Well I finally saw the whole film last night. A very good film until the end. I wasn't actually sure if the ending was good or not. Was it? It seemed to me to start throwing in a new complication just to be able to evoke the feeling of anger yet there was enough already without the copper needing to goad him further to be angry and write the note on the photo" not to believe his lies". What do you think? I wish I was brave enough to open up my Blog to the general public and see if anyone ever comments on these questions I have.
I thought Guy Pearce was excellent. He really did seem to have a look of no memory in his eyes. I wonder how he grasped this look or am I just being led along by wanting to have believed him. I did find it totally believable especially after watching the documentary Unknown White Male. And the doubts too - people were doubtful in the documentary too. Just doesn't seem possible to lose memory like that.
And another thing I didn't seem to grasp. When Natalie knew that Leonard had arrived in her boyfriends car and suit, why didn't she react? If I remember correctly she had already met and established that Leonard really did have this condition where he did not have any short-term memory. But what did she want to use him for exactly. Was she aware as my friend AB suggested that her boyfriend was implicated in the murder of Leonard's wife but wanted her revenge on Teddy and Dodd?
Well I really find it clever how the tale was twisted and the fear of Teddy as the baddy and Natalie being the one to trust - I was really struck by Leonard's comment about emotions. How he knew he had an emotion but did not have the memory as to why he felt like he did. So when Teddy had evoked anger in him, his fatal comment on his memory tricks was triggered by an emotion but no clear memory of why and from there on Leonard fell into a trap of lies.
To belatedly make 11th November.

So to emotions versus behaviour particularly anger. It was something it took me a while to grasp so I am never surprised that people seem to also find it difficult to differentiate emotions (feelings is another word) and behaviours.
I think when I was little my behaviour when angry was a reason to be told off for. But no one clarified that my anger was justified because no one sat down to ask what was going on for me. I simply got told off for the behaviour. How on earth can a child have the words to say what is going on. Everything is acting out. And if adults aren't emotionally intelligent they will of course react to behaviour they don;t like. And most people just want everything to be OK - after all a child's anger if acknowledged might mean having to do something - take responsibility, even be in the wrong!! Gosh how many people struggle with being in the wrong, making a mistake. And when someone is angry then this exposure of not getting it perfectly right.#
So we are not taught how to understand emotions for what they really are. And so when JH was affected by me being angry, he wants me it seems to not be angry. Which is even more frustrating as I have felt angry and I am justified to be angry. This does not mean that I don;t or can;t love him or dislike him. It just means I am angry. Now the behaviour if I don't acknowledge my anger can then come out as a reaction and a behaviour that actually is not acceptable
So it's very very important to separate the emotion from the behaviour. The behaviour could well be inappropriate but to stop and then be able to try and find out what emotion is behind the behaviour and whatever it is then try and find out what is the reason for the emotion - this is allowing people to be who and ow they are. This is intimacy. This is humanness - and so many people just want to keep the status quo. Not take on responsibility for their part in any interaction which will arouse emotions. Gosh! We humans have so unlearnt how to be human. Way back in cave-man time there is evidence to support that emotions were the instinct. This is the universe's way of communicating.
We humans simply complicate it with complicated thinking and complex behavioural reactions
Learning to acknowledge the emotions means that I can learn how to respond so that I am dignified, gracious and maintain other peoples choice for dignity and respect.
Emotion - e=energy - energy in motion =s emotion+behaviour.
Get it? Have I put it in good simple words - I think not because I am complicated!! :)
Well I finally saw the whole film last night. A very good film until the end. I wasn't actually sure if the ending was good or not. Was it? It seemed to me to start throwing in a new complication just to be able to evoke the feeling of anger yet there was enough already without the copper needing to goad him further to be angry and write the note on the photo" not to believe his lies". What do you think? I wish I was brave enough to open up my Blog to the general public and see if anyone ever comments on these questions I have.
I thought Guy Pearce was excellent. He really did seem to have a look of no memory in his eyes. I wonder how he grasped this look or am I just being led along by wanting to have believed him. I did find it totally believable especially after watching the documentary Unknown White Male. And the doubts too - people were doubtful in the documentary too. Just doesn't seem possible to lose memory like that.
And another thing I didn't seem to grasp. When Natalie knew that Leonard had arrived in her boyfriends car and suit, why didn't she react? If I remember correctly she had already met and established that Leonard really did have this condition where he did not have any short-term memory. But what did she want to use him for exactly. Was she aware as my friend AB suggested that her boyfriend was implicated in the murder of Leonard's wife but wanted her revenge on Teddy and Dodd?
Well I really find it clever how the tale was twisted and the fear of Teddy as the baddy and Natalie being the one to trust - I was really struck by Leonard's comment about emotions. How he knew he had an emotion but did not have the memory as to why he felt like he did. So when Teddy had evoked anger in him, his fatal comment on his memory tricks was triggered by an emotion but no clear memory of why and from there on Leonard fell into a trap of lies.
To belatedly make 11th November.

So to emotions versus behaviour particularly anger. It was something it took me a while to grasp so I am never surprised that people seem to also find it difficult to differentiate emotions (feelings is another word) and behaviours.
I think when I was little my behaviour when angry was a reason to be told off for. But no one clarified that my anger was justified because no one sat down to ask what was going on for me. I simply got told off for the behaviour. How on earth can a child have the words to say what is going on. Everything is acting out. And if adults aren't emotionally intelligent they will of course react to behaviour they don;t like. And most people just want everything to be OK - after all a child's anger if acknowledged might mean having to do something - take responsibility, even be in the wrong!! Gosh how many people struggle with being in the wrong, making a mistake. And when someone is angry then this exposure of not getting it perfectly right.#
So we are not taught how to understand emotions for what they really are. And so when JH was affected by me being angry, he wants me it seems to not be angry. Which is even more frustrating as I have felt angry and I am justified to be angry. This does not mean that I don;t or can;t love him or dislike him. It just means I am angry. Now the behaviour if I don't acknowledge my anger can then come out as a reaction and a behaviour that actually is not acceptable
So it's very very important to separate the emotion from the behaviour. The behaviour could well be inappropriate but to stop and then be able to try and find out what emotion is behind the behaviour and whatever it is then try and find out what is the reason for the emotion - this is allowing people to be who and ow they are. This is intimacy. This is humanness - and so many people just want to keep the status quo. Not take on responsibility for their part in any interaction which will arouse emotions. Gosh! We humans have so unlearnt how to be human. Way back in cave-man time there is evidence to support that emotions were the instinct. This is the universe's way of communicating.
We humans simply complicate it with complicated thinking and complex behavioural reactions
Learning to acknowledge the emotions means that I can learn how to respond so that I am dignified, gracious and maintain other peoples choice for dignity and respect.
Emotion - e=energy - energy in motion =s emotion+behaviour.
Get it? Have I put it in good simple words - I think not because I am complicated!! :)
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