Tuesday, 12 July 2011

British Sculpture

Henry Moore

Eric Gill
Ecstasy (originally called Fucking)
Mother and child
Joseph Epstein 

Rock Drill

British Medical Building The Strand

Barbara Hepworth

Eduardo Paolozzi (I know - his parents were Italian. OK)

Richard Long

Gilbert and George - everything we do is a living scuplture

Damien Hirst - paintings go on the wall, sculptures go on the floor.

Paul Fryer

Anthony Gormley - the body is the sight of conscousness - in a way of being

Rachel Whitread - the space inside

Anthony Caro - abstraction with the same feelings of humaness. Sculpture is food for the eyes, I don't know what it's for.

Andy Goldsworthy

Elizabeth Frink

Cornelia Parker

Anish Kapoor
There are so many I have been fortunate enough to experience up close and personally.
I love his work

I have really like Henry Moore, Andy Goldsworthy, Eric Gill and Anish Kapoor. Of the others, they are interesting but as yet not grabbed like I am sucked in by the others. There is something I get that is sexy and alive and emotional in those. There are many others I have loved. I really like a Hepworth bust I saw in a gallery but not posted here. So It's been interesting checking out these few

A place worth a visit I reckon!   http://www.sculpture.uk.com/


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