Monday, 18 April 2011

It's good to want art .....

A lovely day in Brighton, strolling around the Lanes, wondering in and out of art galleries and jewellry shops. As well as little design shops and various boutiques selling all sorts of wares. I really enjoy being in Brighton. If I had a lot of money, I would have a pad in London, a pad in Brighton and somewhere in the countryside of Hampshire. Ha ha, a pipe dream. The funny thing is I have been speaking about the awareness I have of the polar opposites in me. When I have owned properties I have wanted to downsize. And when downsized as I am now I think I want a property. I want to live in a City, I want to be in a country village. I want to isolated in my own little woods. I want to be beside the sea. I would like to learn to be satisfied in the moment and to learn to accept that I am completely diverse.
I think I have been like this for as long as I can remember. Is it wrong to be so extreme? Do I need to keep exploring all the interests I have or do I need to calm and pursue one?
Certainly it's brought a wriggly trail into my life to date. Similarly, when in a long term relationship I have wanted to be single and when single I would like to be in a loving relationship. Perhaps if I meet this person sometime I will find contentment and that person and I together will be ale to support and work through any times of difficulty together. Not run - him or me!!
Anyway, Brighton. A lovely day wandering around the Lanes and then the beach. Watching people, seeing things. It's such a lively place. So much art and bohemia.
In particular, one gallery I liked was Blue Dog Gallery.
I like that they are prepared to sell pieces and buyers can pay in installments. It makes some of the expensive pieces more affordable. There were one or two things I would really like. Then again I am in this pahse of thinking why have so many things? Downsize. I am not doing it because I am not sure that it is a general feeling of unrest.
At least I was able to track down the gallery details. A good bit of detective work from my photos - good job I took them with the shops opposite. In that way I could discover the street name and then using Google Maps take a walk down the road until I could see the gallery. However, the photos of the road were old and the gallery wasn't there. But when looking at Google Maps not the photos of the street, the gallery was listed and of course I had the picture of the blue dog in my photo. So if I change my mind I can contact them.
I think though I would rather have pieces that my friends have done. There' more precious personal value in that.

Actually I am so tired, I am going to bed.
Another week off. Still feeling completely off key but at least not suicidal now for several days. That is a relief as it seemed just a battle staying alive


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