Be Still Bliss
Stop thinking
Take action
Yours, The Universe
I like this - I have heard it before in various forms so when the Universe sent it to me this morning, it centred me. It felt warm and loving and gentle.
I have faith in this. After all I have written to the Universe now on several occasions and then the action has become apparent. Nothing happens without action on my part. The visualisation I used to think was me being greedy or wishful thinking and to be more realistic. But in visualising now it seems to bring to life - it's different from fantasy.
I have lived with fantasy since a little girl. I had perfect parents and the perfect family in which I wasn't the only child. I had a big brother who protected me. And everyone was happy all of the time. I did everything right. It was perfect - hazy, sunny days with smiles and happiness.
I had to have that it seems as living the reality was not easy for me. Fantasy though has brought with it difficulty in adulthood. Nothing could ever live up to expectation. Reality was always so horrid compared to fantasy. This meant constantly moving as soon as reality started not to match up - and of course it had never matched up. Exhausting always being on the move.
But to visualise - well it helps to see the general direction - an overview. Sometimes it can even reveal some pitfalls (so long as that doesn't become the reason why not to pursue it). Visualising can also reveal the steps to take although think I see those currently in hindsight. Actually, I might think they are pitfalls along the way and realise on meeting my realised visualisation that actually it was all perfect in its imperfect way. Of course that's whilst things are going well.
Oh yes when things are tough - gosh do I get stuck in the quagmire of emotions. It can feel like it's sucking me in, like a whirlpool. I am struggling against it, fighting to breathe every time I come up for air. Silly thing is I have heard time and again to relax, lie back and observe. And just yesterday I heard how a man survived what appeared to be certain death when being suck down by a current. He waved to his wife on the beach signalling his surrender and preparation for death. At that point of surrender he relaxed on his back in the sea. The sea that was trying to take him suddenly saved his life. He was thrown onto the rocks and badly lacerated, but saved from death nonetheless. Zut alors! if only I could apply this when life seems to be sucking me to death.
Well I am working towards this. I get closer to being an observer of self. It takes days sometimes long, painful days and extreme reactions that amount to what I consider horrid reactions and behaviour. However, with some time I can observe me. I wonder if there is a day when I can observe as it's happening. You know what? I think this does happen. Yes it really does.
For example, I can identify emotions that to me seem positive. I can stop and acknowledge how I am feeling and therefore observe how i respond to this feeling. I think there are time when I can even do this with emotions I find less appealing. I notice how I get frustrated when clients, for example, are late for group. I see my frustration and how that could easily slip out onto the clients. I feel snappy and intolerant inside. I have to notice this and be able to step aside from myself. I can then express this in a therapeutic manner. To let people know how I am feeling and how that might manifest in me, in turn potentially creating awkwardness in the ongoing liaison.
BY doing this it often then enables them to look at what their own motives are. It creates self awarenesss, creating choices.
Zoots! If only it were that easy to do all the time. Emotions can swamp me, just like the current trapped the man. And then it pulls me down into it, even when I am fighting it, it is so much more powerful than I am until I start to accept it and look at it differently. As JH told me about his look at pain. Taking it out, having a real good look at it. Bring the emotion into my hand. Hold it up to the light and have a look through it and see it from different angles too. Yes yes yes - I would like to get to this point at some point - with all emotions and actions. Self understanding and exploration. How exciting an adventure. Seeing me in the moment of every situation I am in, interacting with people, events.
I feel very vulnerable writing this blog. People reading it, well it means that they have another look into me - into me you see - intimacy.
And I am shy and feel somewhat ashamed for being the person I am - how sad that the message I have picked up along the way is that it is not OK to be me.
Today I feel elation. I feel love, I feel loved and I feel in love.
With this I am grateful to have this experience. Don't get me wrong I have felt love before - and I have felt it in different ways with different individuals.
So anyway I am in love. I find it really difficult to find words to really define what this means. It is beyond words, well my words at this time. I like JH very much, what I know of him. I love him for the him he is. Just like I love L and M and A for the way they are. We have common principles and values it seems in many areas and ethically or morally similar. I am not sure if there is a real difference between ethics and morals but throw them both in there just in case.
Anyway, back to my favourite subject right now. JH
Mmm, it suddenly became interesting choosing a colour to represent JH then. The colour seems wrong somehow. It is more JH ..... mmmm is that right?
Well lets go with that for a while and see. Much more centred and grounded colour which feels right but somehow is not incorporating the high spiritual sense. Perhaps it is JH
Somehow it seems wrong to have two colours as well. Mmmmm this feels good.
So JH.
I wrote to the Universe asking to meet someone. I stopped thinking. I felt. I put some action in I visualised (without fantasy) then this led to more action even though I didn't realise fully I was putting action in. And then we met.
At first in writing. The very first written words aroused something in me. The location did concern me but certainly something was aroused in me and I can still feel that feeling in me. I will try to describe it.
There was a real sense of calm and simplicity. Within that was a feel of excitement no more than that enthrallment. Is that even a word??? Enthralled.
From just a few words - well 5 months later I am in love. I feel a passion within my soul and my spirit is filled with sparkles.
Colour change required - mmmm yes this is possible.
I need to go and study and have come to a point where I don't know how to describe what it is that is within me. It is precious and to be treasured. That I know.
Life experiences creep in and bring fear. However, if I remain in the current, this is nothing but beautiful. Even the difficulties are beautiful in hindsight.
"Suddenly I am in love with everything" The rhythm of this line is the rhythm I feel with the Universe right at this time. Badly Drawn Boy is the creator of the words that create the rhythm
I can also feel.
I would like a future with JH. I am not sure what this looks like. I am visualising. I was thinking too much so trying to practice what the Universe has reminded me so well is pointless. I will write to the Universe with my thoughts and I have a visualisation that makes little sense right now but looks lovely. So my starting action is to write to U.
Funny word Universe - uni verse - one part - somehow it implies only one part of many and yet Universe implies infinity and beyond.
Well this is gross avoidance now of studying. I need to wash up - make coffee - walk LouLou and read read read. This evening I am going to a meeting - a long needed meeting. And afterwards I will have coffee with A. lovely. Time with good friends. I have great people in my life. Is it OK to say that I see these people as always being in my life regardless of the twists and turns that make takes us at times into different corners. It seems slushy romance to say that I would like JH in my life forever. But it's one way of describing the love I feel.
Work is draining me right now. I go through phases like this I think and this phase follows a particularly busy time numbers wise and more recently some very public relapsing. Phew its been ugly.
I am quite fraught at work. Wanting things to be different - not going with the flow of others. However, I have been able to be more free flowing with clients who are keeping going so that's indication I am not completely lost. Time off is just what I need. In this job I think I am more needy than ever of regular breaks away. And this flipping studying has not created time away just relaxing. So I am looking forward to my week off next week to be with JH. First and foremost that is the whole reason for taking the holiday. A secondary value is the time away doing other things.
Yum yum.
An earlier message from the Universe to share with you ..........
Please tell anyone who wants to know Bliss, that a dream not followed by consistent action, however humble or small the actions may be, points to either a huge contradiction or massive misunderstanding.
Because when people get clear and realise just how powerful they really are, wild horses can't stop them from taking even the humblest of baby steps, everyday.
tee hee The Universe
I liked this too .....
If your inner voice makes you more generous, courageous and self-honest, then listen to it. If it makes you more Uppish, then ignore it. Joan of Arc you ain't!
Rabbi Lionel Blue said that.
Even under a cloud the human spirit may still stand on tiptoe to touch the stars!
Come out, come out where ever you are and touch the stars with me.
Love from Bliss
Stop thinking
Take action
Yours, The Universe
I like this - I have heard it before in various forms so when the Universe sent it to me this morning, it centred me. It felt warm and loving and gentle.
I have faith in this. After all I have written to the Universe now on several occasions and then the action has become apparent. Nothing happens without action on my part. The visualisation I used to think was me being greedy or wishful thinking and to be more realistic. But in visualising now it seems to bring to life - it's different from fantasy.
I have lived with fantasy since a little girl. I had perfect parents and the perfect family in which I wasn't the only child. I had a big brother who protected me. And everyone was happy all of the time. I did everything right. It was perfect - hazy, sunny days with smiles and happiness.
I had to have that it seems as living the reality was not easy for me. Fantasy though has brought with it difficulty in adulthood. Nothing could ever live up to expectation. Reality was always so horrid compared to fantasy. This meant constantly moving as soon as reality started not to match up - and of course it had never matched up. Exhausting always being on the move.
But to visualise - well it helps to see the general direction - an overview. Sometimes it can even reveal some pitfalls (so long as that doesn't become the reason why not to pursue it). Visualising can also reveal the steps to take although think I see those currently in hindsight. Actually, I might think they are pitfalls along the way and realise on meeting my realised visualisation that actually it was all perfect in its imperfect way. Of course that's whilst things are going well.
Oh yes when things are tough - gosh do I get stuck in the quagmire of emotions. It can feel like it's sucking me in, like a whirlpool. I am struggling against it, fighting to breathe every time I come up for air. Silly thing is I have heard time and again to relax, lie back and observe. And just yesterday I heard how a man survived what appeared to be certain death when being suck down by a current. He waved to his wife on the beach signalling his surrender and preparation for death. At that point of surrender he relaxed on his back in the sea. The sea that was trying to take him suddenly saved his life. He was thrown onto the rocks and badly lacerated, but saved from death nonetheless. Zut alors! if only I could apply this when life seems to be sucking me to death.
Well I am working towards this. I get closer to being an observer of self. It takes days sometimes long, painful days and extreme reactions that amount to what I consider horrid reactions and behaviour. However, with some time I can observe me. I wonder if there is a day when I can observe as it's happening. You know what? I think this does happen. Yes it really does.
For example, I can identify emotions that to me seem positive. I can stop and acknowledge how I am feeling and therefore observe how i respond to this feeling. I think there are time when I can even do this with emotions I find less appealing. I notice how I get frustrated when clients, for example, are late for group. I see my frustration and how that could easily slip out onto the clients. I feel snappy and intolerant inside. I have to notice this and be able to step aside from myself. I can then express this in a therapeutic manner. To let people know how I am feeling and how that might manifest in me, in turn potentially creating awkwardness in the ongoing liaison.
BY doing this it often then enables them to look at what their own motives are. It creates self awarenesss, creating choices.
Zoots! If only it were that easy to do all the time. Emotions can swamp me, just like the current trapped the man. And then it pulls me down into it, even when I am fighting it, it is so much more powerful than I am until I start to accept it and look at it differently. As JH told me about his look at pain. Taking it out, having a real good look at it. Bring the emotion into my hand. Hold it up to the light and have a look through it and see it from different angles too. Yes yes yes - I would like to get to this point at some point - with all emotions and actions. Self understanding and exploration. How exciting an adventure. Seeing me in the moment of every situation I am in, interacting with people, events.
I feel very vulnerable writing this blog. People reading it, well it means that they have another look into me - into me you see - intimacy.
And I am shy and feel somewhat ashamed for being the person I am - how sad that the message I have picked up along the way is that it is not OK to be me.
Today I feel elation. I feel love, I feel loved and I feel in love.
With this I am grateful to have this experience. Don't get me wrong I have felt love before - and I have felt it in different ways with different individuals.
So anyway I am in love. I find it really difficult to find words to really define what this means. It is beyond words, well my words at this time. I like JH very much, what I know of him. I love him for the him he is. Just like I love L and M and A for the way they are. We have common principles and values it seems in many areas and ethically or morally similar. I am not sure if there is a real difference between ethics and morals but throw them both in there just in case.
Anyway, back to my favourite subject right now. JH
Mmm, it suddenly became interesting choosing a colour to represent JH then. The colour seems wrong somehow. It is more JH ..... mmmm is that right?
Well lets go with that for a while and see. Much more centred and grounded colour which feels right but somehow is not incorporating the high spiritual sense. Perhaps it is JH
Somehow it seems wrong to have two colours as well. Mmmmm this feels good.
So JH.
I wrote to the Universe asking to meet someone. I stopped thinking. I felt. I put some action in I visualised (without fantasy) then this led to more action even though I didn't realise fully I was putting action in. And then we met.
At first in writing. The very first written words aroused something in me. The location did concern me but certainly something was aroused in me and I can still feel that feeling in me. I will try to describe it.
There was a real sense of calm and simplicity. Within that was a feel of excitement no more than that enthrallment. Is that even a word??? Enthralled.
From just a few words - well 5 months later I am in love. I feel a passion within my soul and my spirit is filled with sparkles.
Colour change required - mmmm yes this is possible.
I need to go and study and have come to a point where I don't know how to describe what it is that is within me. It is precious and to be treasured. That I know.
Life experiences creep in and bring fear. However, if I remain in the current, this is nothing but beautiful. Even the difficulties are beautiful in hindsight.
"Suddenly I am in love with everything" The rhythm of this line is the rhythm I feel with the Universe right at this time. Badly Drawn Boy is the creator of the words that create the rhythm
I can also feel.
I would like a future with JH. I am not sure what this looks like. I am visualising. I was thinking too much so trying to practice what the Universe has reminded me so well is pointless. I will write to the Universe with my thoughts and I have a visualisation that makes little sense right now but looks lovely. So my starting action is to write to U.
Funny word Universe - uni verse - one part - somehow it implies only one part of many and yet Universe implies infinity and beyond.
Well this is gross avoidance now of studying. I need to wash up - make coffee - walk LouLou and read read read. This evening I am going to a meeting - a long needed meeting. And afterwards I will have coffee with A. lovely. Time with good friends. I have great people in my life. Is it OK to say that I see these people as always being in my life regardless of the twists and turns that make takes us at times into different corners. It seems slushy romance to say that I would like JH in my life forever. But it's one way of describing the love I feel.
Work is draining me right now. I go through phases like this I think and this phase follows a particularly busy time numbers wise and more recently some very public relapsing. Phew its been ugly.
I am quite fraught at work. Wanting things to be different - not going with the flow of others. However, I have been able to be more free flowing with clients who are keeping going so that's indication I am not completely lost. Time off is just what I need. In this job I think I am more needy than ever of regular breaks away. And this flipping studying has not created time away just relaxing. So I am looking forward to my week off next week to be with JH. First and foremost that is the whole reason for taking the holiday. A secondary value is the time away doing other things.
Yum yum.
An earlier message from the Universe to share with you ..........
Please tell anyone who wants to know Bliss, that a dream not followed by consistent action, however humble or small the actions may be, points to either a huge contradiction or massive misunderstanding.
Because when people get clear and realise just how powerful they really are, wild horses can't stop them from taking even the humblest of baby steps, everyday.
tee hee The Universe
I liked this too .....
If your inner voice makes you more generous, courageous and self-honest, then listen to it. If it makes you more Uppish, then ignore it. Joan of Arc you ain't!
Rabbi Lionel Blue said that.
Even under a cloud the human spirit may still stand on tiptoe to touch the stars!
Come out, come out where ever you are and touch the stars with me.
Love from Bliss
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