Well today, although internally terrified, I sent a letter recorded delivery to T. It was a card actually.
It said
It said
Dear Theresa,
Firstly I would like to say thank you for organising father’s funeral service. It was a lovely service and appreciated by all. I would also like to thank you personally for the support you were able to give father over the past few months as his illness progressed.
Secondly I would like to be present when his will is read. I am aware that you may not know my address and I therefore give the details as follows;
Pamela A Roberts, 6 blah blah blah My telephone number is xxxxx xxxxxx.
I would appreciate it if you forward these details to your solicitor and ask him to either write or telephone me as soon as possible informing me of the date and venue for the reading of the will. You will appreciate that I need to book the time of work and arrange the work diary to suit.
Once again, thanks you for organising the funeral and for being there for father in his last days
So what do you think?
.... I have more to write about the comporting but right now have to get off towards Kent (alone - as G walked out again)
Yep over the last two to three days there is so much to say. My life is never boring I can honestly say that.
I will continue with the comporting. I'd appreciate any views on the letter as I am pooping myself when she gets it. But there's fathers voice again ... I've done something wrong, a money grabber etc etc. I know he thought I was always taking and to be fair to hi at times that's what I did. I walked away from houses and lost fortunes. I have never been responsible with money and material things. It's odd. And yet I WANT!
So he may have even primed her for me wanting things. I want things that were my mums and his to have - it's sort of part of the holding on to them both. I feel lost without them oddly and I want some worldy things to have them close. And yet I know deep down those things are not them at all. And also there are some things I like but they are then just more clutter. I'd like the painting and I'd like the ivory peacock. I used to play with it. AND I'd love my dads medals. They were his pride and joy and he was a good solider by all accounts. A proper soldier JH said. And PW told me that my dad experienced some horrible things.
More to be written on these events over these last few days and another flipping adventure to be had today visiting my family for my Auntie O's birthday.
On the way I will call RW and say how sorry I am for the loss of his father. And even worse I didn't know for months. My dad didn't tell me. I would have been at the funeral but of course my dad would want to keep me away from T or she keep him away from me. It's so flipping hurtful and difficult not to take personally. Bless them both God. I pray for them both. only You know what is best for them and for me.
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