Thursday 1 March 2012

Wear things lightly .... let go

I was sent this today and how relevant it was with the controlling me .......

      by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.
It is a strange fact of life that we let little - very little -      things take away our precious peace of mind. How silly is that? In his      wonderful book, Joy      Is My Compass, Alan Cohen describes his great moment of      awakening when it came to letting go of trivial things in his life that      tend to drive him crazy. This moment didn't come upon him on the top of a      great mountain or at the edge of a vast ocean. No, his moment of      awakening came to him at McDonald's! (There are many paths to awakening!)
He reports that from the minute he walked into McDonald's for a      quick lunch, he was miserable. He remembered someone telling him there      was sugar in the French fries. He imagined the presence of preservatives      in the apple pie. He lamented the preponderance of noisy kids disturbing      the whole environment, and on and on and on. He vowed he would never      return. But, then, as he sat there in what he called "the smog of my      own thoughts," the voice from his Higher Self came through loud and      clear. It asked him a profound question that made all the difference...

"What if this were all      alright?"
He gasped, "What do you mean...alright?!? This is      terrible!" His Higher Self answered...

"What if nothing around      you holds any power to make you unhappy?"
What a concept! What a breakthrough! All of a sudden, Alan Cohen      saw everything with new eyes. He looked at the boisterous kids and      decided their laughter and shouts reflected their joy. What's wrong with      a little joy in the middle of the afternoon? He decided a little sugar      and preservatives wasn't going to affect his ability to love. He decided      that everything that was previously annoying him was totally alright. He      said...

"Something happened to      me when I let it all be OK. I felt relief. My heart opened. I was at      peace. I had found the answer to being there. I had found the answer to      all of life. Just let it be."
With this realization, he got in line for some more French fries      and apple pie, which, he concluded, was what they serve in heaven! And he      basked in the wonder of letting it all be alright.
After I read Alan Cohen's story, I thought about all the little      things in my life that I was constantly obsessing about...getting the      right table in the restaurant, the weather, the stock market, the      traffic, points of view that were different from mine, other people's      behavior, getting everywhere on time. And so on. What a struggle!
What if any table I got was OK? What if the weather was perfect      exactly as it was? What if the delays in traffic were just part of the      scene? What if other people's opinion had nothing to do with my      happiness? What if life would go on joyfully even if I arrived at an      appointment a little bit late? What if all that little stuff was OK? What      a freedom! Then I would be "wearing the world just as a loose      garment" instead of struggling to make it all different than it is.
So much of our struggle with life has to do primarily with minor      things in life. The big things often pull forward an incredible sense of      power and inner knowing. I had breast cancer many years ago and I handled      it beautifully. I made it a triumph instead of a tragedy. By way of      contrast, I got a very bad hair perm three weeks before my present      marriage. Did I make that a triumph? No way. You would have thought my      world was coming to an end. Even after the wedding, I was upset for      months until the frizzy hair finally grew out.
Does this make any sense on a Spiritual level? Absolutely not!      My Higher Self could care less about my hair. It's hard to believe my      Lower Self cared so much, but it did. Had I known what I know today, I      would have been in a much better position to say to myself...

Let go. Let peace. Let joy.
I think all of us should paste stickers everywhere we can see      them, that say, "What if this were all alright?" It would help      to remind us to pull ourselves out of the negativity of our Lower Self      and lift us to the freedom of our Higher Self.
So think about the many little things that cause upset in your      life. Getting a dent in your new car. Forgetting to buy something at the      supermarket. Sitting in the airport for two hours because the plane was      delayed. Rain when you had invited people over for a picnic. It's at      these times that we really need to take a step back and asked ourselves      that profound question..."What if this were all alright?" Yes,      we do what we can to change what is not working in our life, but for      those many little things we can't control, letting go, letting peace and      letting joy is the heavenly way to go.
As an exercise, I suggest you write down all of the situations      in your life that are causing you struggle and ask yourself the same      question about each situation..."What if this were all alright?"      Each time you ask this question, take a deep breath and relax. You will      experience a momentary feeling of peace. Do this over and over again      until just the asking of the question is associated with a deep breath      and a feeling of relaxation. And as you go through each day, notice where      you are trying to control everything around you. Add it to your list and      keep asking yourself the question, "What if this were all      alright?"
If you think about it, what I am talking about here is simply a      shift in focus. Why do we always look at what's missing instead of what's      there? Why do we always look at the bad, instead of the good? Why do we      always focus on the ugliness instead of the beauty? When we focus on      what's missing, or what's bad, or what's ugly, we are operating from the      level of the Lower Self. Why not rise above the Lower Self and see what      the world looks like from the Higher Self?
We can create this shift in focus in all areas of our life that      bring us upset. The truth is that blessings surround us all the time.      That shift in focus isn't a delusion. In fact...

We are deluding ourselves      when we focus on the bad!
Read that again! So when that lousy table comes up and there are      no others available, you say to yourself, "Yes the table may be      lousy, but look at all that is wonderful in this situation. How blessed I      am!" Indeed, when life is seen in this way, we are a step farther in      conquering our control addictions and there is very little that can take      away our peace of mind.
I know it takes a lot of practice to reach a "let go"      state of mind, but the one thing I can assure you is...I'll be practicing      right along with you!
From my      heart to yours,
Susan Jeffers
Copyright © 2012 Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
      Adapted from End      the Struggle and Dance with Life

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