Friday 8 July 2011

A Listening Walk

I, listened hearing the gaps of the silent crows. And through their quietened squawking talk, a pitter patter on the pavement. Then a muffled phut, phut on the grass. Large drips plopped off corners of buidlings and leaking drainpipes. It was raining! I could feel the sound of the rain on my skin through it's coolness, refreshing. Wind rushed through the trees, rustling the leaves, flurrying the water droplets previously taking rest there. They spluttered to the ground. Water streaming faintly towards a drain, tipping over the edge and dropping into the tunnels below, the sound emphasised with the echo. Turning along the stretch beside the young river. Water droplets sounding very different now as they plip plop, and faster now, as the sky intensifies its darkness, fresh water hurtling downwards. Running now, I take shelter in an archway formed by two thatched roofs. I can hear the rain pounding into the straw, sort of rattling. Still by the river water cascades into the river. The liquid sunshine flowing and collecting down the valley hills, dropping into drains with a scurrying, tumbling into drains. Picking up speed, rushing rushing until free falling into the river and carrying on it's journey. The village rush hour of three cars swished by and splashed through road puddles. Running for home,I smiled at the flip flap of my shoes hit the sodden pathways and the pitter pad patter pad of my dogs paws beside me.

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