Monday, 17 January 2011

Monday Night Liss

What a lovely meeting. And I realise it's less about the meeting and more about me and my attitude and input.
I haven't attended to my recovery so much in the probably the last 6 months. And now I am refreshing my effort. It's paying off.
JH asked me a little while ago what it is that makes it a good meeting.
Well this evening I shared - I related to a couple of things already said by others and to some things said by the guest chair. I have known her vaguely throughout my recovery and she is a very upbeat and pleasant lady.
There was laughter in the room and I listened to the essence of the person and not the detail of the personality.
There was longevity and nostalgia with that.
There was niceness = just decent people reaching out to each other. Of course there are personalities with all the defects of humanness. But I can focus on the principles and see people just trying to become better people one way or another.
A lady said good bye to me as I left the meeting room this evening. She used my name which was a lovely thing to happen. Made me feel heard. It mattered because I think I am invisible really and actually keep myself that way by trying to shrink into the woodwork.
So tonight I was pro-active.
I had the extraordinary events of Saturday to share which I believe are directly linked to these 10 years I have committed myself to changing. Sometimes working at it flipping hard and at other times flipping out all together.
And it's not been alone. I have had a lot of wonderful friends carrying me at times.

I have faith. I forget sometimes but I do have a very strong faith.
People are unpredictable and unreliable and of course that keeps everything always interesting. But I have faith .............................


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