Indeed, he who moves in the company of fools grieves for longing. Association with fools is ever painful, like partnership with an enemy. But association with the wise is happy, like meeting one's own kinsmen. ~Buddha [Dhp.207]
Now this means something to me ..... not quite sure what??
I think it shows me that when I am with people who are caring and loving and supportive I will not long for them because they are there and trustworthy.
What does this mean to others - I will wait and read with anticipation
It is a reminder about the longing I have for JH - it was not right for me. I keep forgetting that amd just cling on to the pain and loss. He was unwilling to be honest and open because he could not be what he said he was wanting in the same way I did - monogamy. I do not want to be with a person who is not monogamous or at least able to maintain boundaries when temptation is in the way - makes them untrustworthy.
I needed that reminder.
Of course the Universe provides when I am open to learn
"Once you overcome the hatred within your own mind, you will discover that in the world outside, there is no longer any such thing as even a single enemy."--Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
ReplyDeleteI´m so very often in the company of all those fools within myself... longing for the wise in myself...
This response was received from HdW
I hadn't thought of the fools within myself but now it's brought to my attention I of course realise. But I do find this difficult to follow with the external.
ReplyDeleteIf I am at ease with myself then I can better acccept the way others are and if their behavour is not agreeable I can move away without longing and pain - simply accept and move on. And then that comes back to me realising that I am have feelings about that - grieving and I have already established that I can afford myself patience and strength to work through those emotions - without the fool in me criticising. And eventually I will attain acceptance of the entire situation. Step by step, with support which takes couragge and strength.
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ReplyDeleteI´m discovering that most of the time ´behavior that´s not agreeable to me´, has to do with exactly those items with which I´m struggling myself, in a different way, namely MY way... - that insight provides if not yet acceptance, at least a basis for clemency and compassion... But that army of fools is cunning and strong in me... So, step by step indeed..!
ReplyDeleteMmm this is very interesting, as I can see that with some behaviours and attitudes that I disliked in others before now, I am a lot more aware and tolerant of in me now. In turn I accept others. I think there is something about having understood the underlying feelings driving these behaviours.
ReplyDeleteRecently I could not abide deceit and dishonesty in a relationship and got very angry then decided I did not like my behaviour in anger but also did not think it was good for me to be with such a person.
I definitely can be untruthful still and aactually really don't like in myself. I am very aware of the effects on others and then how I feel about myself. I also can be deceitful and I think that is deplorable.
How do you deal with situations where people are acting in disagreeable ways?
More recently I noticed how much acceptance I have about a friend who always appeared very intolerant of different people and has a lot of anger. I have been practicing tolerance and finding ways of releasing long pent up anger. Both of these things I have not liked in me but making changes and having awareness has resulted in me being patient and loving with my friend when in the midst of difficulties.
I experience a little of what you have said. Thank you