Tuesday, 30 August 2011

In response

Good morning S
How is your PMT? Any relief yet?
I am writing because I love your writing. Your honesty with yourself and the way you think about your experiences. And because I identify myself within your words.
My dad is ex-military and a total bigot. The odd thing is I am always attracted to the angst in a man. And I recognise this these days. I feel safe and as if they are strong and want ti take care of me. I always have found out that actually there is anger just under the surface. I sort of hero-worship for their bravery. Like I used to think cowboys are so manly and strong and brave.
Crazy - I romanticise all this and then discover that they are just angry and nasty to all including me. They want to look after me so long as I do exactly as they say. Unfortunately I am too much of a rebel and want to break free. I am very muddled around all this. I think it swings like the bi-polar does. After all look at the strong pull I had and can think about with M/s. I willingly wanted to learn to be completely giving of me. Ha how useless I was at that. I could not combat my own wants!! Good.
I also relate strongly to the way my size seems to be a focus of everything. I don't want to go out, or meet up with people. I never buy clothes. I make plans and cancel.
And so on. And as you remarked it is baffling how I take comfort in the unhealthy foods and yet feel dreadful immediately afterwards.
I have been studying the brain chemicals and the ways in which the natural opioids in out brains are stimulated hugely by sugars - bear in mind that sugars are high in some carbohydrates - white flour for example. So there is this genuine placating that takes place - briefly!! And if addictive, as I am, then this working with the addictive processes is lethal.
So it is a physiological process as well as an emotional and spiritual process. I am currently trying to eat healthier again after a few weeks of insatiable hunger which I truly believe is connected with the hormonal shifts of menopause. A magnified version for me of PMT and one that lasts longer.
And yes if you can take it HRT offers some relief from some of the symptoms - of which the ones I have are driving me crazy. I am gaining a little more acceptance - very slowly.
Right now I am relieved that the hunger has lifted and I am once again eating more healthily. I still allow myself all food types but stick to three meals per day - no snacks at all and minimise when I can the really high fat content and high sugar content. Plus I am walking every day even if only half an hour. And some sit ups again in the morning. All this had stopped for months. Loads of weight has piled back on. It's so frustrating that I turn to food to comfort when actually it no longer works. I would like to not turn to anything for comfort. I would like to be better practiced at working through whatever it is I am avoiding. Usually loneliness and sadness. Blah blah blah
Your birthday - you sound so similar to me. I thought for my 40th and my 50th I should do something big and special. I didn't. I am just not a big party person. Friends said I should have partied so for 2 years on the trot I arranged gatherings. It was nice but just not me. I enjoyed lots of people gathering for me - the first time was an exceptionally hot day and we had a huge gathering for a picnic. Everyone bought their own fare so the costs were zero - of course this was May.
The next year a friend suggested we have the picnic in her garden. Nice but actually I realised it was a lot of stress and I a not a big gathering type person
And I worried about who would come - I invited just about everyone I know from all over the world and some people I barely know too. Some of them I have never seen again which is no issue as they were people flitting by my life.
Since then I invite just my very closest friends - 3 of them and we go out for a meal. And then my other friend who doesn't like mixing with strangers (everyone is a stranger as she isolates really) we go out for an Indian meal or get a take away with her mum and sister. This year even that got bigger and more fussy than I really wanted.
I like it quiet and least fuss. But there are friends who say to me that I am not treating myself and that its a self esteem issue. I am not sure it is.
This year I had several gatherings with different friends simple quiet meals out.
It suits me.
And when PMT ish it may not be the easiest time to be working out what you want or need. There is no rush is there? You can decide not to decide for today.
I find it difficult to remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion even when it is prejudices and meanness. But they are of course allowed to be different from me.
I try to practice not trying to change peoples minds, being acceptant and not being afraid to put my views in too. However, it seems that some people are so prejudiced they cannot be open. It is pointless. I can continue to practice openness. I always hear something that is valuable to my own development.
However I have realised that there is no point in trying to put a different view across. Funnily enough a Chris I was pursuing for the wrong reasons was military and also bigoted. I couldn't understand why I so wanted him when he was so mean and nasty about the world. It's what I do. Overlook my own values just to try and be wanted. No more!
This means the path narrows I guess. But it is seemingly impossible to be with someone who has such opposing views. There needs to be some common ground within friendships.
As I read about your visit with Darren I felt quite concerned. I didn't like that you felt separate and their inhospitable ways and views - nah! Not nice.
It's funny what makes the world go around. I realise that I need to know meanness so that I also recognise inclusion and generosity and grace.
I work towards those qualities, I value them whereas those people who value segregation and closedness are really helpful in me finding my values. I just need to minimise time with them. Oh and stop trying to change them hahahaha.
I love reading your Blog - your thoughts. I hope you don't mind me having my thoughts on them. I will not send this of course to maintain your privacy. You just stimulate thoughts and ideas in me- thank you.


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