Bloody hell! It's today - it's in 45minutes actually. I am so unprepared. Last year waiting for the exam to begin, I was feeling so awful. I got some insight into extreme anticipation. I remember thinking about people on death row - dead man walking! I know there is no comparison in the seriousness of that moment but I got a glimpse I think of the anticipation.
This year waiting, waiting, waiting has been filled with trying to cram in a years worth of non-studying into 2 days!
I have been reading about developmental psychology and education - behaviourism, constructivism and socio cultural influences.
My question is the extent to which developmental psychology and it's application has supported children. I will write a little about history including Darwins theory of evolution and how that influenced a change in thinking about children , the changes brought about in the way education was introduced more broadly as being seen as a way to being about learning in readiness for adulthood. I will then say how the essay will look at the 3 above mentioned theories have been utilised within the education system and the benefits that this has brought to supporting children.
Then I am flummoxed. This should all have been pre -written as it is one question that is seen,
Then there will be two more questions for me to select out of a potential 6 others. I am not ready for any of them. At best I can write some on Attachment theory in terms of children and their relationships and the influence on their development. I have a little memory of Baumarind and her theories of parenting styles. And then the cultural differences not accounted for in her theory but some additional research instigated as a result of her. IN particular the transactional models of influences on relationships. IWM model of course is key - Bowlby, Ainsworth, Main - why Main what the hell did Main do - oh yes research into SST - (strange situation type - infant attachment type and the correlation in adults - adolescence - longitudinal studies. But then also studies of mother AA adult attachment) and the predictor SST.
God this is all I know - oh no - also the influence of fathers and then the parent relationship and how this affects infant attachment type. then of course the fact that these attachment types influence the IWM and how this does or doesn't get carried through life affecting the childs development - ie the ways in which they attach to others and situations. Inconclusive - many other dimensions and relationships and environmental circumstances.
Oh well - somewhat of an essay if the question is spot on.
Then as for a question from book 1 - Goodness knows - i have crammed a lot of info and could tell the story generally but to answer a specific question - no way!
So it's all very scant knowledge - not full - I just hope for a question in each case that can trigger off something and then at least try for a Pass 4.
I wanted to get all 1st throughout but circumstances this year - well - I just won't.
I didn't even submit 6 assignments - 3 out of 6 . Proud to be able to say that I got 1st's for those which is enough to get a pass in the course work. Lucky me.
I am writing this whilst waiting for the invigilator to arrive. As I am dyslexic dyscalculic I have an exam at home. How privileged and can also use my laptop. How extra privileged. Sometimes I think that means I am not really tested on equal terms therefore my grades etc are not really representative as a true measure. Then again the way the education is put together there is little advantage otherwise for dyslexics etc. So I won;t refuse this opportunity. I am fortunate.
OK she should be here in 4 minutes.
No more reading no more chance to learn - just got to spill out anything I know as best I can. I have tried using the situation to do my best. I could do better in different situations. Hope for that for next year.
I am a mature student in case anyone is wondering. I wonder constantly. What the hell am I doing this for? I find it interesting and it contributes to me being better at my job and I love my work. Just desire to get better and be as good as I can at it.
Is this enough rambling to try and overcome my nerves? Probably not.
Where the hell is she??????
Oh I hope she never arrives too.
Yuch nerves - hate em. Thank goodness when this day is done!
Master called me. I love him so so much, he's is so thoughtful of me. I was relieved to hear his calm voice. His encouragement. And then he had to go, I needed to read some more. I will not speak to him now until after this is all over. I look forward to this evening without this hanging over me to simply relax and focus on him.
I love Master
How did it go??? much love hope it went well!! xxx