Sunday, 6 March 2011

Gridding in the network

Francis Desforges
Today at Art Natters talked through her recent works in art - labour that she also described as a love. She has a fascination with grids and it was interesting to hear her ideas formulating from grids. And the ways in which she grids took on a life and meaning for her whilst she was painting, drawing, creating. What a lovely lady - a lady with enthusiasm and passion for her creations. I liked her manner, very gracious.
I spoke with her afterwards about plasticity and about nerve nets. It never ceases to bring a smile to me when everything Universal comes together.

It was interesting how she had created grids in many forms. And her research into other artists and philosophers ideas of grids. I was particularly interested in her findings of grids appearing in cave paintings from early man. And of course this related with recent studies of the human biology. We had a good old chat about this. Which led onto the psychological meaning I have of plasticity. My understanding is how things alter according to environmental demands for example the ways in which the brain will find new neural pathways following a stroke. People's brains compensate for damage. And how in infants neural pathways "harden" according to the environment but then learning a language for example are ways in which there is evidence of change and flexibility. Then a gentleman added his thought of the plastic being so temporary rather than fluid and disposable rather than renewing. Interesting getting these flows of ideas. Loved it.
The flow being different depending on the context and the perspectives. Fascinating. People coming together with the ability to openly discuss the differences and no one being right all being possible.

Lost Love
He filled the loneliness of the line of the hill
 Defining the brow
He completed the valley
He brought trees to life
 And filled in the spaces between them
He brightened sunrise
He coloured paintings
He spirited art
He left no gaps between the gaps
Rain sparkled
Wind cleansed
Fire told stories
His stories brought smiles
Breath had purpose
Moments had meaning
He's off travelling new gorges
 Climbing new peaks
His departure
A vacuum of airless void.

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