Kenneth Snelson
"...concerned with the interplay of natural forces, and a dedication to finding ways in which those forces might manifest themselves in three-dimensional forms. "
Following JH's visit to USA - what interesting ideas - looks like a galaxy of stars - not my orignial thought but it kind of associated for me. It's actually called Sleeping Dragon.
The incredibly haunting voice of Ofra Haza - what a sound. Singing Led Zeppelins song beautifully. At least I think it is their song.
I first heard Ofra as the vocals on Sarah Brightmans album Harem. But there is no version on You Tube. It's stunning on her album
Check out these two ....
Sorry about the extortionate link address
My friend sees one or both of them at her market stall and suggested I take a look.
I found myself attracted and yet for what I do not know. Initially it seemed to be to be incredibly narcissistic that George and Gilbert seem to be the feature of every piece of work. And then when I considered this more, of course everyone is at the centre of everything they do even if its altruism. And so the fact that their work is developed around their lives in the East End it is about them - why not?
Colourful in a sort of satirical way. Everything about their work seems to be an incredibly strong message. I am not sure if this is what they are intending. I would imagine so because of the subjects they are appearing in.
If AB and I go to the Tate Modern next Saturday as planned I will look out for them. I am not even sure they are there. I suppose it's possible to check out what is in each gallery in advance. They have a new exhibition at the White Cube. Mmmm its a way from the Tate but will see what AB thinks
I like this T-shirt even though I am anti the whole designer clothes cost thing. I appreciate that designers should be paid their worth, I just have something against the whole hiked up prices for articles of clothing reproduced over and over and over again and sold at extortionate prices. I have probably got this all wrong as I have not done any research. Yes I can see quality stuff and materials - but truly the prices are diriculous and I always suspect where and the conditions under which some things are made.
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