Sunday, 6 March 2011

cells to conciousness

I am thoroughly enjoying my studies. Fascinated.
And delighted that despite a lot of terminology some of it is sinking in and making sense too.

It's a little chilly sitting andreading so I have my feet on Val Doonigan - toastie warm tootsies.

Going to create cafeBliss - a coffee lounge atmosphere to my lounge.
Goodness knows how or indeed why but it's good for a change.

And all the bits of things I have accumulated can surely go into making an interesting collage. One way to get rid of bits without throwing them away.
The rest will be sold on in a car boot sale. AB and I getting organised ha ha ha ah - that's really funny. Need some tressel tables. Everyone seems to get decorators in these days.
I will mention it to Tim he seems to have bits and pieces or may now a tressel table owner.

I need to sort out my FDAP membership and get the insurance organised and pursue the idea of regular group therapy at practically zero charge.

So here we are lots of ideas.

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