Thursday, 9 December 2010

Carrying the fear

Something happened at work today that left me feeling helpless and scared and wanting to protect and save.
Furthermore, I feel unwell
And  feel angry with my employers because their attitude to sickness creates ion me a feeling of guilt for feeling ill. Something I can long tap into. My mothers thought son sickness were you were only off if developing rigormortis - funny but with a very serious message in too. And my dad just didn't tolerate sickness at all. Poor him trying to tolerate himself now with all his ailments through ageing.

Anyway it's difficult at times as I feel trying to deal with the feelings that arise as a result of things at work.
I can;t always identify what is mine and what is being carried. I want to talk to friends just to expel all my feelings. Which is what I do mainly without needing to talk about details that I am not allowed to anyway. It is hard sometimes though because there is the detail too - we have supervision every 2 weeks which of course helps but often the feelings get squashed down in the rush of work and not speaking about them.
Then feelings are resurrected from time to time.
I have been thinking often about situations from last year just recently.
I don;t know - then it surely affects my mood ....

I feel ill - going to sleep!


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