Monday, 18 August 2014

Angels exist

Today I witnessed a beautiful thing. A lady I've had the honour of knowing have an injection of life into a man who was dying inside. PD today was given the lifeline and I saw him resisting with pride but also accept with honour.
I pray to God that you can remove my jealousy and self-obsession, as I sat and thought "why wasn't I offered that?" And "why am I only the manager." And " surely people can see the lackings???". I want to chop out this way of thinking and stick with the beauty I saw. I hope PD will also hold onto his home as this is an opportunity for him to really grow without the need to be the entrepreneur out on his own. He can be a part of the bigger organisation. It's where he belongs.
Please God help me to see the good in people and nurture rather than condemn. I want to love people and accept them for who they are, to be able to encourage their assets and be a part of their growth not instigate their downfall. Yet I hold this part of me that says but can't you see ...... See what Bliss?, that everyone including YOU Bliss have shortcomings but also great skills and experiences.
I hope that this afternoon I became part of the encouragement and joy and was far away from the negativity within me. Please God remove it in all it's forms. Show me how to be loving, caring and far from my insecurities. In that way jealousy and negative thinking will surely go God willing.

I'm scared to tell my sponsor my thinking because she'll make more judgement on me that I believe I picked up on the other day when I was explaining about PD spin doctoring and she said firmly said, " let him have his dignity!" Why wouldn't i? Well because it misrepresents me and I'm too afraid that on my own I can be of merit. I feel inferior just by being female let alone suddenly having no confidence. God please be with me and show me the way, every single step of it.
Thank you God I know you will.


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