Life doesn't give folks a break. Nor does it test you. Nor is there any such thing as good luck, fate, or destiny.
On the other hand, Bliss, your thoughts become things. Which pretty much means you get to rule your world.
Better than winning the lottery,
The Universe
I am drained after a day at work where emotions were strong and a lot of good therpay seemed to be taking place. I am witnessing so much hope and willingness to make changes towards a better way of being. It makes my heart sing.
I loved the laughter and flirty payfulness with SH. This helped re-centre me after a completely manic evening yesterday. Ah! I loathe my paranoia and how I start to question my trust in my love. Master asked me how it would be if he told me to stop thinking. He has said before now he does not want me to lose being me. I think there is possibly some gain to be told not to think when I start to question. But this would mean my lover standing aside to be putrely controlled by Master. This is where the two seem to merge with complications for me. I do not understand how to seperate them or when the benefits of one outweigh the other without losing the other.
Guidance pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
Master/my love had read my blog and was particularly interested that I had wanted to ask him if I could touch myself. He reminded me that I could ask him and remarked I think on how he liked his ownership of me in this way. I told him how much I loved that he owns me entirely. I am his possession. I feel very priviledged that he loves me and we are lovers too.
I do find it difficult not to touch myself. I can feel my arousal and I want to stroke msyelf and feel my wetness. There were times before when I did touch myself but I felt that I betrayed Master so dreadfully. I touched his posession without his permission. Sometimes I ache with such desire to touch. When Master pauses when I ask to touch myself I hold my breath in anticipation. He usually, no I think he alwways says yes. It is an incredible gift when Master/my love gives me the delight of touching myself. When he gives me my orgasm - well I am so so grateful to him.
I feel complete by being owned and controlled in such simple ways. I had not realised how much I touch myself until the ability to touch at will has been removed.
And then to be required to stroke myself each time I go to the toilet. Sometimes I do it in a hurry because I am busy and it seems almost a nuisance. But once Master talks about it again then it becomes something to feel aroused for. ONce again it is the utter loss of power over my own body and that can do something that might please Master/my love.
He said tonight that he wanted to see me touch myself and then proceeded to tell me how to. He told me to start and stop as I reached orgasm and then to start again until when I asked yet again if I could orgasm he sai I could cum for him. Oh my gosh, my orgasm was powerful. I was very very thankful to him. I love him so much for taking the time to watch me and tell me what I must do and what he requires of me. I like that I please him.
Master and I talked about how he owns all rights over my body. I felt so incredibly aroused in my awareness of this. Master seems always very cool and calm about this fact. I think he is pleased at this and my availability whenever he so wishes.
We had spent some more time looking at some erotic and provocative photos. This photographer was not quite as inspiring for me. Craig Morey is very very good at providing a full story with very simple outlines.
I am absolutely absorbed by this photo .........

As before I am encaptured by the stillness as she very gently lifts the lace to fully expose her beautiful breasts. I feel like this photo when Master/my love asked me to show him my breats and when he took a photo of my breasts.
From this picture I sense the pleasure in revelaing herself even when she was already visible beforehand. Nothing is private.
The look on her face is very sexy. I love too the way the lace drapes and flows over her hands and arms. I love lace.
I am tired. I think I will try and write more about my experiences with GH. Perhaps some of it is already written but the trauma remains. But not tonight.
Now I need to sleep. Master/my love drifting into a deep sleep I expect.
ps My first Master liked me to walk on all fours naked. Master/my love has remarked on seeing me on all fours, my breasts hanging and my arse in the air. It feels very exposing and an unknowing of what is happening behind me. It takes all my humaness away from me, level with my dog. More control over me - more power taken from me

On the other hand, Bliss, your thoughts become things. Which pretty much means you get to rule your world.
Better than winning the lottery,
The Universe
I am drained after a day at work where emotions were strong and a lot of good therpay seemed to be taking place. I am witnessing so much hope and willingness to make changes towards a better way of being. It makes my heart sing.
I loved the laughter and flirty payfulness with SH. This helped re-centre me after a completely manic evening yesterday. Ah! I loathe my paranoia and how I start to question my trust in my love. Master asked me how it would be if he told me to stop thinking. He has said before now he does not want me to lose being me. I think there is possibly some gain to be told not to think when I start to question. But this would mean my lover standing aside to be putrely controlled by Master. This is where the two seem to merge with complications for me. I do not understand how to seperate them or when the benefits of one outweigh the other without losing the other.
Guidance pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
Master/my love had read my blog and was particularly interested that I had wanted to ask him if I could touch myself. He reminded me that I could ask him and remarked I think on how he liked his ownership of me in this way. I told him how much I loved that he owns me entirely. I am his possession. I feel very priviledged that he loves me and we are lovers too.
I do find it difficult not to touch myself. I can feel my arousal and I want to stroke msyelf and feel my wetness. There were times before when I did touch myself but I felt that I betrayed Master so dreadfully. I touched his posession without his permission. Sometimes I ache with such desire to touch. When Master pauses when I ask to touch myself I hold my breath in anticipation. He usually, no I think he alwways says yes. It is an incredible gift when Master/my love gives me the delight of touching myself. When he gives me my orgasm - well I am so so grateful to him.
I feel complete by being owned and controlled in such simple ways. I had not realised how much I touch myself until the ability to touch at will has been removed.
And then to be required to stroke myself each time I go to the toilet. Sometimes I do it in a hurry because I am busy and it seems almost a nuisance. But once Master talks about it again then it becomes something to feel aroused for. ONce again it is the utter loss of power over my own body and that can do something that might please Master/my love.
He said tonight that he wanted to see me touch myself and then proceeded to tell me how to. He told me to start and stop as I reached orgasm and then to start again until when I asked yet again if I could orgasm he sai I could cum for him. Oh my gosh, my orgasm was powerful. I was very very thankful to him. I love him so much for taking the time to watch me and tell me what I must do and what he requires of me. I like that I please him.
Master and I talked about how he owns all rights over my body. I felt so incredibly aroused in my awareness of this. Master seems always very cool and calm about this fact. I think he is pleased at this and my availability whenever he so wishes.
We had spent some more time looking at some erotic and provocative photos. This photographer was not quite as inspiring for me. Craig Morey is very very good at providing a full story with very simple outlines.
I am absolutely absorbed by this photo .........

As before I am encaptured by the stillness as she very gently lifts the lace to fully expose her beautiful breasts. I feel like this photo when Master/my love asked me to show him my breats and when he took a photo of my breasts.
From this picture I sense the pleasure in revelaing herself even when she was already visible beforehand. Nothing is private.
The look on her face is very sexy. I love too the way the lace drapes and flows over her hands and arms. I love lace.
I am tired. I think I will try and write more about my experiences with GH. Perhaps some of it is already written but the trauma remains. But not tonight.
Now I need to sleep. Master/my love drifting into a deep sleep I expect.
ps My first Master liked me to walk on all fours naked. Master/my love has remarked on seeing me on all fours, my breasts hanging and my arse in the air. It feels very exposing and an unknowing of what is happening behind me. It takes all my humaness away from me, level with my dog. More control over me - more power taken from me

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