Monday, 8 April 2013


Mohammed said "riches come not from an abundance of worldly goods but from a contented mind."

Shakepeare said "my crown is in my heart, not on my head, not decked with diamonds or Indian stones. Not to be seen my crown is called content. A crown it is that kings seldom enjoy."

Buddha said "contentment is the most excellent wealth"

Nagarjuna (great Indian Master) said "there is no treasure like contentment".... "of all the taps of wealth, it is contentment which beset by the gods of men to be the most supreme. Try for contentment and should you achieve it, even without material wealth, you will truly have found your fortune."

It's how we were, my father and I. But I was a child - he did things to me and treated me in ways that were harsh and inappropriate for a child. I did things in adulthood too. Things I am very sorry about today and work constantly to move away from. I feel as if I'm being punished for that now by my father. But that is the way he worked. I am bound to feel terrible not only as I crossed my own principles but also because my father would never be able to forgive. He did not have the capacity. Also right from the beginning of my time I was being attuned to the idea that I was imperfect and bad.
It's difficult for me to be able to stand up and say this is not okay. Of course it is because that's been set up from the beginning. I had all rights taken from me from the start. I was wrong he was always right. There was no room for me to be me and that would be okay.
I'm just going to see if I have a case. Sticking up for myself is terrifying because I come from an abusive background. I have such little self-worth.
If there is a way to stand up for myself. Am I justified? But at least I ca

Our feelings are our feelings but I can easily get caught up in the rights and wrongs. This in turn can be a way of avoiding the feelings. I start thinking.

The only way is through. The more I tried to go around it all the harder it gets and the more complicated it gets. I can be addicted to thinking as much as anything else.
It gets back to quiet time, meditation. The time when I release emotions is sometimes through others situations, watching TV or when someone is compassionate.
Conclusive episodes is what I want. But that's not going to happen, it's a process. And when I can accept it's all a process there is a relief and freedom. I can be gentle with myself.



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