Well good day.
What a week!
Yesterday I attended the FA meeting in Abcurch Street. St Mary's Church actually. A beautiful church apparently designed by Sir Christopher Wren if I remember correctly. I met with H who has been visiting from Melbourne Australia. She was here for her Step 5. We share the same sponsor.
after the meeting and lunch with everyone we went off to the National together, H and I. She chose the impressionists. It was good actually to visit again and take even more in. Nothing is done I realise. H studied art history for her degree. How lucky she was. I want to study art history at some point. She was saying that the impressionists were not friendly with each other. How sad.

Pisarro - Boulevard Montmartre at Midnight.
The Van Gogh paintings were stupendous brought to life through another persons eyes. I wish I was an origicnal viewer but I am appreciating the enlightenment through someone else's experiences. She stopped and looked deeply at the paintings. The sunflowers were striking. The thickness of the paint making them seem all the more real and dense with aliveness. I wanted to touch them. And the Wheatfield - well it was sawaying and the sky swirling. I bought a copy but it's so flat. No screen or copy can actually reporoduce what I saw and felt in the presence of the real thing.

Van Gogh - Wheatfield with Cypresses.
There were so many I truly loved. It was better seeing just this one section although over several rooms. It was easier to digest more. I think A and I did too much but am glad to have been able to go back. I should just keep going to the National. G said he'd quite like to go as well.
The evening with G was tumultuous for me. It seems that when I express my thoughts and machinations I communicate it in such a way that it feels accusational to G. I want to be aware of his sensitivity. I want to talk too much maybe, share my insecurities too much? Who knows. My first insecurity rush was when he was talking about his visit with Mrs E. I realise he is very attached. It seemed more so than ever having had a pleasant visit with her. Probably that feeling was lingering when after sex I noticed a change in him. He wasn't looking at me in the same way. I felt scared and expressed my fear as best as I knew how. It seems he was feeling the villain. This was a sensitive time as with his issues with sex and mine too there was always room for danger. I have such strong feelings for him now. Yes already. I feel love and terror of his withdrawal from me now as I will hurt incredibly. It is possible of course. The risk I take. And of course all too soon I am sure some FA'ers will say. The difficulties are evidence of that perhaps. But I wonder if it's possibly the best thing that could happen to me and it's too difficult to let that pass me by. All his eagerness though cannot be sustained on the passion alone. He will not want to work because of him and yesterday or Friday I can't remember which he was wanting to because he was feeling eager. He wants to tell Mrs E the truth. He says whatever happens between him and I he will tell her. I was worried that this was also in the newness and eagerness. But as that enthusiasm wanes will he still want to. I have such negative thinking. It's very hard to separate the truth from the then made up truth in my had. My thinking is loaded with negative expectations. And I see clearly where the drive is from. My flipping childhood and ensuing experiences. It is my belief from experiences that men have their satisfaction and then withdraw. When they are wanting then they promise the earth and mean it. Later they withdraw all of that but in the meantime I am hopeful and adoring and waiting for their promises to be met.
I think I distort everything too. Maybe not everything but some things.
We are two very fragile children meeting in a grown up world.
It ended last evening with G unable to say whether he was staying or not. He wasn't able to reassure me and I wanted reassurance that he loved me and wasn't leaving me and also I wanted holding. Later we cuddled and then had sex again. He believes that the negative spell has been broken. I wanted to take that slowly in case he puts pressure on himself again.
Gosh it was up and down. It feels really tentative. I am not sure if I can take the ups and downs but also don't want it to finish. Part of me thinks he should sort out his situation with Mrs E, tell her and see if it's truly worth it. I don't want to be the other woman in any shape or form. I want to be his number one woman. I think he said I am. The point is there is a part of him that is emotionally engaged there. He didn't tell her yesterday and there is no time limit when he will. I wonder if he ever will. I am not sure how long I want to wait. I will go along with this for now. As for the issues I have with sex and love, well I don't know if he wants to deal with that with his own issues with sex and love. He said I need a rock. He is not it. I just needed his help in that moment. He was unable to offer it straight away and then I wonder if what was offered later on was real. The doubts and the negative thinking. And all probably being fuelled by our extreme tiredness. We are crazy kids staying up until the early hours of the morning. This morning it was about 5 am.
I still have not completed my assignment. And I'm back to work tomorrow. I do not want to return to work. It's just her and I as S is away herself now. I hear the noise pollution just thinking of the office. The great news I am off again in the middle of November - for a exam! And then hopefully I finish on 18th December. I start my new job with P on the 1st January. I am very much looking forward to that.
With G for me when its good its great! When its difficult I am in turmoil. If I were to say that I feel it's so fragile right now he might be on the run. I need guidance and don't have that fully at the moment because I am not speaking with any FA'ers about it.
I need support. At least I told H and it was very interesting when she asked me how I am experiencing Step 3 in this. I think it's on many levels. But what I see clearly si the dishonesty. I am not being honest and handing it over. By that I mean I am not being honest with my sponsor for fear that she will not wish to work with me. I value her input on my recovery and would like her to support this journey I want to embark upon. I would be tentative in being honest with her all the way down the line for fear of her thinking "I told you so" or along those lines with every difficulty. But I so think this is my experience of not trusting in God. God please help me to be entirely honest with her. I need her to know everything.
I can start by calling her and asking if she would be prepared to continue sponsoring me if I were to enter in this relationship with G. Eyes wide open wth lots of issues between us but feeling worthe the effort to explore. What if it's the best thing that could ever happen to me? I know there is the alternative of waiting and seeing in October next year. And if he really does love me then he would be prepared to wait. It's already gone beyond that now though. I have invited him in and she needs to know that. It's wither right in now or right out I guess. It's moving fast. I think he feels trapped a little.
That's what I feel about the real world suddenly being involved. We have had a week of Disneyland really. I have done nothing but focus on him and vice versa.
Anyway Step Three - I am not handing over to God that alternative option. To wait. If I take the commitment and hand it over to God then I don't get what I think I want right now. God is this the right path to follow. Please show me. Was yesterday a taster of how things can go badly between us. Are you showing me just how ready I am not? God please show me clearly and this may mean the hurt stepping in I guess as G steps out maybe. Gosh I so don't want that.
Are you showing me things that I am choosing to ignore, such as the trip to Haslemere when he became anxious and angry and looked unattractive in his feelings. Then showing me the handsome free version too. And then the fragility and withdrawal - are you showing me something about him or me that should not continue but will? And the situation with Mrs E. This is you showing me something too? Please God help me see through my selfish wants, my self-will.
On the otherhand it's not wrong. I seem to choose the rocky paths. I learn from them I suppose each time but maybe not the greater picture? Is there more to learn by not entering into this? I suppose there's more room to focus on just me instead of me in a relationship. He's prepared to go to Relate sometimes. I am prepared to go too. It would be helpful to have someone hear the individual negativity. I am not very good at making myself clear as I become accusational in my defensiveness. My Fear is enormous. My lack of trust is enormous. God help me to believe and trust.
So I am in Step Three but my experinece is the difficulty of truly handing everything over. I get confused with thinking that means doing it someone else's way. That is another humans ideas. I can see the point of handing the food over to the FA way. But as I think about it is only an idea which so far is working for me. My weight is stabilising and I feel better about my body than I have ever felt. I know it will still be the same tomorrow so long as I stick with the food plan given to me by my sponsor. Now why do I trust that as gospel and not the commitment to no relationships until my AWOL has finished? I heard that said in the tape I was listening to. She did take on the suggestion not to make the change she wanted to make with her relationship. So did K. I haven't. It's a sign I suppose just how compelling this relationship desire is for me. Meet a man I like and I want him. Bugger the commitment I made. Is this addiction? And how to find out what is addiction and not in the same way with the food. Approaching this in a balanced measured way. Food is necessary a relationship isn;t for survival. G saw that last evening. He mentioned the withdrawal of alcohol but the difficulty with food. He was touching on that relationship addiction thing. Where is the intimacy when there's addiction at play? Is it addiction or is it real? My feelings appear real to me. I want to beliee everything he says is truth and real.
Phew it's complex. I am in a whir. I am scared he's going. I am scared it's purely addiction and lust in me or in him. God is this a sign to follow the rocky or apth or leave it now. You are giving me choices. The step three then comes back to handing it all over to You and that means honesty with my sponsor and other FA'ers.
God guide me please. Thank you.
ps - amidst all of this would you believe it CY sends me a text with Steve Harley lyrics -
"Don't you know, life gets tedious enough
Without this extra grudge to bare"
Now I was aware it was lyrics and found the song. But I wondered why out of the blue and when entering into another relationship this should happen. I was tempted to reply but haven't. I wanted him to know I found the lyrics but in such a way he thought I was a musical genius to know. I would ahte it if G was responding to something so potentially tempting and loaded witha torrid past however fast and furious it was. Uh uh. I do not want that at all.
I value G and I see his vulnerability and love that in him as much as it can also trigger difficulties for me. I am afraid thought that it is his vulnerability that has made ne feel safe and when not vulnerable I feel scared to death. Scared he is going with his confidence in tact. What about me me me?
The entire song ...
Mr. Soft, turn around and force the world
To watch the things you're going through
Mr. Soft, believe everything they tell you
And be dammed if they'll thank you
You paint everything so cruel,
Coming on like Mr. Cool;
Paint your face and shut the gate,
No one's coming home till late
Don't you know, life gets tedious enough
Without this extra grudge to bare
You, so slow, shift your ideas, make your mind up
In a jiffy, let' s be fair
We'll be taking off tonight,
Turn off your eyes and shut the light,
You're the most, you're so unreal,
We'd all be dead without your spiel!
Mr. Soft, go to town and bring the dawn in,
In the morning on your way
Mr. Soft, put your feet upon the water
And play Jesus for the day
You begin to hear them mumble,
Spot the Starman, rough-and-tumble,
Fight the good fight, sling your axe,
Watch the speaker lead the packs
What a week!
Yesterday I attended the FA meeting in Abcurch Street. St Mary's Church actually. A beautiful church apparently designed by Sir Christopher Wren if I remember correctly. I met with H who has been visiting from Melbourne Australia. She was here for her Step 5. We share the same sponsor.
after the meeting and lunch with everyone we went off to the National together, H and I. She chose the impressionists. It was good actually to visit again and take even more in. Nothing is done I realise. H studied art history for her degree. How lucky she was. I want to study art history at some point. She was saying that the impressionists were not friendly with each other. How sad.
Pisarro - Boulevard Montmartre at Midnight.
The Van Gogh paintings were stupendous brought to life through another persons eyes. I wish I was an origicnal viewer but I am appreciating the enlightenment through someone else's experiences. She stopped and looked deeply at the paintings. The sunflowers were striking. The thickness of the paint making them seem all the more real and dense with aliveness. I wanted to touch them. And the Wheatfield - well it was sawaying and the sky swirling. I bought a copy but it's so flat. No screen or copy can actually reporoduce what I saw and felt in the presence of the real thing.

Van Gogh - Wheatfield with Cypresses.
There were so many I truly loved. It was better seeing just this one section although over several rooms. It was easier to digest more. I think A and I did too much but am glad to have been able to go back. I should just keep going to the National. G said he'd quite like to go as well.
The evening with G was tumultuous for me. It seems that when I express my thoughts and machinations I communicate it in such a way that it feels accusational to G. I want to be aware of his sensitivity. I want to talk too much maybe, share my insecurities too much? Who knows. My first insecurity rush was when he was talking about his visit with Mrs E. I realise he is very attached. It seemed more so than ever having had a pleasant visit with her. Probably that feeling was lingering when after sex I noticed a change in him. He wasn't looking at me in the same way. I felt scared and expressed my fear as best as I knew how. It seems he was feeling the villain. This was a sensitive time as with his issues with sex and mine too there was always room for danger. I have such strong feelings for him now. Yes already. I feel love and terror of his withdrawal from me now as I will hurt incredibly. It is possible of course. The risk I take. And of course all too soon I am sure some FA'ers will say. The difficulties are evidence of that perhaps. But I wonder if it's possibly the best thing that could happen to me and it's too difficult to let that pass me by. All his eagerness though cannot be sustained on the passion alone. He will not want to work because of him and yesterday or Friday I can't remember which he was wanting to because he was feeling eager. He wants to tell Mrs E the truth. He says whatever happens between him and I he will tell her. I was worried that this was also in the newness and eagerness. But as that enthusiasm wanes will he still want to. I have such negative thinking. It's very hard to separate the truth from the then made up truth in my had. My thinking is loaded with negative expectations. And I see clearly where the drive is from. My flipping childhood and ensuing experiences. It is my belief from experiences that men have their satisfaction and then withdraw. When they are wanting then they promise the earth and mean it. Later they withdraw all of that but in the meantime I am hopeful and adoring and waiting for their promises to be met.
I think I distort everything too. Maybe not everything but some things.
We are two very fragile children meeting in a grown up world.
It ended last evening with G unable to say whether he was staying or not. He wasn't able to reassure me and I wanted reassurance that he loved me and wasn't leaving me and also I wanted holding. Later we cuddled and then had sex again. He believes that the negative spell has been broken. I wanted to take that slowly in case he puts pressure on himself again.
Gosh it was up and down. It feels really tentative. I am not sure if I can take the ups and downs but also don't want it to finish. Part of me thinks he should sort out his situation with Mrs E, tell her and see if it's truly worth it. I don't want to be the other woman in any shape or form. I want to be his number one woman. I think he said I am. The point is there is a part of him that is emotionally engaged there. He didn't tell her yesterday and there is no time limit when he will. I wonder if he ever will. I am not sure how long I want to wait. I will go along with this for now. As for the issues I have with sex and love, well I don't know if he wants to deal with that with his own issues with sex and love. He said I need a rock. He is not it. I just needed his help in that moment. He was unable to offer it straight away and then I wonder if what was offered later on was real. The doubts and the negative thinking. And all probably being fuelled by our extreme tiredness. We are crazy kids staying up until the early hours of the morning. This morning it was about 5 am.
I still have not completed my assignment. And I'm back to work tomorrow. I do not want to return to work. It's just her and I as S is away herself now. I hear the noise pollution just thinking of the office. The great news I am off again in the middle of November - for a exam! And then hopefully I finish on 18th December. I start my new job with P on the 1st January. I am very much looking forward to that.
With G for me when its good its great! When its difficult I am in turmoil. If I were to say that I feel it's so fragile right now he might be on the run. I need guidance and don't have that fully at the moment because I am not speaking with any FA'ers about it.
I need support. At least I told H and it was very interesting when she asked me how I am experiencing Step 3 in this. I think it's on many levels. But what I see clearly si the dishonesty. I am not being honest and handing it over. By that I mean I am not being honest with my sponsor for fear that she will not wish to work with me. I value her input on my recovery and would like her to support this journey I want to embark upon. I would be tentative in being honest with her all the way down the line for fear of her thinking "I told you so" or along those lines with every difficulty. But I so think this is my experience of not trusting in God. God please help me to be entirely honest with her. I need her to know everything.
I can start by calling her and asking if she would be prepared to continue sponsoring me if I were to enter in this relationship with G. Eyes wide open wth lots of issues between us but feeling worthe the effort to explore. What if it's the best thing that could ever happen to me? I know there is the alternative of waiting and seeing in October next year. And if he really does love me then he would be prepared to wait. It's already gone beyond that now though. I have invited him in and she needs to know that. It's wither right in now or right out I guess. It's moving fast. I think he feels trapped a little.
That's what I feel about the real world suddenly being involved. We have had a week of Disneyland really. I have done nothing but focus on him and vice versa.
Anyway Step Three - I am not handing over to God that alternative option. To wait. If I take the commitment and hand it over to God then I don't get what I think I want right now. God is this the right path to follow. Please show me. Was yesterday a taster of how things can go badly between us. Are you showing me just how ready I am not? God please show me clearly and this may mean the hurt stepping in I guess as G steps out maybe. Gosh I so don't want that.
Are you showing me things that I am choosing to ignore, such as the trip to Haslemere when he became anxious and angry and looked unattractive in his feelings. Then showing me the handsome free version too. And then the fragility and withdrawal - are you showing me something about him or me that should not continue but will? And the situation with Mrs E. This is you showing me something too? Please God help me see through my selfish wants, my self-will.
On the otherhand it's not wrong. I seem to choose the rocky paths. I learn from them I suppose each time but maybe not the greater picture? Is there more to learn by not entering into this? I suppose there's more room to focus on just me instead of me in a relationship. He's prepared to go to Relate sometimes. I am prepared to go too. It would be helpful to have someone hear the individual negativity. I am not very good at making myself clear as I become accusational in my defensiveness. My Fear is enormous. My lack of trust is enormous. God help me to believe and trust.
So I am in Step Three but my experinece is the difficulty of truly handing everything over. I get confused with thinking that means doing it someone else's way. That is another humans ideas. I can see the point of handing the food over to the FA way. But as I think about it is only an idea which so far is working for me. My weight is stabilising and I feel better about my body than I have ever felt. I know it will still be the same tomorrow so long as I stick with the food plan given to me by my sponsor. Now why do I trust that as gospel and not the commitment to no relationships until my AWOL has finished? I heard that said in the tape I was listening to. She did take on the suggestion not to make the change she wanted to make with her relationship. So did K. I haven't. It's a sign I suppose just how compelling this relationship desire is for me. Meet a man I like and I want him. Bugger the commitment I made. Is this addiction? And how to find out what is addiction and not in the same way with the food. Approaching this in a balanced measured way. Food is necessary a relationship isn;t for survival. G saw that last evening. He mentioned the withdrawal of alcohol but the difficulty with food. He was touching on that relationship addiction thing. Where is the intimacy when there's addiction at play? Is it addiction or is it real? My feelings appear real to me. I want to beliee everything he says is truth and real.
Phew it's complex. I am in a whir. I am scared he's going. I am scared it's purely addiction and lust in me or in him. God is this a sign to follow the rocky or apth or leave it now. You are giving me choices. The step three then comes back to handing it all over to You and that means honesty with my sponsor and other FA'ers.
God guide me please. Thank you.
ps - amidst all of this would you believe it CY sends me a text with Steve Harley lyrics -
"Don't you know, life gets tedious enough
Without this extra grudge to bare"
Now I was aware it was lyrics and found the song. But I wondered why out of the blue and when entering into another relationship this should happen. I was tempted to reply but haven't. I wanted him to know I found the lyrics but in such a way he thought I was a musical genius to know. I would ahte it if G was responding to something so potentially tempting and loaded witha torrid past however fast and furious it was. Uh uh. I do not want that at all.
I value G and I see his vulnerability and love that in him as much as it can also trigger difficulties for me. I am afraid thought that it is his vulnerability that has made ne feel safe and when not vulnerable I feel scared to death. Scared he is going with his confidence in tact. What about me me me?
The entire song ...
Mr. Soft, turn around and force the world
To watch the things you're going through
Mr. Soft, believe everything they tell you
And be dammed if they'll thank you
You paint everything so cruel,
Coming on like Mr. Cool;
Paint your face and shut the gate,
No one's coming home till late
Don't you know, life gets tedious enough
Without this extra grudge to bare
You, so slow, shift your ideas, make your mind up
In a jiffy, let' s be fair
We'll be taking off tonight,
Turn off your eyes and shut the light,
You're the most, you're so unreal,
We'd all be dead without your spiel!
Mr. Soft, go to town and bring the dawn in,
In the morning on your way
Mr. Soft, put your feet upon the water
And play Jesus for the day
You begin to hear them mumble,
Spot the Starman, rough-and-tumble,
Fight the good fight, sling your axe,
Watch the speaker lead the packs
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