.... or Age of Reason, 18th Century. Such an extreme reaction perhaps to the age of religion and piety. Suddenly nothing was valid unless backed up with hard evidence. SCIENCE! The move away from blind faith. How wonderful that there are people now trying to combine the two. Dalai Llama I believe is one.

I was stimulated for the first time in a few days by someones theatrical project - All I know is that it's about childbirth and science using famous figures through history. Two mentioned were Voltaire and Emilie du Chatelet. Voltaire of course is known to me. I have not read much and have decided I would like to know more. He was an outspoken and prolific writer. I was amused by the way in which he apparently adopted his pen name Voltaire - Airvault was the name of a family Chateau and a reverse of his pen name. But also it is said that he used an anagram of his name in Latin. Complex gentleman if any of this is true. Oh and apparently it signifies a separation from his family.
Hmmm! It was Montesquieu who wrote Persian Letters (around the same time), a satire. A Persian visiting Paris. How clever a way to write about the absurd way of life in the Western society. I should like to be that creative. Anyway, when I learnt about Persian Letters, it struck me just how ironic this would be if Montesquieu wrote about the relationships between peers. Perhaps I could write something today. I think I am still embroiled too deeply in emotions to be able to separate myself and see just how incongruous things can be. Emotions and life don't always seems to add up. Some are so too sensitive and some are competely detached. I think I will find out more about Persian Letters.

Anyway Voltaire and Emilie - or the stimulation to discover a bit more about them (which of course I will forget because my memory doesn't seem to store as much information as I would someetimes like to draw from - most frustrating because it's good and expanding and inspiring to be able to make connections and open talks with references to other works).
So reading about Voltaire lead me onto to looking at Candide. I studied Candide when I studied French at Sixth Form but I cannot remember a thing about it. Darn it! But what I read was how Voltaire was actually critiscising Leibniz's positivity philosophy. I guess Candide attempted to see things with the optimism Leibniz projected, that this Universe is the best anything can ever be. Gosh how I question this - dead against my difficulty in reconciling why bad things happen to good people. I do not like the term that everything is just as it's meant to be. It is how it is, this is the way I am more inclined to think when I am able to step aside from my very overpowering emotions. The growth is being able to observe my own emotions whilst using them to motivate and at the same time being able to encompass the philosophical approach and put a logical spin in as well. It's helpful to realise that my thoughts and questions and desire for understanding is an age old human frustration. And the same questions are being asked and debated today. So with a wry smile I am up there with the great philosophers. And I have a desire still for growth and knowledge. I expect on the last breath I will get a sense of knowing.
A Love Story
I love this story of these two people - gosh it's passionate, volatile, fascinating and exciting. I am sure along the way it was difficult and painful. I think wherever there is passion there are heightened emotions and difficulties to overcome. It is is a source of deep love that enables two people to stride forward through thick and thin, through good and bad. But of course it does take a willingness from both parties and an openess. BUt there also needs to be some sort of common ground and principles. I am supposing. Of course I am certian that this story of love is writtten with a romantic view.
Voltaire and Emilie Meet
In 1733, Voltaire was 39 years old and a successful playwright, poet and businessman when he met Emilie. She was 28, and lived the life of an upper class Parisian woman of society. When they met, they felt an instant attraction to each other.
The two certainly knew of each other before their first meeting because they had mutual friends and acquaintances. Emilie had read Voltaire's work, attended his plays and was fond of the theater. The Duc de Richelieu and Voltaire were close personal friends. Emilie had had an affair with Richelieu, and wrote to him saying, "Why did you never tell me that M. de Voltaire is the paragon of Men?"
Voltaire wrote to a friend about Emilie: "Everything about her is noble, her countenance, her tastes, the style of her letters, her discourses, her politeness. … her conversation is agreeable and interesting." They had a lot to say to each other - this was a meeting of the minds.
Rules Are for Other People
Voltaire and Emilie went to the opera, dined at the most respectable inns, and appeared together in the audience chamber of the King. This public display of an affair was considered inappropriate and all of Paris society was shocked at how they ignored the rules of acceptable conduct. But Voltaire and Emilie didn't care. Rules were for other people, and they were in love.
Police Looking for Voltaire
In May of 1734, Voltaire and Emilie attended the wedding of the Duc de Richelieu. Several days after the ceremony, Voltaire received a message from the office of one of the king's ministers that said: the author of the "English Letters" would do well to "absent himself." This was a warning from a friend that the police were looking for him. He didn't know why, but quickly left the country to escape arrest.
Voltaire learned later that a printer wanted to make some fast money by printing and selling his work without him knowing about it. Voltaire's book, the "English Letters" (Lettres Philosophiques) praised political and religious freedom in England. Government censors viewed this as criticism of the King and the Church in France. The printer was in the Bastille. A lettre de cachet had been issued for Voltaire's arrest and the police were looking for him.
For two months, Voltaire hid out staying with people he knew along the French border. He also stopped at the Chateau de Cirey, the ancestral estate of Emilie's husband, and found it was in great need of repair.
Decide to Live at Cirey
It may appear strange that Voltaire and Emilie devised a plan to live at the Chateau de Cirey and that Emilie's husband agreed to this. Voltaire loaned the Marquis 40,000 francs at low interest to pay for the renovation. The Marquis gained a home in the country where he could hunt, and Voltaire paid for Emilie's extravagant spending. This arrangement made sense to Emilie's husband.
Voltaire had always wanted a home in the country where he could write. Renovation of the chateau began in August and Voltaire and Emilie made the chateau into a comfortable home. Voltaire was a wealthy man; they wanted for nothing, and lived in luxury.
The Love Relationship
Those who knew Voltaire and Emilie were interested in their romantic relationship, and stories about what transpired between them at Cirey. Madame de Graffigny, a guest for three months at the Chateau de Cirey, wrote to her friends that Emilie had a lot of jewelry which was likely gifts from Voltaire, and that the couple spoke in English when they had arguments. It was details like this that people found most interesting.
Madame de Graffigny also wrote that visitors were only entertained in the evening. Voltaire and Emilie worked during the day, frequently sent notes to each other and often met to discuss their work. Guests were expected to stay in their rooms, read a book, or entertain themselves. Thus, few people understood the intellectual world in which this couple lived.
Intellectual Relationship
Both Voltaire and Emilie had a desire to discover the "truth" and to write about their findings. They both wanted to make an impact on the world. The bond the couple had for each other was greatly due to the work they were doing, both jointly and separately, and how they supported each other to achieve their goals.
The Search for the Truth
Voltaire and Emilie collected a library of 21,000 books, which was the equivalent of a university library of the 1700's. The library included the work of writers from ancient times up to their present day. Time was spent reading, analyzing, and discussing the work of many writers to determine what they believed was the truth on many subjects.
What were the subjects that were of greatest interest to them, and about which they wrote?
Metaphysics: This is a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality that is outside of what can be perceived with the senses. Voltaire and Emilie were seeking answers to questions that have been asked for centuries and are still asked today, such as: Is there proof that there is a God?, What is the soul and is it immortal?, Does man have free-will?, What is the origin of evil?, and Where do our thoughts come from?
Moral philosophy: Of special concern to them were problems such as: What is happiness?, the nature of pleasure, social good and evil, rewards and punishments, equality, and the relationship between passion and reason.
Physics (also referred to as natural science in the 1700's): Both Voltaire and Emilie were interested in the work of Isaac Newton and in the sciences.
History: Emilie's expressed a lack of interest in history because it was just a recording of wars and conquests. This led Voltaire to include in his historical writing the accomplishments of the great men that contributed to the advancement of civilization.
Critical deism (criticism of the Bible): Voltaire and Emilie did a detailed analysis of the Bible to form their own opinion on whether this document was a valid basis for religion.
Much of the results of their research, discussion and analysis on the above topics are the subject matter of Voltaire's writing.
Collaboration and Critique
In the Introduction to the "Elements of the Philosophy of Newton" published in 1737, Voltaire states that he and Emilie collaborated in the writing of this book. They both believed that bringing Newton's work that explained principles of gravity, optics, and light into the French language was a work of major importance. After this joint project, Emilie continued her study of mathematics and completed her translation of Newton's "Principia" which Voltaire had published after her death.
Voltaire's original manuscripts have comments in the margins written by Emilie; and Emilie's manuscripts have comments in the margins written by Voltaire. They read each other's work and made suggestions for improvement. Voltaire frequently praised Emilie's intelligence, saying she was a genius, and dedicated almost all of his work to her during their fifteen-year relationship. Possibly Voltaire's dedications to Emilie are a recognition for some degree of input that she made to his work.
Voltaire and Emilie had similar values and supported each other's intellectual goals and achievements. This was the part of their relationship that others did not see and helps to explain the high regard, devotion, and bond that they had for each other.
Voltaire wrote to a friend shortly after Emilie's death in 1749, "It is not a mistress I have lost but half of myself, a soul for which my soul seems to have been made."
Lost Correspondence
During their fifteen-year relationship, Emilie saved all the correspondence that Voltaire sent to her. She had his letters bound into eight books with red morocco leather covers. This correspondence has never been found.
I have no idea if plays or films are made of this story. But I am now enlightened not reasoned.
I was stimulated for the first time in a few days by someones theatrical project - All I know is that it's about childbirth and science using famous figures through history. Two mentioned were Voltaire and Emilie du Chatelet. Voltaire of course is known to me. I have not read much and have decided I would like to know more. He was an outspoken and prolific writer. I was amused by the way in which he apparently adopted his pen name Voltaire - Airvault was the name of a family Chateau and a reverse of his pen name. But also it is said that he used an anagram of his name in Latin. Complex gentleman if any of this is true. Oh and apparently it signifies a separation from his family.
Hmmm! It was Montesquieu who wrote Persian Letters (around the same time), a satire. A Persian visiting Paris. How clever a way to write about the absurd way of life in the Western society. I should like to be that creative. Anyway, when I learnt about Persian Letters, it struck me just how ironic this would be if Montesquieu wrote about the relationships between peers. Perhaps I could write something today. I think I am still embroiled too deeply in emotions to be able to separate myself and see just how incongruous things can be. Emotions and life don't always seems to add up. Some are so too sensitive and some are competely detached. I think I will find out more about Persian Letters.
Anyway Voltaire and Emilie - or the stimulation to discover a bit more about them (which of course I will forget because my memory doesn't seem to store as much information as I would someetimes like to draw from - most frustrating because it's good and expanding and inspiring to be able to make connections and open talks with references to other works).
So reading about Voltaire lead me onto to looking at Candide. I studied Candide when I studied French at Sixth Form but I cannot remember a thing about it. Darn it! But what I read was how Voltaire was actually critiscising Leibniz's positivity philosophy. I guess Candide attempted to see things with the optimism Leibniz projected, that this Universe is the best anything can ever be. Gosh how I question this - dead against my difficulty in reconciling why bad things happen to good people. I do not like the term that everything is just as it's meant to be. It is how it is, this is the way I am more inclined to think when I am able to step aside from my very overpowering emotions. The growth is being able to observe my own emotions whilst using them to motivate and at the same time being able to encompass the philosophical approach and put a logical spin in as well. It's helpful to realise that my thoughts and questions and desire for understanding is an age old human frustration. And the same questions are being asked and debated today. So with a wry smile I am up there with the great philosophers. And I have a desire still for growth and knowledge. I expect on the last breath I will get a sense of knowing.
A Love Story
I love this story of these two people - gosh it's passionate, volatile, fascinating and exciting. I am sure along the way it was difficult and painful. I think wherever there is passion there are heightened emotions and difficulties to overcome. It is is a source of deep love that enables two people to stride forward through thick and thin, through good and bad. But of course it does take a willingness from both parties and an openess. BUt there also needs to be some sort of common ground and principles. I am supposing. Of course I am certian that this story of love is writtten with a romantic view.
Voltaire and Emilie Meet
In 1733, Voltaire was 39 years old and a successful playwright, poet and businessman when he met Emilie. She was 28, and lived the life of an upper class Parisian woman of society. When they met, they felt an instant attraction to each other.
The two certainly knew of each other before their first meeting because they had mutual friends and acquaintances. Emilie had read Voltaire's work, attended his plays and was fond of the theater. The Duc de Richelieu and Voltaire were close personal friends. Emilie had had an affair with Richelieu, and wrote to him saying, "Why did you never tell me that M. de Voltaire is the paragon of Men?"
Voltaire wrote to a friend about Emilie: "Everything about her is noble, her countenance, her tastes, the style of her letters, her discourses, her politeness. … her conversation is agreeable and interesting." They had a lot to say to each other - this was a meeting of the minds.
Rules Are for Other People
Voltaire and Emilie went to the opera, dined at the most respectable inns, and appeared together in the audience chamber of the King. This public display of an affair was considered inappropriate and all of Paris society was shocked at how they ignored the rules of acceptable conduct. But Voltaire and Emilie didn't care. Rules were for other people, and they were in love.
Police Looking for Voltaire
In May of 1734, Voltaire and Emilie attended the wedding of the Duc de Richelieu. Several days after the ceremony, Voltaire received a message from the office of one of the king's ministers that said: the author of the "English Letters" would do well to "absent himself." This was a warning from a friend that the police were looking for him. He didn't know why, but quickly left the country to escape arrest.
Voltaire learned later that a printer wanted to make some fast money by printing and selling his work without him knowing about it. Voltaire's book, the "English Letters" (Lettres Philosophiques) praised political and religious freedom in England. Government censors viewed this as criticism of the King and the Church in France. The printer was in the Bastille. A lettre de cachet had been issued for Voltaire's arrest and the police were looking for him.
For two months, Voltaire hid out staying with people he knew along the French border. He also stopped at the Chateau de Cirey, the ancestral estate of Emilie's husband, and found it was in great need of repair.
Decide to Live at Cirey
It may appear strange that Voltaire and Emilie devised a plan to live at the Chateau de Cirey and that Emilie's husband agreed to this. Voltaire loaned the Marquis 40,000 francs at low interest to pay for the renovation. The Marquis gained a home in the country where he could hunt, and Voltaire paid for Emilie's extravagant spending. This arrangement made sense to Emilie's husband.
Voltaire had always wanted a home in the country where he could write. Renovation of the chateau began in August and Voltaire and Emilie made the chateau into a comfortable home. Voltaire was a wealthy man; they wanted for nothing, and lived in luxury.
The Love Relationship
Those who knew Voltaire and Emilie were interested in their romantic relationship, and stories about what transpired between them at Cirey. Madame de Graffigny, a guest for three months at the Chateau de Cirey, wrote to her friends that Emilie had a lot of jewelry which was likely gifts from Voltaire, and that the couple spoke in English when they had arguments. It was details like this that people found most interesting.
Madame de Graffigny also wrote that visitors were only entertained in the evening. Voltaire and Emilie worked during the day, frequently sent notes to each other and often met to discuss their work. Guests were expected to stay in their rooms, read a book, or entertain themselves. Thus, few people understood the intellectual world in which this couple lived.
Intellectual Relationship
Both Voltaire and Emilie had a desire to discover the "truth" and to write about their findings. They both wanted to make an impact on the world. The bond the couple had for each other was greatly due to the work they were doing, both jointly and separately, and how they supported each other to achieve their goals.
The Search for the Truth
Voltaire and Emilie collected a library of 21,000 books, which was the equivalent of a university library of the 1700's. The library included the work of writers from ancient times up to their present day. Time was spent reading, analyzing, and discussing the work of many writers to determine what they believed was the truth on many subjects.
What were the subjects that were of greatest interest to them, and about which they wrote?
Metaphysics: This is a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality that is outside of what can be perceived with the senses. Voltaire and Emilie were seeking answers to questions that have been asked for centuries and are still asked today, such as: Is there proof that there is a God?, What is the soul and is it immortal?, Does man have free-will?, What is the origin of evil?, and Where do our thoughts come from?
Moral philosophy: Of special concern to them were problems such as: What is happiness?, the nature of pleasure, social good and evil, rewards and punishments, equality, and the relationship between passion and reason.
Physics (also referred to as natural science in the 1700's): Both Voltaire and Emilie were interested in the work of Isaac Newton and in the sciences.
History: Emilie's expressed a lack of interest in history because it was just a recording of wars and conquests. This led Voltaire to include in his historical writing the accomplishments of the great men that contributed to the advancement of civilization.
Critical deism (criticism of the Bible): Voltaire and Emilie did a detailed analysis of the Bible to form their own opinion on whether this document was a valid basis for religion.
Much of the results of their research, discussion and analysis on the above topics are the subject matter of Voltaire's writing.
Collaboration and Critique
In the Introduction to the "Elements of the Philosophy of Newton" published in 1737, Voltaire states that he and Emilie collaborated in the writing of this book. They both believed that bringing Newton's work that explained principles of gravity, optics, and light into the French language was a work of major importance. After this joint project, Emilie continued her study of mathematics and completed her translation of Newton's "Principia" which Voltaire had published after her death.
Voltaire's original manuscripts have comments in the margins written by Emilie; and Emilie's manuscripts have comments in the margins written by Voltaire. They read each other's work and made suggestions for improvement. Voltaire frequently praised Emilie's intelligence, saying she was a genius, and dedicated almost all of his work to her during their fifteen-year relationship. Possibly Voltaire's dedications to Emilie are a recognition for some degree of input that she made to his work.
Voltaire and Emilie had similar values and supported each other's intellectual goals and achievements. This was the part of their relationship that others did not see and helps to explain the high regard, devotion, and bond that they had for each other.
Voltaire wrote to a friend shortly after Emilie's death in 1749, "It is not a mistress I have lost but half of myself, a soul for which my soul seems to have been made."
Lost Correspondence
During their fifteen-year relationship, Emilie saved all the correspondence that Voltaire sent to her. She had his letters bound into eight books with red morocco leather covers. This correspondence has never been found.
I have no idea if plays or films are made of this story. But I am now enlightened not reasoned.
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