Wednesday 18 April 2012


Trip Advisor rates it highly - Las Laureles. I had my first abstinent meal out on the town. It was tempting I have to say but because R had phoned in advance there was a safety built in. I wanted to whip a chip off D's plate. Or take a spoonful of chocolate deserts. I didn't. My abstinence means so much.
It has been tempting at times. So many luscious foods and fruit falling off trees. Not to mention a banquet served before me with every meal at home. Yes! It has been challenging. If I had started on any single thing outside of my meal plan it would have been a week of gorging myself and weight gain. Not to mention the shame of being known for eating and eating. And that's without the food stuffs I would have sneaked.
Phew! You see I have stuck with it and feel good about that. I do feel bloated thought and have done all day. I saw my tummy was rounded. I think this seems to happen every few days. This seems to be related to not going to the toilet regularly. Too much information.
I had salad, served as hors d'oeuvres. Then beautifully cooked hake with broccoli.
Delicious. My food is clean, humbly tasty and abstinent. I missed my dressing but hey ho. Less is more as B suggested. And it was plenty of food.


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