Dilemma: What to do about work
Date: 3rd August 2014
Decisions needed by: well finally 12th August but a lot is dependent on a number of other people in between time
Decision Importance: Weighty
Indecisiveness level: Wishy and partisan too
Best case scenario:
Have my own business going (ACT - Addiction Counselling and Therapy), working 4 days per week with regular referrals and 4/5 clients per day. Workshops up and running
Pipe dream but not impossible over two years I think
4 day per week employment with PD at AC for the next 2 years and an additional staff member.
Earning more money - unlikely with PD
Not a pipe dream but dependent on PD feeling able to carry on and getting funding.
Worst case scenario:
Out of work and on benefits if even possible these days.
Not apocalypse at all. But not great either in terms of income.
Gut Feelings
Not to work for the P BUT will go for second interview to work towards avoiding worse case scenario
Really this job interview is to go for it should AC not be in existence.
Pluses for working for them:
Could enjoy bringing the team back together.
Minuses of this - takes a lot of energy within a company that does not invest in staff or care for them so would be fighting for resources all the time and needing to justify against very tight budgets.
Pluses - increase in money (if I can negotiate it I would want at least £5k more than I'm on now)
Minuses - wouldn't really have the time to do my private work at all and also would have to see what could be done about time off for studying if start date before the end of my degree. I would want 4 days per week but it is a full time job.
Pluses - I could solidify contacts for referrals when I left.
Minuses - further to travel and would be on call really.
Pluses - nice working environment
Minuses - FC is leaving, team are in deep despair and low morale/motivation.
Gut feelings Stay at Addiction Care - definitely feels best option
Pluses - PD is a good man
Minuses - we think differently on what is support and how to support clients. I described it this morning as being two parents who have different beliefs on how to bring the kids up. I can find ways to compromise and discuss and negotiate with him and not involve the kids. (Plus - growth for me)
Pluses - do have time to do my own business and also don't have the responsibility of managing and being the decision maker merely the contributor (prefer less responsibility in that way)
Minuses - can't see any in connection with that point. Money stays the same though - but can earn a little extra with own business. However, I am not cementing any referral contacts in my own name.
Pluses - if the business grows I know PD would look after me financially
Minuses - It's hard work with PD himself. I get critical and judgmental. His mood swings can affect me and wear away at me. Sometimes I'm okay and when I;m not there it's better. It would be better if there were someone else involved as well
Another minus - it's all up in the air until tomorrow after he's spoken to his funder today.
Pluses - I am realising how grateful I am with all the benefits of this job and how when I see the negatives I am extreme and want out straight away. Grass is always greener. Grateful that I've been shown this Thank you God.
Gut feelings P at Gatwick - would love the therapy learning but it's in the wrong location. Gut instinct - don't go for the interview stop wasting theirs and my time. It's not until 12th August either so .....
Pluses - as I said the opportunity to learn more therapy
Minuses - gut feeling stuff about B and C. Both lovely people but not sure they would be to work for.
Pluses - secondary unit so not dealing with hard core addiction - people moving on and wanting to work deeper.
Minuses - the location - too far to travel and even considering a move is problematic. LouLou is very settled with A and G. They do not charge me and are more like family anyway.
Gut feelings - on benefits and develop own business. SCARY!! Not sure if I can overcome my fear. BUT this is the most favourable option.
Pluses - wouldn't have to travel so far
Minuses - like working with colleagues and this would be very lonely
Pluses - would have time to wok more on studies to completion date
Minuses - little to no income and not able to save for Singapore.
Pluses - could do lots of little jobs in between time
Minuses - not so easy to get lots of little jobs and will take the time I want for setting up etc and still earning low money
Pluses - it's what I want to try and want to believe in myself
Minuses - no minuses to that oh except lacking in self-belief and then think it's a silly idea and how can I make that work.
Pluses - once degree is completed I can spend time on differnt training courses and gain more confidence and develop self in this work (I can do this at AC too)
minuses - loan working and getting workshops up and running with another is still intermittent.
Pluses - I have lots of people support in other ways. It would be great to do this in partnership with someone else to bolster each other and somehow it's not as scary then as being on my own and doing it.
Pluses - I could really promote myself more as an artists model but that's just sort of developing slowly and maybe I need to allow ACT to just develop slowly and get known that way.
Intuition conclusion:
Wait and see what PD decides and if he's going ahead stick with him - plan to be there next 18 months and learn how to work through niggles and issues.
If he decides to fold - take redundancy and risk benefits and promote own business.
Rational conclusion;
Wait and see what PD decides and if he's going ahead stick with him - plan to be there net 18 months and learn how to work through niggles and issues.
If offered, take the P job as manager. Save, save, save. Develop contacts with a view in 18 months to 2 years to leave and focus on own business - heart sinks as I say this. Still feel as if I'm selling my soul to the devil.
Decision: For today wait and see what PD comes back with and really hope that he wants to go ahead as this is the best option for me. I'm not sure it's the best option for him and his health.
Next step: Get on with essay and see what he says tomorrow. Leave it until then. And then re-evaluate.
Good plan Bliss!
Bliss :)
Thank you God. This little thing was sent along just at the right time.
It has solidified what was really becoming clearer yesterday and all week I've been praying for clarity
You are a marvel God. :)
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