Saturday, 14 May 2011


Sangha means 'in the company of truth'. That is, our true nature, our true essence, the reality before conditioning takes place. The awareness that we are all one in unity consciousness and to know that it is the ego which fights for supremacy feeding the lie of 'separation'. Feeding the lie of 'lack' when in reality there is only abundance.

JS sent this to me after I enquired of a friend of hers following reading this ...
 "The next Buddha that comes wont come as an individual person. The next Buddha will be the Sangha." Understanding the significance of the 4-fold Sangha in our day and time, shivers of resonance went up my spine." - Amma Thanasanti Bhikkhun

JS recommended listening to Mooji on You Tube
I do like some of the things I heard ...

Now there he is speaking with a generalisation yet bringing it into a personal experience too.

I always get a little wary of "gurus" though. When I started reading his website and saw that there were costs and large organised events etc. I really do prefer little and personal. Yet it is good to hear the teachings.
I will listen as I clean ....

You are as a Lotus flower coming into bloom. 
Once you start enquiring into the true nature of phenomena you will be on the path out of self loathing/doubt/guilt (whatever negative belief system/perception is at work) and into self-love and acceptance.

I think I stand on the edge but at times the negative belief system is at play.
I would like to become more engaged at Chithurst. I will call and see if I can meet with a monk there.
I see value in so many of the great teachers and followers. And I can also see how that can be confusing and result in a distance from really engaging.
I like the sentiment that I can stop searching and just be. I am aware of many things and I can embrace and as JS says enquire into the true nature of phenomena. I actually do think my enquiring into self and having understanding for others (when I do) is a part of that enquiring into true phenomena. I can already feel forgiveness when I do. My dad. JH, myself and many others as they enter my mind.

Now I truly need to get on with cleaning.
Oh and perhaps EBay is away to empty the things I longer need rather than a car boot sale. Just a passing thought as I would lie to create flowing air in my home.


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