So the sensory detector detects the outside world. An electric pulse or action potential is triggered travelling through the axon and releasing chemicals a the synapse at the end of each dendrite which in turn generates an action potential at the next axon button. The direction is afferent as the signals are being sent to the CNS.
This is the job of the sensory neurons. And all the axons lying along side together are collectively known as the nerve.
I think this is how it works - anybody???????????????
I didn't really learn the detail of this ever before and yet it is familiar nonetheless. I feel stupid not knowing this. Doesn't everyone know this?
Yes apparently I have it right - there are only two linked neurons to the brain - well only two that are linked but goodness knows how many sets of these two there are - oh poop another question - how many are there?
Gosh it's suddenly really overwhelming suddenly realising how many neurons and cells and synapses and ......................................... it's a true miracle that we function at all. And how does it all get decided what shape things will be - like the brain being a sort of cauliflower shape and then there are parts f us that look like intricate leaves or delicate tiny flowers. I am sure the biologists would be horrified to read my descriptions. The cauliflower brain and the flowery bit that i think is in the cerebellum area of the brain. Lots to learn ??? :)
Bloody Hell neurons can range from 1mm to 4ft
So much potential for mis-wirings and mis-firings. We are miracles - delicate and intricate materials - The Universe spent a lot of energy putting us together - and developing all the time - evolution!
Absolutely amazing!!!
I sort of knew these kind of details but also have not paid too much attention. It's things that I suspect others probably have really absorbed and are just aware of mildly within their background knowledge.
Endocrine system - made up of the hormones of the body.
Sheer brialliance!!
Since the last few years "suffereing" (and it really is at times a suffereing) the effects of hormonal changes in my body I have been absoultley amazed at the power of hormones. And of course when they are not "flowing" with ease for wnat of a better turn of phrase (not a good biologist as you will be reading) the impact on so many things - mental, physical, emotional and probably spiritual.
Absolutement incroyable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he he - how the hell do you pronounce that then?
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