Tuesday 11 January 2011


Uhmm a word I wouldn't have used even though heard. I wonder if I can incorporate this somehow in my desire to improve my vocabulary
An attack or a criticism.
Why? Well it was in someones summary of a book I thought I might like to read - as if I have so much available time to read. Ha - Philip Roth Portnoy's Complaint. He also wrote the Human Stain. Of which I watched the film the other day. The story held some interest for me but the film I didn't really get a lot from. I didn't really care for the characters like I thought I should be caring considering their story.
Anyway I do not have time to read or write this. I want to do a little studying this morning before leaving for work. And on the way to work I want to collect LL's tablets.
That means leaving here about 11am and that means stopping everything about 1030. Poo it's already 10.
I am so undisciplined.




I spoke with Pippi. I am not gong to visit SL for the foreseeable future. So tonight I went for one last time to give her all the silly things I have and the LM's of the lovely places I have been. I met Pippi and her friend. I gave them some playful things and LM's, one last parachute off the Eifel Tower, had one last bounce on the trampoline and fired myself from the canon and said goodbye. It was funny because her friend said I was like a fairy Godmother giving them lots of gifts and taking them to magical places and then leaving never to be seen again. That made me smile and felt nice. I really enjoyed this little time with them, playing and giggling. I have never done that in SL before. What a great couple of people. I am glad to have met them. I will have contact as before with CD and I am glad of our curious friendship. How wodnerful to be bourhgt together through the mystery of the Internet.

It was a good farewell for me. A nice ending - no darkness just light and creativity. SL end for me.
I had hoped to locate the psychologist at the University there but it wasn't to be and so I could contact him via the OU anyway. But I haven't really got time anymore for personal interest research. Study study study my priority!!

I have JH on my mind all the time and want to be loyal to him as my friend. I have no desires for another Master or meeting another man. I love him. And the transition to friends is really important to me. I enjoy JH and it's good not to have all the insecurities we create in each other when we are just moseying along together - easy peasy.

I have started opening my books and looking at the DVDs for my course. Fascinating. I think I need some help putting a timetable together. Time to study, time to work, time for relaxation, time for friends. How on earth will I do this. Universe please show me how??????

The doc was really nice. I hadn't met her before. I gave her a long list of symptoms. She is also in menopause and said that a lot of the symptoms are familiar with menopause. She also can't take HRT so referred me to a reliable website to have a read of helpful tips. I ignored this so far today.


Anyhow she wants to repeat some blood tests as there were some last Aug that were on the low end of OK and its apparently important to check as in menopause changes can be fast and often symptoms are overlooked assuming everything is menopause.So a load of blood to be taken and after a 12 hour fast too. Poo.
I just feel generally unwell. Tired and absolutely no energy. I really find this very frustrating. Walking today was truly hard work. I would be miserable if walking was taken from me. I love walking, being out with the wind and the rain and the sunshine and the frost and the views and the dogs and the freedom of space. Wind in my hair, air on my skin. I could not bear life without walking. If this were a horror story then my worst nightmares would be easy to haunt me with ..... :)

It's late now = going to sleep.
Missing JH. It surely will get easier. Won't it?????
