And now somehow by accident I have found the painting that stirs within me something beyond beautiful whilst also so tragically sad. The angel in Cecil Collins painting seems to either to be sacrificing of self for the love of the planet Earth OR showing great love. And the song to me talks about the sacrifice of true love. Seems similar to me to be the love in The Alchemist when the lovers part for him to complete his journey, she knowing that if he was held back he would eventually resent her.
Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground by Willie Nelson
If you had not have fallen
Then I would not have found you
Angel flying too close to the ground
And I patched up your broken wing
And hung around a while
Tried to keep your spirits up
And your fever down
I knew someday that you would fly away
For Love's the greatest healer to be found
So leave me if you need to
I will still remember
Angel flying too close to the ground
Fly on, fly on past the speed of sound
I'd rather see you up
Than see you down
Leave me if you need to
I will still remember
Angel flying too close to the ground
Man! These lyrics suddenly mean so much to me. I wonder if JH would ever realise how deep and real my love was. And I truly would rather seem him up than down, I just have to get over my loss before that can be my only focus with him.
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