried anyway. he called J in fact to find out where I was. J said I had gone to Abu Dhabi. I was of course interested. But felt I couldn't because of J. If I could have found a way I would have gone and partied. He was a naughty type - always the ones intriguing and then of course they are actually unavailable. The nice man I liked very much but he was not available to intrigue with, decent, boundaried and happily married yet drinking and probably not drugging actually.
It would be interesting to get S's perspective of me in those times. I wonder if she would read my blog without judgement?

Here's S's response to my email:

"Hey Bliss,
Isn't it funny how our memories are very different about that experience.  This is what I remember and it will make you laugh!
1. Telling lies about getting there in the first place - saying we were reviewing the hotel on behalf of H R so that we could go for free!! { Ha I never thought of it before as telling lies - it was just what I did to get freebies}
2. Having to wear a suit on the plane and getting of in Dubai and my first words were 'fuck me its hot here'.  You had given me strict instructions not to show my shoulders or my knees because it was disrespectful - if I had, had my way I would have been walking around in my knickers and bra!!
3. Meeting J - he was really funny and that knackered car that he had - he used to bomb about everywhere in it and he looked after us.
4. Asking that arab man if he had, had his appendix out by the pool and he said 'no I got shot in the stomach' - (note to sue to shut the fuck up every now and then).
5. The russain hookers - how thin and gorgeous they were. {And I remember us laughing so hard when one of them stepped into the pool thinking it was the shallow end and went right under with her beautfully buffant hairdo then ruined}
6. Going to sleep in the hotel room with the patio window open and the air con on - waking up in a room full of fog thinking I might have died and gone to heaven.
7. Me going on that bloody free day trip on my own because you had ran off for two days of fun.  Meanwhile I was stuck with two old biddies on a bus with no air conditioning - I wished I had gone with you LOL!!!
8. Packing your case and yelling at you down the phone to get back to the hotel as we had to leave to get our flight home and you got back to the hotel as the coach arrived.
9. Laughing all the way home on the plane about it!
so after reading this you might want to reword some of your blog or just add my bit in - because it was funny!
and yes I would love to read your blog and yes I still love you very much x x x x
Love from S x"
{That so made me laugh reading her version of things}

So vague memories or ways of remembering these times. I have recollections of J's dark little room. Oh one of the staff gave me a mouthful of his curry one day as I passed his door and he was standing there eating it. I commented on the wonderful aroma of his curry and he just held out his spoon for me. I took the mouthful very thoughtful of how actually I hated the idea of using his spoon - ironic really as I was so promiscuous and unsafely!! Ugh those staff quarters. There was another staff member who i befriended. Someone J liked and trusted but I can't really get an image or full memory of who this person was. I met the bouncer of the bar - Egyptian and a friend of J's. His English girlfriend ha just come over and was moving in permanently. We went for dinner one evening at their place. I considered moving there. I even went for an interview. So naive. So fucking close. I think I would have ended up dead there. I would come back to the UK for a detox. Ha! An adventure though - short lived.
J also befriended this group of Italian guys. One day we all went in their car to this beach. We had to drive through Sharjah to get to this very quiet beach at Umm al-Qaiwain. It was a nice day. I don't recall really how many of us were there. I had a real problem because my period started. I only became aware far too late. It was awful for me. But I didn't say a thing to anyone. There was another girl there but I just sat in my shame and fear. I had been flirting as well with one of the guys, he took me off in a little boat. I was pretty horrid to J but then he was odd really. He wanted sex with me talking about his mother and saying things to him as if I was his mother. I was disgusted by myself for doing it and even then had thoughts about my dad with me but thought it was me being disgusting in my thinking!! Blimey - de-fuzzing memories that seem long ago gone. But I did it anyway to try and please him. I did not know then I realise that I had a right to say no. Gosh! I see so clearly how desperately co-dependent I have been for so so many years. It's so sad. I just thought it was what I had to do. it was abusive - all of this and the way he treated me was abusive. Of course it was. I was in my early 30's I think. he was an old man - well at that time old to me, he was late 40's maybe even early 50's. What the fuck! I truly have been on a trail of destructive neediness and all in the name of wanting someone to give me the love I craved. Men haven't meant to take adavantage. But I have given them that power always!
After the beach we drove off into the desert. To a bunker in the middle of nowhere and we purchased booty booze. A can remember just being handed this bottle in a brown paper bag. I don't think I could actually see the people in the bunker. I drank it neat. It was probably poison. As we drove through Sharjah (a completely dry zone unlike Dubai where it was permitted to drink in hotel bars but only hotel bars). I was screaming drunkenly out of the window. I was pulled back in and told to be quiet otherwise the men could all be arrested. I have a cringe feeling as I think of that. Feeling so naive and yet supposedly the world wide streetwise grown up traveller. Pah! I don't remember much else. I probably drank so quickly somewhat to try and overcome the shame of earlier in the day and period blood being obvious. Oooh the shame. Oh and I probably drank so much so quickly because I also liked being pissed and hedonistic. It gave me the courage to be wild!
I do recall always thinking that my parents would be horrified and at the same time intent on not being held within their strict rules. I was having fun or so I thought. I was sometimes. I certainly was having experiences. I am not sure of their validity as to increasing wisdom.


West Memphis Three are freed

Studying! It's amazing the distractions I can find. Now reading about the release of three boys in Memphis I watched a documentary a few years ago. They are now being freed 18 years later.
I am at least sitting at my desk. How awkward and weird I can feel I am when I go to OU lecture days and weekends. I try to head towards others I see sitting or standing on their own. I have to really muster up so much courage. I can then want so much to make them my friend if I like them but truly I don't usually follow up as actually it's merely a passing encounter. I hate how many people have passed through and gone forever yet can also see how amazing and fortunate it has been to have had these brief encounters. I still hang on to loss and the first time I felt so distraught. A friend when I was about 5 I think - I loved her. And then she went to Germany, her dad was in the army. I felt she had been taken from me. For a long time I was inconsolable. First time I remember the taste of not eating actually. Wow never had remembered that before.
Anyway all that from thinking about the many many people who have come and gone and how sensitive I am and get clingy at the thought of losing them. Yet it is part of being. So my learning today is just that and I don't need to be clingy simply enjoy encounters. Treasure my friends I trust and see what happens next. Nice

These thoughts were initiated when speaking with my friend M who is going to an event on her own today. She was saying yesterday how difficult she finds that. Me too. I have a judgement that I am a billy no mates. I am not sure where that originates from. I think maybe from young friends at junior school mocking one or two people who were then always friendless. It's difficult to know if they were friendless and that's why they got mocked or they were friendless because they got mocked and in selfishness everyone pulled away so as not to get mocked too. Kids are so cruel. I wonder f that saying is true. I don't think kids are cruel naturally. I am just not sure where this type of attitude and behaviour develops from.
When out walking last Sunday with M I noticed a reaction in me when she asked me what I would do if she put a slug down my neck. There was taunting int hat attitude that I found really horrible. And I could feel the child in me. I let the girls tie me up when I was ever so little, maybe 3 or 4. And they left me. I was so ashamed I hid behind the wall and tried to get out of the ropes without shouting for help. I was so upset by them, that people could be so unkind to me. I didn't understand it. Why would they be so nasty to me. It was a similar feeling with M. Why would she do that to me, I am her friend. She didn't of course. I wondered if it is the bullied within siblings becoming that way with others. Not having had siblings I didn't enter into anything like those kind of relationships until I met other kids in the cul de sac. Initially I had my little friend next door and we played. Sometimes it was a little fraught but when isn't any relationship. I don't think it was ever nasty. perhaps I was bossy actually as I was 2 years older and at 4 that is quite a lot. She followed me about until I went to school and then she made new friends in the cul de sac. I felt very left out. Her mum made friends with people mum would not befriend so K met knew and different people. It was these girls that stole my dolls clothes and tied me up. So perhaps there was a reason they behaved this way that my mum saw in the parents? Who knows?
I believe that babies are born with anger but as a motivation to get survive their vulnerability. Maybe anger is the wrong word for those people that associate anger with "bad" stuff. But for me anger is valid, important and not bad. The way people behave in anger can be unpleasant and can escalate into the unacceptable even violence or murder. It is this uncontained anger that grows into rage and this is not healthy. I have learnt so much within my job observing and seeing how by containing people can learn. I have experienced the changes myself. The rage was being cultivated through trauma as a child and the anger that usually ensures that vulnerability is taken care of turned into a coping mechanism of my own. Survival is the name of the species game. We use every resource available. And if the nurturing is ruptured in any way - well there we go the anger gets taken outside.
It's all theory of course but I do see the patterns. I would like to work in an clinical environment where I could research this and continue working directly with clients on the therapeutic side. Clinical psychology and I simply do not have the funding. Or the degree yet. Blimey

Anyway the Memphis 3. Their story grabbed me when I watched the documentary, Paradise Lost. I only saw it about 4 years ago when JB told me about it. I was horrified at the way these young boys were treated in their court case. Yes an horrific murder. 3 little boys murdered in an awful manner. It looked ritualistic. This took place in Robin Hood Hills.
Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelleymonth were freed. Johnny Depp apparently was involved in the ongoing campaign to get their release. If the documentary was accurate there were so many falsities. They were set up it seemed. And there were pointers that the camera crew gave to the police and yet these things were ignored. The documentary, although probably was with the intention of helping their original case, seemed in the end detrimental. I watched it in horror. The unfolding story just screamed to me of the way the police wanted to have someone to blame. These kids were blamed because of their music tastes and the way they dressed. Well particularly Damien who in fact if I remember correctly was slightly older than the other two. And I also thought I found one of them not so bright. They were forced into making a confession. When the case was brought for appeal the documentary crew were not able to get close at all.

So they have been freed ....
I found this report dated 19th August BBC News Canada & USA

'West Memphis Three' freed after 18 years in prison

Damien Echols, left, Jessie Misskelley, Jr, centre, and Jason Baldwin The three maintain their innocence though they pleaded guilty to win their freedom

Three US men who say they were falsely convicted of murdering three boys have been freed after 18 years in prison.

Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley were convicted in 1994, but new DNA evidence raised doubts.

The so-called West Memphis Three were backed by celebrities who had raised money for their case.

They were freed from prison on Friday in a deal allowing them to claim innocence while agreeing prosecutors had enough evidence to convict them.

Speaking to reporters after they were freed, Baldwin said he had been reluctant to plead guilty to crimes he did not commit, but said he had wanted to spare Echols the death penalty.
'Satanic rite'
Echols said the release was "overwhelming".

"It's not perfect by any means," he said of the deal. "But it at least brings closure to some areas and some aspects."

Although families of two of the victims had come to believe the trio were innocent, an onlooker shouted "baby killers" as the men walked free from court.

The men were teenagers when they were convicted for the brutal May 1993 murder and mutilation of three eight-year-old boys who were found nude and bound in a ditch in West Memphis in the US state of Arkansas.

John Mark Byers John Mark Byers, father of victim Christopher Byers, proclaimed the trio's innocence outside court

Steve Branch and Michael Moore drowned in about two feet (0.6m) of water, and Christopher Byers bled to death, his genitals mutilated and partially removed.

They were arrested after police received a tip that Echols had been seen covered in mud the night the boys disappeared, and Misskelley, 17, gave a surprise confession.

He later recanted and defence lawyers said he inaccurately described many of the details in the case.

In addition, two girls aged 12 and 15 said they had overheard Echols confess to the murders, while divers found a knife in a lake behind Baldwin's parents' house.

Prosecutors introduced a theory that the killings were some sort of satanic rite, and gave evidence they said indicated the three teenagers were part of a cult.

Echols, 18 at the time, was sentenced to death. Baldwin, 16, and Misskelley were sentenced to life in prison.

Decades of litigation ensued, and the trio, who became known as the West Memphis Three, gained celebrity supporters, including Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder, who helped raise money for their legal defence.

They were also the subject of a 1996 HBO television documentary.

The actor Johnny Depp and Natalie Maines, lead singer of the Dixie Chicks, also embraced the trio's cause.

DNA testing conducted between 2005 and 2007 found no evidence linking the three men to the murder, but pointed to the possible presence of others at the scene of the crime.

Defence lawyers also alleged a juror had improperly heard Misskelley's confession.

Meanwhile, the mother of a witness who had testified she heard Echols confess to the murders cast doubt on the truthfulness of that testimony.
'Alford plea'
In the most recent round of appeals, the Arkansas Supreme Court last year ordered an evidentiary hearing to determine whether the DNA evidence should result in a new trial.

On Friday, prosecutor Scott Ellington said a new trial would have been difficult to carry out so long after the crime.

In the move that led to their release from prison, the men pleaded guilty under a so-called Alford plea that allows them to maintain their innocence while acknowledging prosecutors have enough evidence to convict them.

They were given credit for the time they had already served in prison, but remain on parole and could be imprisoned again for up to 21 years if they re-offend.

"Today's proceeding allows the defendants the freedom of speech to say they are innocent, but the fact is, they just pled guilty," Mr Ellington said.

"I strongly believe that the interests of justice have been served today."

Oh it seems that only Damien Echols was on death row! And after this week a man being put to death still proclaiming his innocence it feels me with horror what we humans will do to humans. One of the big debates. A life for a life? But what if it is a mistake? Is it worth killing with the risk of doubt? I think not. I think killing, even when it's in the name of convicting a murderer, is barbaric. I am not sure what the answer is. The more I study about neurology and psychology the less I think there is evil people but I think evil can be cultivated. We all have a responsibility every time someone murders. So convict us all - ha! No way - everyone needs to blame someone else so that the majority don't have to do anything about it.
Mmm I know it's probably too idealistic. I am not sure. Sounds gloomy to me.

I am certain that the father of one of the murdered boys was implicated. Well again if the documentary I watched held truths. John Mark Myers, father of Christopher Myers. I can't remember the exact details but there was knife that would match the wounds on one of the boys whose testicles had been cut off and he had been left to bleed to death. This knife was John Mark's. He agreed it was. And it was fond with blood on. But when the reporters mentioned this to the police they ignored this completely.
Well I trust in the Universal energy and the flow. I don't suppose I understand how it is possible for people to think it is OK to kill others but in the name of law or religion even (wars). But it is how it is. I would stand by my thoughts in any debate unless convinced otherwise. I pray for more wisdom and for humans to keep walking towards becoming humane. Funny how the civilisation feels so uncivilised to me at times. There is an ambiguity I find difficult to deal with. Going with the flow yet there are things I instinctively dislike. I do not campaign loudly. It doesn't mean to me that because I wish to learn how to go with the flow that I need to agree with everything that happens. I would like to speak with a Buddhist monk to ask what they think about this ambiguity. I think I will call the monastery and see if there is a time I can get to sit and talk these queries through and see how they deal with them. There is simplicity for certain. Every time (ha ha that makes it sound like I discuss things with "them" regularly) I have spoken with a monk they have kept things so very very simple. Not avoiding, just simple. They have shared how they have worked through their own suffering and reached a point of contentment. This for me is the same as being aware of emotional responses and behaviours that might be contrasting and evoking difficulty within me and by discussing and thinking and writing and reading gradually I work towards acceptance that initially comes and goes and eventually seem to be more settling. Of course life is so diverse that acceptance can be stirred up once again and there is more to consider and contemplate and perhaps a new acceptance will arrive. What a never ending journey of passion, adventure, awakening and peace. Walking towards the end of the path is a marvel to behold. I feel so at peace and blissful when I can realise this. It comes more often.


Thursday, 22 September 2011

A deathly old poem

Burying the dead
You don't phone me anymore!
I feel guilty, but I'm not to blame.
I don't know where you are
I want to see you, hear you,
Laugh or comfort you.
Just moan at me once more.
Tell me what to do.
I need to know you haven't changed.
I've deleted you from my address book!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


It's difficult for me to believe that this young woman is now dead.


Falling in love on the Pont-Neuf

A strange film. Such an unlikely event or is it? I wonder how close I have been to becoming a vagrant? Ha ha. But I never have done so that's a stupid thing to say...

At times it was very obvious this was a set and this was a little distraction to begin with. Nevertheless the story was compelling and I cared about the 3 characters. It was gruesome in parts. Shock tactics I suppose. And the ongoing love unlikely. However a compelling story nonetheless and I am such a cynic. What did I spot that was new or different? A glimpse reminder of the Metro. Living rough. Love in the midst of chaos - finding a somebody to love. But one of the decades most thrilling films? I think not. Good to watch but not amongst the best. I would welcome hearing other points of view. I enjoyed it but don't think it's a classic for me.
Directed by Leos Carax and starring Juliette Binoche and Denis Lavant. Apparently it was one of the highest budget French films. Surprisingly in my opinion.

Monday, 19 September 2011


I don't know what to do with myself ...
Listening to the first episode of Life and Fate Vasily Grossman - not really listening.
Was going to sketch Lisa but I looked at her beautiful photograph and just can't believe that she is dead. The photo shows her so alive and happy, a big big smile.
Thinking about a film but can't be bothered. I have eaten and just want more. I want someone to be caring for me and wrapping me in loving hugs and parenting me. I feel the vacuum right at this moment of that not existing.
I want to shout it to everyone and someone be able to contain my feelings - to take it away? Perhaps. But more to tell me it's all going to be OK and the nasty stuff is all going to be better in the morning.

I wrote to J ....
"My cousin died today - just 41 and 3 beautiful little girls
Wonder why and at the same time know how to answer that
Wonder why not me when I have invited death and know how to answer that too
I feel sad but don't feel I have a right to as I have stayed at a distance forever.
Grieve the loss of whatever could have been if I hadn't been so distant
Feel angry!
I feel nothing all at the same time"

I feel good that I am aware. Yet I feel so unaware too. It makes no sense and that's just it. It is all so much bigger than me that I am not going to understand the reasons if there even are any. It's the way of the world.
Why her - as if it's unfair and the death of someone else would be more justified. I don't believe that but I feel so confused. So so so confused.
I miss my mum so much. It hurts in my heart.
It doesn't seem right at all.
It doesn't seem to be true at all.
This odd thing of death - people snapped out of my life forever. Not much different than those that were gone - the earliest one being about 5 or 6 years old and my lovely lovely little friend was taken away.
I think that was the first time I felt so heart broken. And it's been a lifetime of heart break amidst adventure and newness and fun and laughter and fear and anger - the wholesome bounty of being alive.
Phew Man! It's full and plentiful being human. The ups and downs of emotions.
Always wanting only to feel good and not pass through the difficulties. Here I am looking at me in feelings that feel inexplicable and painful. Looking at myself.

Oh and I realised today I do not want the Team Leader job at all. All too stressful. perhaps I don't have it in me anymore. Perhaps I just cannot face the demands without feeling stressed. I simply don't like it. And it somehow removes me being in contact enough to do the therapy in the way that I feel most at ease. Nope it's not for me. Not a good career decision but I really don;t want an escalating career. I would like to develop a reputation as a good therapist and that can only occur if I practice therapy.

Dadaism - Kurt Schwitter, Billy Childish, Marcel Duchamp

R.I.P. Lisa 20Feb70 to 19Sep11

I feel like SCREAMING!!!!!! My cousin dies today at 1pm
I received this text "Bliss Just to let you know we lost our beautiful L at 1pm today speak soon lol x"
I am mixed up with my feelings. I felt a smiling in my eyes. And as I am often reminded people laugh at inappropriate things when they don't know how to react. I cried when thinking of her as a little girl and thinking of her little girls now. Thinking of how a little of the childlike joys and carefree attitude will today have been snuffed out - hopefully there will be passion and adventure and freedom sometime in the near future. I think of my auntie. My uncle. I feel so far away and no rights to feel anything. I want to speak to someone in the family but do not have that contact with anyone. I want to know strange things like what it was like this last few days knowing she was saying goodbye to her lvoed ones. What the fuck? Why do I want to know that??? This is not about me for goodness sake.
I feel angry and loading all my anger on projections with the P. Just somewhere to place the anger. I don't believe in a religious God but I am raging at the religious God. Where the fuck were you then? Huh?
I think it should have been me even though thinking about being in the last hours facing death I have felt a chill of fear run through me. It's not upon me as I write this - completely detached from that fear. I don;t understand why her not me when I have wanted death, invited it. It makes no sense and yet I know the answer to the question too.

My cousin died today.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Email to M - mental health "issues"

With regard the mental health systems and stifling creativity -
I speak regularly with my supervisor and colleagues the fine line between challenging peoples denial as they want to move away from addictive processes and then humanistically following their lead and exploring self-efficacy etc.
Finding a comfortable mix of prescriptive methods when it comes to dealing with the control addiction and often working with dual diagnoses - such as bi-polar, depression etc etc. I really firmly believe that the labels are very useful for a person to make indentifications with others with similar symptoms and some treatments vary according to symptoms. However, I also beleive that the way forward is what actually matters. So here are the symptoms but what actio is taken from then on is the key.
With knowledge individuals can make healthier choices. And change is only required when something is not actually working anymore. Sometimes though people do not see the extent of the consequences. I rarely see the depths I have gone to when I am in the middle of it all. IN hindsight I see much more clearly. And I am much more open to finding different ways to get out of the quagmires I create.
I really like the open debates I can have with different mental health workers on ways to improve the support we give to clients. I also am liking the support I have started to receive from the psychiatrist I have seen. I marvelled that he held a similar philosophy to my own. It is useful learning about bi-polar from the inside of me. It all makes so much sense and creating that narrative of my past with new insight. Just like the earlier days of Step One and seeing the patterns - now with added knowledge I can see how everything was so interlinked and still is.
Helpful hindsight - but how I go forward is todays importance. Finding new ways of enhancing and embracing more of me that I have discovered  - without dampening the real me.
Dr Greeson agreed with me when I said the label is helpful but it's just life and my version of life.

Anyway always interesting debates. Oh and having learnt about bi-polar in my course this year it holds a lot of interest and also a lot of reality. Every brain is wired with imperfections - it's blinking well incredible any of us survive at all. Such a complex, awesome structural creation is our brain and the central nervous system. Wows me with every little thing I read and learn.


Outsider Art - Childish Billy and Dargering the Henry

Henry Darger. I can't recall how this artist was brought to my attention.

A very interesting discovery nonetheless. Outsider art - as just about everyone is labelled this was a completely new one on me. Linked with art produced in the insane-asylums and also particularly linked with autism. Wow! How awful that autism was ever considered mentally insane. It is horrid actually how different mentalities are labelled as issues and the prejudices that are conjured with the use of words such as mentally insane. Everyone will have defective wiring's int he brain just differently defective. That does not mean anyone is a problem. Of course the consequences of the defective wiring can be problematic. There is a belief currently that paedophiles can not be cured. Addicts can not be cured, psychopathology is not curable, autism is not curable, Parkinson's disease is not curable - and these are just a few examples of conditions that are all in the brain.
Henry Darger apparently behaved strangely. What does that mean? Eccentricity or any deviation from the greater norm is uncomfortable for the masses. And because of differences people tend to shy away - fear of the differences I guess.
So Outsider Art is also known as Naive Art. Billy Childish might be considered a Naive artist perhaps? Artists never institutionalised. This is interesting actually as I think that I do not have techniques and therefore cannot be creating real art. But actually I am simply doing it for my own pleasure and therefore developing my own techniques. It is valid art simply by the fact that it is created. Original artists didn't have teachings necessarily so techniques had to evolve. Experimental - jut going with the flow.
So Henry wrote in the Realms of the Unreal. It sounds worthy of reading. I picked up connections with Philip Pullmans Dark Materials Trilogy with references to religious systems through fictional analogies.
So it seems I have been interested by Henry Darger.
Also Billy Childish mentioned by J today.

I would like to have the courage simply to paint and just let the image be what it is. I am thinking I can just use basic colours. No need to mix and get accuracy. Just go for it.

Both prolific creators - books, poems, paintings.


Saturday, 17 September 2011

Agonising analysing compared with interesting observation and moving on by

"We may think that we have done enough by writing about our past. We cannot afford this mistake."
Basic Text, p.32
Some of us aren't too keen on writing out our Fourth Step; others take it to an obsessive extreme.
 To our sponsor's growing dismay, we inventory ourselves again and again. We discover
 everything there is to know about why we were the way we were. We have the idea that thinking,
 writing, and talking about our past is enough. We hear none of our sponsor's suggestions to
 become entirely ready to have our defects removed or make amends for the harm we've caused.
 We simply write more about those defects and delightedly share our fresh insights. Finally,
 our worn-out sponsor withdraws from us in self-defense.

Extreme as this scenario may seem, many of us have found ourselves in just such a situation.
 Thinking, writing, and talking about what was wrong with us made us feel like we had it all
 under control. Sooner or later, however, we realized we were stuck in our problems, the solutions
 nowhere in sight. We knew that, if we wanted to live differently, we would have to move on
 beyond Step Five in our program. We began to seek the willingness to have a Higher Power
remove the character defects of which we'd become so intensely aware. We made amends for
  the destruction we had caused others in acting out on those defects. Only then did we begin
 to experience the freedom of an awakening spirit. Today, we're no longer victims; we are free
 to move on in our recovery.
Just for Today: Although necessary, Steps Four and Five alone will not bring about emotional
 and spiritual recovery. I will take them, and then I will act on them.


Letter to A

Thank you for reading my texts. And responding.
It's strange in a positive way but just recently I have been better able to simply observe myself within my emotions and thoughts. Not always immediately but after writing what's going on I seem able to literally stand back and take a view of myself. As a result I have been feeling that I embracing my feelings. Even writing that I can observe myself. It's another phase and what I observe is how surprised I am and analytical of it. However there is quite a freedom that I am feeling, like breathing in early morning fresh air.

I think I will give my dad a call just to enquire how his wife is and him too. :)

I too know how relationships stir up so much in me. So it is not surprising to me that so much is being stirred for you. From my own point of view I was really questioning with JH whether it was addiction or true connection. And I think on reflection that I can see that there was a bit of both. There was also avoidance for certain.
I respect you for working through each day.
I really believe that there is the courting stage, however each of us do that. I have always chosen to be full on, living together etc., early on in any relationship. How I view that now is that it's been my way of courting i.e. getting to know the other person and "us" together. Oddly enough I have always met people who want to court in the same manner. For myself it's probably not ideal because I get so ensconced I find it difficult to move on when I have realised I am not compatible after all.
However it has been my way and I have found out whether we can work it or not - and each stage of life has as well brought differences - I think early on the men were very similar. Has that changed? Well I think some things have shifted but underlying anger has been consistent. Is that typical of today's man? Who knows.
I would hope that I get to stage in my development when a relationship is easy. A person who is easy to be with. I realise that they way I am will always have difficulties for me - people with people.
I see how I have little things with people I know. But with the people I love in my life - You, E, M, A, R to name those that are amongst the most important, any differences and difficulties I experience pale into insignificance compared with the love and easiness I generally feel. And I realise the difficulties are always mine not the other person. However relationships I have been in have revealed to me that the differences seem to grow and unless the other person is able to as well, it becomes increasingly difficult for me to overcome them
For example my insecurity with JH's various lies and attitude with women "friends" was something I could not overcome. I became angrier and behaved like a screaming banshee and began to hate myself and him. He was who he was. I like many many things about him  though. But oddly enough as I read the occasional email I receive from him I can see that there were so many incompatibilities. And clearly we couldn't find a common ground on some of the things that for me really mattered and the lesser issues weren't even evident. So I see how courting is a matter of time.
Blimey there are so many ups and downs of relating. It's a miracle that through the centuries humans have managed to survive (said tongue in cheek).
On the periphery of your relationship I realise that I know little a I don't see you together. By that I am not suggesting it needs to be otherwise. That was interesting for me to realise that as I have got older I am less involved in my friends relationships. I have never met N - yet I understand as E has never really been secure and now it's not even a relationship. I feel for her accepting these crumbs when I know she wants more but convinces herself this is OK. I know R's partner A because I stay with them. But the time is really spent with R and admittedly when I first met him I was quite rude about him. I was so ashamed about that (in early days of recovery literally and no idea what honesty really meant). However I have got to know him and like him well enough. I don't always approve of the way he treats R and see alcohol plays a part sometimes but I guess as my friends are courting then I am also getting to know the person as a friend. It's interesting how it all works.
Of course with I I only have your version of him. And also only your version of you two together.
I hope you don't mind me reflecting these things. Of course with an email you can read what you like and throw the rest away..... :)
Nothing I am writing is meant to sound in any way critical.
You are my friend and I love you very much so what I wish for you is happiness and contentment.
I hear your sadness.
I have felt so sad when writing Step One - reading what a complicated, abusive, painful life of relationships I have had. Sadness for the lack of the relationship I would like actually can still crave with my dad. How that gap with him is unfinished business within me and somehow I think contributes to creating gaps in the way I relate with men. Perhaps the gap is closing or altering shape. The grief deserves some healing time I think and I need somewhat to do this clear of a relationship. The men have never been enough to fill the gap between me and my dad. I am filled with sadness recently about this rather than rage and anger.
In the theory of grief this might mean that I am closer to acceptance - denial (decades of that - mainly thinking I was the problem and using) - anger ( decades of this too - inappropriate mostly but changing more recently to recognising the resentments and having spoken with him feel this was a release of some of the rage) - Bargaining ( oh my gosh - manipulation, changing personality, trying to be who I thought he wanted when that didn't work being everything he thought I was, coming between my mum and him, siding with him - all sorts of ways of bargaining) - Sadness (I have been sad throughout all these decades but the sadness has always felt so painful I think I turned it into anger and using to avoid the pain and if the pain was bad enough I would have to let it out but it came out in tears and desperation which my dad just rejected even more. I even cry as I write this. I closed the sadness down and now it's all coming out. I cry for my life time without my dads love for me being me and now as life comes towards an end I am just stricken with this sadness of a gap wider than the universe itself - it's such a pity, Especially as I have seem he relating with other people and craving that from him so much but all of the time not just in the glimpses of relating he has done. He has never been able to sustain closeness with anyone. I feel sad for him too but maybe that is misplaced, perhaps he is perfectly happy - I have no idea) - and coming towards acceptance (I have moments of acceptance which is big big progress. I am not sure I will get there as a destination but the moments of it bring me also moments of serenity)
So A this was a lot of blurb but very therapeutic for me. And all inspired from reading about how you are facing things on a daily basis. It is so much easier to be an observer from the outside - so I admire the way you can do this when you are sharing with friends. I just stopped doing that when with JH and never did it at all when with SH. And before that I was truly as mad as a hatter - drink drugs etc.
I think you are courageous and gracious in facing your relationship on a daily basis.

Interesting that I has discovered his boundaries regarding criticism. I am sure we talked the other day about you seeing how far you could push him. And ew yuch I know how I cringe when receiving feedback about how my behaviour affects someone else. I am always glad in hindsight but at the time I loathe it. Thankfully I am less likely to justify and dodge. I try to receive the feedback. Ha ha I have to almost dig myself into a trench just to stand still and try not to show any emotional reaction so that the person does not know that I am hurting and ashamed. Who me? Faulty? And yet I spend so much of my time feeling faulty and not enough. It's so complex huh!

Just a wonder on my part ..... do you think with I reacting rather than not dealing with this is a sign to you that he values the relationship? I just think I saw this in myself - there is a commitment sort of thing to work through something that is a challenge for him and he hasn't ignored it and walked away. I write this as someone saying that they want to be with me and are committed (as much as anyone can be) isn't enough. But someone who wants to work in togetherness i.e. not trying to change me but saying what is or isn't working for them and how I affect them is a sign of good friendship.
I remember the first few times this happened with E and it helped me realise that the friendship was strong. We weren't going to just gradually phase out, we could talk and hug and love each other even when there were difficulties and found ways to compromise with our differences. For me it seemed to be a security.
Regarding E at the moment it's me who ha actually separated myself. As I feel a anger with her at work, I perceive an attitude that I don't like. There is a grandiosity with a belief that she is level and friendly with everyone. I know she has a busy workload but I find a laziness outside of this zone. Wanting other people to do menail things that she thinks are not her responsibility. It feels demeaning actually. Simple things like getting a client to speak to her about funding. We can ask a client to speak to her but I do not feel that I am the one to always be chasing the clients on her behalf. We can all do that. And I get to a stage where I just withdraw and moan about her rather than challenge this. I know I am fearful of her temper. When she withdraws she withdraw with a cutting edge in her attitude. ON the other hand I have experienced E very differently when we have spoken. I could say that I feel undermined the next time there is an issue of not wantng to do things. I haven't had any direct contact with her as I haven't done P's job for a while. But over this next 2 weeks whilst he's away there will be more contact. So when I feel surprised I need to say something.
It was interesting the other day hearing how unhappy she is with the company. There was something bonding about that. I haven't talked to her of my disappointment and disgust and the lack of employee care. All the good staff are leaving and I want to leave too. I am hoping that something will present itself. I do not want to be working within a unit that is full of rubbish. It is not good for my morale and also it matters when looking for another job to be part of something that has been a success and not to have been around during the doldrums. Know what I mean? Mind you it is my opinion only. I liked what it was and the team that were there. I just don't like this style and it doesn't suit me nor me it. So hopfully there is an availability somewhere that is more compatible.

Before this with friends it's never been like this. People have always just disappeared or rejected or gossipped or something that has felt like rejection and so I have never trusted and gradually didn't bother.
With SH I always felt in the wrong. He was always angry with me for my behaviours and blaming and so there was no way to talk an find balance.I had to change or else. And it got to the or else in the end. I also felt so threatened by the need to change that I became stubborn and even things I could see needed to change were things I fought against. I think this was related to the fact that I was blamed for everything and he didn't want to take responsibility for anything. When he made his amends recently he said sorry for the anger after we separated. I wonder if he has any thoughts about the period before or if he still blames. Interesting as I reflect on it as I would like to make amends for some inflexibility on my part whilst in the relationship. That was my insecurity becoming a blanket for the things I was responsible for. One of those is the confusion I had about time with SH and then time on the phone with friends.
 More recently with friends I so know it's not about them, it's about me. I get angry at first but recently see more quickly that it's me and know that I will find a way of saying something about my feelings.

Well after this epic email - avoiding studying and tidying too - but also good to type out some emotions and thoughts about me. It was really relating to a lot you are saying.

I hope your weekend is relaxing amidst the ups and downs ....sending you lots of love

Oh I accepted 1 1/2 days extra leave for the 2 weeks standing up for P. Seems reasonable I suppose.
