Does that sound extravagant and arrogant?
I think not. And by being so it does not mean that every other person isn't. Each of us are. We just need to take a peek to see that part of us without forgetting that others are too. This is surely the path that joins worthlessness with arrogance?
The Universe offered to remove the veil briefly for me to see this part of me. If I can see it in me then I can see it in others. And that's the marvel. Thank you Universe, thank you God.
And thank you God for getting my accreditation to a nearly completed first draft. From here it should be much easier to get it completed. I might have to apply a day to it. And then 2 whole days to catching up with my studies.
I feel a light at the end of the tunnel that has been distant and even around a corner so as to be unseen.
I attended my driver awareness training an wish to be more present when driving and careful. I have booked my car service and organised the borrowing of JB's car. He's so generous and helpful.
I have let PD know about the conversation at work regarding referrals. I was uncomfortable with my fear-filled response to L. And handed it back to her to speak with PD but I wanted him to know the situation beforehand.
I have started clearing away a few things in the lounge. I have booked a haircut at last.
I will call my dad later this evening between the end of groups and Aftercare.
Yes things are getting there..... and I can claim my life as B said this morning.
I know that I can be worthy of choosing the right people in my life. I am not sure yet how this bodes with friends I have. There is no reason for my friendship to lessen but I don't need to pander to the friendships in the areas that they don't meet. I like the people nonetheless. I don't feel quite so needy that's all.
There is of course more to write about all of this but for today I am feeling at ease with myself and all the issues that I am faced with.
They have not gone away - concern for my dad, sadness about our relationship, concern about finances and how to afford everything I want to do yet knowing I can adjust things to afford what I need. I have concerns for AB, she is more paranoid and less active. She is drinking heavily. I find it so sad to see it all going to pot. Oddly enough with RB gathering weight so is AB. She lost masses when RB was losing. It's such a dysfunctional dynamic.
I have pain in my side. Apparently it could be sciatica. no doctor has considered that or mentioned it before. Interesting. I think it has to be something much more deadly to be worthwhile.
So I shall continue doing some preparation study - already some way behind the schedule
I think not. And by being so it does not mean that every other person isn't. Each of us are. We just need to take a peek to see that part of us without forgetting that others are too. This is surely the path that joins worthlessness with arrogance?
The Universe offered to remove the veil briefly for me to see this part of me. If I can see it in me then I can see it in others. And that's the marvel. Thank you Universe, thank you God.
And thank you God for getting my accreditation to a nearly completed first draft. From here it should be much easier to get it completed. I might have to apply a day to it. And then 2 whole days to catching up with my studies.
I feel a light at the end of the tunnel that has been distant and even around a corner so as to be unseen.
I attended my driver awareness training an wish to be more present when driving and careful. I have booked my car service and organised the borrowing of JB's car. He's so generous and helpful.
I have let PD know about the conversation at work regarding referrals. I was uncomfortable with my fear-filled response to L. And handed it back to her to speak with PD but I wanted him to know the situation beforehand.
I have started clearing away a few things in the lounge. I have booked a haircut at last.
I will call my dad later this evening between the end of groups and Aftercare.
Yes things are getting there..... and I can claim my life as B said this morning.
I know that I can be worthy of choosing the right people in my life. I am not sure yet how this bodes with friends I have. There is no reason for my friendship to lessen but I don't need to pander to the friendships in the areas that they don't meet. I like the people nonetheless. I don't feel quite so needy that's all.
There is of course more to write about all of this but for today I am feeling at ease with myself and all the issues that I am faced with.
They have not gone away - concern for my dad, sadness about our relationship, concern about finances and how to afford everything I want to do yet knowing I can adjust things to afford what I need. I have concerns for AB, she is more paranoid and less active. She is drinking heavily. I find it so sad to see it all going to pot. Oddly enough with RB gathering weight so is AB. She lost masses when RB was losing. It's such a dysfunctional dynamic.
I have pain in my side. Apparently it could be sciatica. no doctor has considered that or mentioned it before. Interesting. I think it has to be something much more deadly to be worthwhile.
So I shall continue doing some preparation study - already some way behind the schedule
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