Monday, 28 March 2011

The mystical alchemy of the Blog

Aaaaargh - I am trying to write an essay - it's only 800 words. BUT it is about how the human brain is considered to have a reptilian brain at it's core - the brainstem and we are to write about the accuracy of this thought. I need to describe the parts of the brainstem in humans and the functions and consider the same in the alligator and whether similar functions can be considered. Actually overall, already I would say that this is a valid statement but that the human brainstem has further developed with functions that seem to project to memory and emotional connections with functions whereas the reptiles or alligators are very much more instinctual and emotionless. The functions of the alligator seem much more motor than will, for instance they do not choose their pray, they will attack anything that moves. But similar functions seem to be at a lower level such as the links with the autonomic system ANS - breathing, sleep regulation, blood circulation. And  the link with the parasympathetic system which is involved in regulating homeostasis or returning the body to a resting state which is the opposing action of of the sympathetic system, which stimulates reactions for example the increase in heart rate , and helps respond to sudden emergencies.

So this Blog was always intended as a sort of sinking into thinking space away from the task itself or indeed to just brandish ideas or brainstorm them. And a way of keeping sat at the laptop rather than wandering into the land of distraction. Furthermore keeping away from the destruction of FOOD. Everyone I know talks about the amount of food they partake of when studying. It certainly raises its ugly head when I am confounded and bereft of original thought or quite simply stuck for knowing what to say!!
And today is the first day of being more healthy around food and exercise.
In my sorrow I have turned further towards food as a comforter than ever before. And it is such an uncomfortable result. More self-hatred when I already feel that I am not good enough. I know this not to be true in an intellectual way. But recent events with JH have added fuel to my more emotionally responsive thoughts around this. There is  similarity of wanting to be approved of or valued as there was with my dad. JH said he loved me but his propensity towards untruths give a different message. This is not "blaming". This is perception of behaviours. I think he truly wanted to love me, and truly loves. But he seems not satisfied with just me or even one other. Now that maybe his own insecurities, I will never really know, but how it translates to me is that I am not enough and therefore always disposable when someone else would come along that offers something I am lacking in. And of course I am lacking but I also know I am good enough just as me. Perhaps it merely was that we were too different - but again how that translates to me is that I am worthless. I just want to be loved for being me. I loved myself enough though not to tolerate his indiscretion and dishonesty. What it leaves me with though is missing him so so so much - the things that I loved about him are no longer accessible either. Well for now. Maybe some time in the future we can be friends??

Blah blah blah. No more thinking about this for now. I need to return to my essay.
At least I know the angle I am coming from for that.
Yes there is an accuracy in the human brain having a reptilian core but there are differences in the human brainstem. I need to identify the similarities and evidence the differences.


It's 13:30 - stopping for a lunch break and some time with RF if she is back fromt he stables. I have 643 words to write about the parts and functions of the human brainstem and the same for the reptile and in those words point out the similarities and differences. Not many words to do that.
Basically, there are similarities in the basic functioning but the reptile has not got the parts that seem to link with the conscious awareness and memory and decision making or emotional parts that would probably contribute to making decisions. So they are far more instinctiaul. They are of course functiojing according to external stimuli - the optic tecta feature in both human and reptile brainstems and in the humans these are also concerned with tactile senses. and as apparently the reptile is sensitive to changes through skin receptors, it is not surprising that this part of the brainstem is common. BUt there is not the equivalent of the inferior colliculum, which is concerned with relaying information to the cortexes where there appears to be links with consciousness and will inform decisions etc.

Blah blah blah - how on earth am i going to write this with evidence. Blimey this is difficult
Time for a break!

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