Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Everything Poster

Empire Review
A gentler take on seedy London life than many a Ray Winstone feature, this sees his character Richard befriending a Soho prostitute, Naomi (Jan Graveson). Apparently uninterested in sex, he pays to quiz her about her profession. But why? His reasons aren’t too hard to divine given his line of questioning, but if the ending’s predictable, its emotional power surprises.
The limited cast and locations give the lead actors a chance to breathe and develop their intriguing, sometimes darkly funny relationship at a steady pace (an unwanted subplot provides only an occasional interruption). Hawkins claims that Everything was an experiment to see if he could make a compelling film in nine and a half days for a budget of £47,500.

The Empire reviewer was pretty impartial. I thought the film was extremely good. The dialogue between Ray Winstones character and Jan Graveson was moody and captured an edginess. Yes I had guessed quite early on that the possible reason for the way in which Ray was so intrigued by her. And the subplot - well it was as the review says an interruption and unnecesasary but also indicative of the world that was being shown.

I felt the emotions of each of the main characters from start to finish. The subplot could have been it's own story, full of emotion but irrelevant to the tension.

For my vote it's worth watching. Ray Winstone fans will surely love him and for those not so keen I thought he played the Ray Winstone way but with compassion.


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