Marc Chagall

Tudeley Church - the only church to have all it's stained glass windows designed by Marc Chagall. Commissioned by Sir Henry d'Avigdor-Goldsmid and Lady Rosemary after the death of their daughter Sarah aged 21yrs. Dhe died in

I had heard mention of his stained glass windows in the past and he was recently brought to my attention in a different way. When a writer said that she was inspired by maby things including trying to bring Chagall paintings to life. She was a writer of magic and mystery. I am not sure which paintings particularly she was referring to .....
Angela Carter -
Taken by Jane Bown
Journalist, novelist, poet. Apparently a prolific writer but mainly discovered after her death ....
The lady and the skull
The skull
Picked quite clean
And bleached by the sun and wind
.... is starting to speak to me
The poem is about the woman trying to solve the mystery of the skull she has found
I love this idea and the rhythm of the solution ...
To give to the unnameable
The name of the unnameable
Is to give to the unnameable
And so to fix it.
Extract from The Magic Apple Tree
In the West,
the apple-trees grow
under a blue sky.
The apple trees founder
on their knees in the grass,
Toppling with fruit.
Apple is round as the round world, red
as heart's blood, fat
as my two fists together. This,
the very first apple of all,
wet, still,
with the first of the dew.
Snake made the first apple,
laid a red egg and said:
"Eat me."
Reference to the devil again?? Purifying imagery according to Andrew Motion.
My cat
Is the snow queen,
This frigid virgin four
Winters old crooks
Her paw to wash a face
As starlight, twice
As cold.
She puts back
her ears like spoons
to listen to the wind
behind her.
She eats
For breakfast, hearts;
For supper, northern lights.
You must realize that I was suffering from love and I knew him as intimately as I knew my own image in a mirror. In other words, I knew him only in relation to myself.
Aeneas carried his aged father on his back from the ruins of Troy and so do we all, whether we like it or not, perhaps even if we have never known them.
Jane Bown
I have been looking for some of her photography other than portrait photos. I guess when you become so fanout for a particular genre the "other" falls into insignificance. Poor "other"....

Well I do like them - she captures something in the shades or non shades. Essence of real.
I need coffee - I need to study! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!
Accidentally I came across this photographer ..
weeeayyyy - London tomorrow.
Oh yes - Iwas supposed to meet with my friend visiting from Australia yesterday. She was out when I called and so I had to come home not knowing what we would be doing - by the time I got home it was late and the idea of driving to Osterley - and I was disappointed that she hadn't called me back. Poo. Anyway she had called me but of course all it was all muddled up because we hadn't anything definate organised. I will need to call her now but reluctant as I am feeling lazy today!!
I must I must improve my busted up commitment to my studying!! he he
Tudeley Church - the only church to have all it's stained glass windows designed by Marc Chagall. Commissioned by Sir Henry d'Avigdor-Goldsmid and Lady Rosemary after the death of their daughter Sarah aged 21yrs. Dhe died in
I had heard mention of his stained glass windows in the past and he was recently brought to my attention in a different way. When a writer said that she was inspired by maby things including trying to bring Chagall paintings to life. She was a writer of magic and mystery. I am not sure which paintings particularly she was referring to .....
Angela Carter -
Journalist, novelist, poet. Apparently a prolific writer but mainly discovered after her death ....
The lady and the skull
The skull
Picked quite clean
And bleached by the sun and wind
.... is starting to speak to me
The poem is about the woman trying to solve the mystery of the skull she has found
I love this idea and the rhythm of the solution ...
To give to the unnameable
The name of the unnameable
Is to give to the unnameable
And so to fix it.
Extract from The Magic Apple Tree
In the West,
the apple-trees grow
under a blue sky.
The apple trees founder
on their knees in the grass,
Toppling with fruit.
Apple is round as the round world, red
as heart's blood, fat
as my two fists together. This,
the very first apple of all,
wet, still,
with the first of the dew.
Snake made the first apple,
laid a red egg and said:
"Eat me."
Reference to the devil again?? Purifying imagery according to Andrew Motion.
My cat
Is the snow queen,
This frigid virgin four
Winters old crooks
Her paw to wash a face
As starlight, twice
As cold.
She puts back
her ears like spoons
to listen to the wind
behind her.
She eats
For breakfast, hearts;
For supper, northern lights.
You must realize that I was suffering from love and I knew him as intimately as I knew my own image in a mirror. In other words, I knew him only in relation to myself.
Aeneas carried his aged father on his back from the ruins of Troy and so do we all, whether we like it or not, perhaps even if we have never known them.
Jane Bown
I have been looking for some of her photography other than portrait photos. I guess when you become so fanout for a particular genre the "other" falls into insignificance. Poor "other"....
Well I do like them - she captures something in the shades or non shades. Essence of real.
I need coffee - I need to study! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!
Accidentally I came across this photographer ..
weeeayyyy - London tomorrow.
Oh yes - Iwas supposed to meet with my friend visiting from Australia yesterday. She was out when I called and so I had to come home not knowing what we would be doing - by the time I got home it was late and the idea of driving to Osterley - and I was disappointed that she hadn't called me back. Poo. Anyway she had called me but of course all it was all muddled up because we hadn't anything definate organised. I will need to call her now but reluctant as I am feeling lazy today!!
I must I must improve my busted up commitment to my studying!! he he
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