This would be one ideal - but within a sort of communal living arena. Friends all around - sharing meals together and tasks etc. I am not so motivated to do things when it's just for me.
I am beginning to feel a need to get back to work. This is a good sign. Not just the money but also t be structured once again and doing things within a team etc.
Yes this truly is a good sign. But tha means I need to get on with my studies this week and catch up.
Anyway - I like this FB link - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/fbx/?set=a.10150170362890516.350014.556370515#!/media/set/fbx/?set=a.10150090969909555.282495.538814554
I was just writing to a friend who was talking about the fairytale lifes of some and how she doesn't want her daughter growing up waiting for the fairytales to come true.
This is interesting because the fairytales are happy endings and rich living too coming from usually meagre beginnings. This is the way of Hans Christian Anderson isn't it. But we can create our own ideas of what the fairytale is and work towards it without expecting it.
As I know from experience my fairytales have altered with every step. I want this then I want that ... as a result I have had a lot of diverse experiences which contribute to something quite extraordinary as a whole story.
I am actually seeing lighter and brighter - thank goodness. Please may it last ....
I can hear my friends disappointment - I am not sure what her disappointment is motivated by. I think and only think as there a re little hints that have created these thoughts in me, that where love is concerned my friend has been very hurt and let down. And this has left a big hole that she wants to protect her own little girl from. I understand. Somehow there is a blance between having ambitions of what we want and putting in the footwork to head towards those goals but to not have expectation.
Along the way to each of my goals I have changed and then people, places and things have joined me along the journey and altered the course. I think as well that childhood influences have been guides and misguiding my choices and my desires actually. Importantly though is permitting each of us to be free to follow our path but have support. I am still uncertain of support and not so trusting. And so a lot of my choices are made alone and completely unguided. Now is that a character trait of stubbornness - is that possibly something I was born with or has that cultivated as a result of being very alone and looing after myself from a very young age - sufficiently if not of course truly efficiently.
This along the lines of my essay actually - for example are we born with empathy which would be a genetic matter. And Dr Rama of course is showing that empathy is in the neurons. And Prof Fallon shows that the psychopath brain indicates through behaviours a lack of emotional empathy. So there is evidence that neurons affect behaviours. However, there is also the influence of childhood experiences and that is not all. We cannot put all the emphasis on childhood - as we move onto school peers and teachers start to influence, but do we at that stage already behave in a particular way that results in attitude and behaviours back towards us - Sameroff's Transactional Model ...
Nothing works in isolation - for instance the baby is born lets say with some medical issue. The way the mother and baby interact will influence what the baby learns from the mother, there will also be the interaction between mother and father, father and baby and any interactiosn with siblings etc. Those lessons the growing child then takes into it's interactions with peers and teachers, plus their own ways of doing things or handling situations impact - and so on through life. So the childhood, whilst a huge influence is just the start. If we do have parallel lives, it would be so intersting to see what the outcome would be if an simple interaction along the way is different or some interactions with environmental influences are different.
However, there is the predisposition within the genes as well. So will they influence the choices and outcomes - is there freewill after all?
Ideas all for my essay too. But I need to get on with it - instead of being here writing my thoughts!
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