Amazing how I have read similar messages today from different sources.
I have had a wonderful day. Stimulating and educational. Eyewitness - the Royal Academy exhibition of Twentieth Century photographers.
What creativity I have experienced today. And how grateful I am to have had the experience. A witness to witnesses. The pleasure I have experienced is from within. Stimulated by external things but the emotion is within me. I have that to keep for as long as I wish to recall the moments today.
I had to buy the book - there was just so much to try and retain and I knew I couldn't so I have bought the book to browse and re-browse. Now this is where the longing got me. I know, I know. I just couldn't let that little bit of longing go. I am able to share the book thought with A and G. As I drove up to London, they bought me lunch which was lovely. The petrol was shared and the parking was free. I got a student discount into the Royal Academy and I got a student discount on the book. Tra la la!! :)
As I walked around I read and learnt that they were so innovative. Of course with globalisation much of the skills and creativity have been copied in various forms. But now I have seen where much inspiration has come from.
It was interesting considering some of the thoughts of Susan Sontag on photography. Not in connection specifically with the Hungarian photographers but in general. For example her views of Diane Arbus or rather American freakishness captured moments. She seems to have a rather negative (excuse the pun) viewpoint of photography. Mind you I have not read her essays - just a snippet.
I would like to write more and share some of the photos I particularly liked. I will but right now I need to go to sleep.
A lovely but long day.
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